Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

A cat's tale

For anyone wondering about this missing black kitty from earlier today around Seventh Street and First Avenue ... Nugget and her owner have been reunited...

Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday's parting shot

Photo by Stacie Joy 

A moment today at the Green Oasis Community Garden on Eighth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D...

Monday, April 10, 2023

Hemingway, the sleepy window kitty of 3rd Street, has been priced out of the East Village

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

Hemingway, the sanguine feline window-perch presence on Third Street, has been priced out of the neighborhood along with Alex, his human companion. (Read our previous post on Hemingway here.)

The landlord raised the rent by more than $1,200 for the market-rate apartment between Avenue B and Avenue C and would not negotiate the lease renewal. 

Hemingway and his mom, Alex, will be leaving for Crown Heights tomorrow (April 11), where Hemingway will take up residence on the 4th floor of a building — his new unit has four windows, one of which will house his perch. He will have bird feeders to enjoy (and, presumably, birds) to keep him occupied, but the residents and passersby on this block will miss his friendly presence. 

Alex and Hemingway promise to keep in touch, and we wish them luck at their new home. (You can follow Hemingway on Instagram here.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

These cats need a home

These signs arrived yesterday on Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue ... where Ollie's Place needs to find homes for 12 cats ASAP.

According to the signs, the nonprofit that rescues cats and puts them up for adoption has lost its lease. We don't know any more than what's posted on the signs. 

You can stop by the shop at 430 E. Ninth St. or email for more details. 

Ollie's arrived here in 2011

Thanks to Kait for the photo... and to William Klayer for also sharing the news.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A memorial for Jack the cat on 7th Street

In recent days, several EVG readers (thank you!) have let us know about Jack the cat, "who was so super adorable and hung out on the fence between B and C on Seventh Street." 

Jack died in May, though the memorial arrived on the north side of Seventh Street at the start of the weekend...
A message at the memorial states that Jack died after an illness. "Many thanks to all his friends — he so looked forward to your visits... We all miss him."

Friday, August 5, 2022

A visit with Hemingway, the sleepy kitty in the window on 3rd Street

Text and interview by Stacie Joy 

We’d long-admired Hemingway’s insouciance as he catnapped in a north-facing window on Third Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...
Hemingway’s human companion, Alex Smith, recently granted us an audience with the playful feline and answered some questions as Hemingway allowed himself to be admired.
How did Hemingway come to be a window mainstay on Third Street? When did the two of you arrive here and how did his lounging antics start? 

We arrived in NYC in April 2021, and the lounger was one of the first things I set up. We moved here from New Orleans, where he used the lounger on our front door in a quiet neighborhood. I honestly didn’t think much about putting the lounger up on the window when we moved in. 

Not long after setting it up, he took right to it again, and very soon after, the passersby started, and the phones came out. My mom had come to help us settle in, and we would laugh at everyone’s reactions to Hemingway in the lounger. 

What has been the reaction of passersby? 

The reactions range from surprise and amazement over the lounger and cuteness of Hemingway — for those who haven’t noticed it/him before — to people slowing down right as they check if he’s in the window. Some people pick up their dogs and bring them up to the window, which I always find hilarious, and Hemi doesn’t mind. I can hear people talking to friends saying, “Oh, wait, come see this cat,” some even call his name after reading it on his collar. 

If someone is walking by and on FaceTime, they will flip the phone view to show the person on the phone. The most consistent reaction is smiles. It’s hard not to look at a kitty in a window and not smile.

How does Hemingway react to all the attention? 

He loves it. He’s never been a shy cat and seeing the number of people he’s come into contact with over the last year has been so fun. The same children will come to the window every day, and if he’s not at the window, they call for him, and he runs to them. It’s so cute to watch. I also like that it keeps him stimulated. He also loves to sunbathe and nap, which also makes people stop to ooh and ahh.
What does he do during his “down time” when he is not lounging in the window?

If he’s not in the window, there’s a good chance he’s either sleeping in his heated bed — I know, I know — playing with his toys or trying to get my attention for treats, pets and playtime. 

 Best viewing times to see him? Is there anything special he likes or doesn’t like? 

You can usually find him in the window from midmorning to around 3 p.m. daily. Sometimes a little later. It also depends on the weather and temperature. He loves when people talk to him through the window. He also enjoys it when people bring their dog up to the window — as long as the dog doesn’t bark too much. 
You can follow Hemingway on Instagram at @hemi.inthecity.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

[Updated] Lord Kitty fell from a window and needs surgery

Updated: Sadly, the fall was too intense and Lord was unable to breathe on her own. She was put to sleep. Per Lindsay: "So thank you all for your kindness, for your help, for raising awareness I cannot tell you how much it meant to me, to us ..."


East Village resident Lindsay Flora came home last evening to discover that Lord, her nearly 9-year-old cat, whom she rescued as a kitten, fell from a fourth-floor window.

Lord survived the fall, “but we had to take her to the emergency vet immediately. Due to the extremity of the fall and the need for the x-rays, overnight stays, medicine, and her having a broken hip, plus some internal organ issues, it’s a lot, and we have her staying overnight a few nights to stabilize.” 

Lindsay launched a GoFundMe to help her pay for Lord’s medical expenses. 

“I’m not sure I can put into words how much she means to me, but she is my best friend, my baby, the absolute love of my life,” she wrote. 

Find the link here.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Houston Village Farm has closed, the cats have been adopted, and here's what's next

Houston Village Farm closed at the start of the week on the SW corner of Fourth Street and First Avenue. 

