Sunday, June 22, 2014

One way to watch the World Cup in the East Village

From the privacy outside your RV parked on Avenue A near East Sixth Street.

Someone tell those people standing outside Zum Schneider about this!

Photo via RyanAvenueA

For sale: Everything must go at the former Boukiés space on 2nd Avenue

The Greek-themed Boukiés closed in March after a two-year run at Second Avenue and East Second Street. And today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., there's a sale on lights, tables, chairs, etc., as the sign on the front window reads …

As for meeting those new neighbors … the Times reported in April that Vicki Freeman, Marc Meyer and Chris Paraskevaides, who own Cookshop, Hundred Acres and Five Points, will convert the corner space into a Mexican restaurant.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Boukiés has 'permanently closed' on Second Avenue

Big rewards for these lost pets

Spotted yesterday on East Second Street via @fnytc

… and on the Bowery this morning… Lila has been missing since May 31 … there's also a Twitter account for her…

East 2nd Street pothole notice

Just west of Avenue B. When I walked up to it, a man sitting nearby called out, "Look inside — it's deep."

Fledge class

The baby hawk watch continued yesterday at the Christodora House on Avenue B and East Ninth Street … where the kids are getting ready to fledge

Find more hawk photos at Gog in NYC … as well as Goggla's Flickr page. Check out the latest nest cam photos via Francois Portmann here.

Photos yesterday by Bobby Williams


ArtisanFest today at the Neighborhood School

[Click on image to enlarge]

The ArtisanFest featuring local vendors is today from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Neighborhood School, 121 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue. The sale helps raise money for Studio in a School, which sends professional artists into underserved city schools.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Making Music today in Orchard Alley

A little bit of everything today at the community garden at 350 E. Fourth St. between Avenue C and Avenue D.

It's part of the Make Music New York program. Go here for more details.

City of Saints Coffee Roasters now open on East 10th Street

[Photo via Instagram]

Open as of yesterday at 79 E. 10th St. between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue …

We don't know too much about them (here is their Instagram account) … a non-shilling EVG reader said that their iced coffee was good. So there you go.

Previously on EV Grieve:
City of Saints bringing coffee to East 10th Street

[Updated] City goes all out to warn people about this 1st Avenue pothole/sinkhole

At East Fourth Street … let's see — we have a cone, a barrel, a barricade thing, a trashcan … as well newsboxes for the Voice and L Magazine.

What else should we drag out here?

Thanks to @admhttn for the photo this morning.

Updated 1:16 P.M.

Some intrepid residents went in for a closer look!

[Photo by Marjorie Ingall]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

Meanwhile at Starbucks on 2nd Avenue …

[Photo by Nora Balaban]

I'm going with ucks c here on out…

Updated 11:51 a.m.

Oh, c'mon. It's the first day of summer.

It's now officially summer — what are you gonna do now?

[EVG photo from yesterday]

I'll be sunbathing at my usual spot on East 14th Street near First Avenue.

See you in the fall!

Friday, June 20, 2014

So long to the last day of spring, probably

Photo this evening by Bobby Williams

Dog day afternoons

Here's Bow Wow Wow with the 1980 release "C30 C60 C90 Go." Kinda always reminded me of summer. And tomorrow is officially summer, huh?

1st look at the Women of the Lower East Side Film Fest from MoRUS this summer

From the EVG inbox...

Female rebellion, the humanity of the homeless and struggles of immigrant workers are among the themes of the initial offerings of the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space's (MoRUS) Women of the Lower East Side Film Fest kicking-off Aug. 1, with a screening every evening at various indoor and outdoor venues through Aug. 9.

Opening night (Aug. 1) will feature "What About Me," which Billboard described "as much a bohemian time capsule as it is film art." Using Tompkins Square Park and its environs as a backdrop, with a procession of downtown legends including Dee Dee Ramone, Rockets Red Glare and Johnny Thunders in cameos, director/actor Rachel Amodeo traces the steps of a woman’s decline after she loses her apartment.

"What About Me" will screen at Anthology Film Archives at 8 PM.

"Your Day Is My Knight," a documentary sharing stories of immigrant residents of a “shift-bed” apartment in New York’s Chinatown, will screen on Aug. 2 at Orchard Alley Community Garden, 350-54 E. 4th St. The film’s director, Lynne Sachs, as well as other participants in the film, will be in attendance to introduce the screening with an informal Q&A afterwards.

Suzanne Wasserman's "Sweatshop Cinderella: A Portrait of Anzia Yezierska" will screen on Aug. 3, also at Orchard Alley Community Garden. This short film mixes archival stills and footage, silent film excerpts, letters, newspaper clippings, and interviews to provide a sense of the Jewish Lower East Side in the 1920s through the 1950s and the life of the critically acclaimed Jewish-American novelist. Director Suzanne Wasserman will be in attendance for a Q&A following the film.

Closing night on Aug. 9 brings feminist tour de force "Born in Flames," a comic fantasy set in America 10 years after a Second American Revolution. Filmmaker Lizzie Borden will be in attendance.

A limited supply of all-inclusive passes for $20 are now on sale at Eventbrite or by visiting MoRUS, 155 Avenue C between 9th and 10th Streets during hours of operation. Admission to each individual screening will otherwise require a suggested donation of $5.

Further details regarding the MoRUS Women of the Lower East Side Film Fest, including film lineups, venues and collateral events will be updated as available here.

There's also an amateur film competition this year.


MoRUS is calling for amateur filmmakers to compete for a spot in the festival. Submissions must tie into the “Women of the Lower East Side” theme and can be anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes duration.

The competition is open to filmmakers of any gender, any age and at any experience level who submit either a link to their film or a DVD copy of the film along with a brief artist’s statement and $10 entry fee to or mail to MoRUS Film Fest, Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space, 155 Avenue C, New York, NY 10009.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, July 18 at 5 PM ET. A jury comprised of local business owners, artists, activists and MoRUS volunteers will determine which films will be publicly screened on Friday, Aug. 8 at a venue to be determined. First, Second, and Third-Place Winners will be selected by the audience and awarded monetary/in-kind prizes. In addition, one film will receive the MoRUS Choice Award.