As an update: the two store cats that needed a new home found one. Per the comments on the previous post, Lukas stepped forward and took in the two cats, which may be going as Ruby and Amber moving forward. (Store employees referred to the cats as "the cats.")

Lastly, according to the @TradedNY account, Hudson Deli & Grocery has signed a lease for this space.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The 2 store cats at Houston Village Farm need a new home

Photos by Stacie Joy

Updated 5/15: Via the comments, a reader says someone is adopting the two cats.

As previously reported, Houston Village Farm is closing on the SW corner of First Avenue and Fourth Street. 

And as several readers have shared, the store's two cats need a new home in the days ahead. 

EVG contributor Stacie Joy stopped by last night... and confirmed the cats are up for adoption. The store closes for good on Wednesday. 

The two cats tend to stay in the basement and are camera-shy ... here's one...
... and the other, as seen in a photo at checkout...
The cats are said to be on the indifferent side (😼). And it sounds as if anyone who adopts them will have naming rights. When asked for their names, store staff said "the cats." 

Interested parties may contact Mr. Patel at (914) 433-5394. Or stop by Houston Village Farm.

Meanwhile, the clearance continues here...
Ownership here blamed slow business and high rent for the closure.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

After being hit by a car, Noor the cat is doing well at home with his new East Village family

On March 20, Noor darted out of the storefront he stayed in and was clipped by a passing car on 10th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue. 

Noor suffered extensive injuries, including pulmonary contusions, traumatic brain injury, a left humeral fracture, abrasions and bruising. The fracture on his front limb was severe enough that amputation was a distinct possibility. 

East Village residents Rachael Brungard and Matt Lipson, who witnessed the collision, took responsibility for Noor's care and launched a crowdfunding campaign to cover his medical expenses. 

Rachael shared an update — and it's all mostly positive. For starters, based on new x-rays, Noor will be able to keep the injured leg. Noor is now at home with Rachael and Matt, where — on the vet's orders — he is on cage rest for four to six weeks so his leg will heal. 

"Poor baby is bandaged up like crazy. Honestly, it looks very uncomfortable, and it is difficult for him to move around in his cage," Rachael said via email. "But he's doing well, despite that. More than anything, I think he's just bored, so we are doing our best to keep him entertained!" 

So he has been enjoying a tiny teddy bear named Barry and some YouTube videos for cats...
And here are some other shots of Noor in his new home...
There has been a lot of kindness surrounding Noor's care. For instance: Dr. Moskovich at the Village Veterinarian on East 11th Street waived the fees for Noor's care during his recovery time there.

So the lone medical bill for Rachael and Matt is for Noor's ER visit, roughly $5,500 — which the GoFundMe will help cover.

"Now that we're getting to know Noor more, I'm really noticing how truly kind and gentle he is," Rachael said. "It's hard to capture Noor's loving nature with pictures alone."

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Citizen app alert of the day

Been some doozies of late on the Citizen app... Jose Garcia shared this, asking: "What's going on with the animals?"

A fundraiser for Noor, a cat struck by a car on 10th Street

On Sunday night, East Village residents Rachael Brungard and Matt Lipson were among the horrified onlookers to see a cat dart onto 10th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue and get struck by a car.

The two were able to carefully transport the cat, named Noor, to the Village Veterinarian on 11th Street. 

Unfortunately, the collision left Noor with many injuries, including pneumothorax, pulmonary contusions, traumatic brain injury, a left humeral fracture, abrasions and bruising. 

Rachael and Matt are taking responsibility for Noor's care and will foster him through the recovery.

Rachael also said they'll likely adopt him. "I'm already attached after one day, and we are in love with this little guy," she said in an email. (Noor usually stays in the Half Moon Smoke Shop on 10th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue, which won't be an option post-surgery.)

There's a crowdfunding campaign underway to help pay for Noor's surgery. You can find more information at the GoFundMe here.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Caturday's opening shot

The always-sweetly lounging kitty (Hemingway! 😻) in this window along Third Street ... photo by Stacie Joy... 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

[Updated] Today in notes about a kitten stuck in your car's engine

An EVG reader shared this photo... of a note left on a car parked along 10th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue...
Alert! Please know that there is a kitten stuck in your engine. 
I heard it crying last night and it couldn't come out.
Updated 10/7 

A reader shared this photo from last night... the NYPD responded to a call about the kitten ... they were spotted searching for the kitten under the hood...

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Meredith Blake is missing [Updated: found safe!]

Somehow Meredith Blake, aka Mary, got out of the apartment on 11th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B... so if you happen so see her — info on the flyer above.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Vinnie is missing [UPDATED: Vinnie is home safe]

Per the flyer:
Vinnie, very beloved, very friendly, and very dumb, not sure he knows his name but responds to treat-shaking. Gray and white striped. Wearing collar/nametag, microchipped. Probably got over wall to East 2nd Street cemetery or East 3rd Street backyards. Reward!!! 917-446-8822. Missing since late Saturday night, 4/10/21. 
Updated noon:

Vinnie is safe and sound now and hanging out in the living room...

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday's parting shot (aka Prince is home safely)

Missng cat alerts went out yesterday after Prince's foster mom fell returning home from the vet, and the carrier broke open... Prince was believed to be along Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... 

Derek Berg took this photo around 5 ... after a search volunteer spotted Prince on the block. He is now home safely.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Is this your cat?

The folks at the 6th Street and Avenue B Community Garden are looking to find the owner of this cat, who volunteers say has been causing a few problems for Oreo, their resident feline 😿 ... more details in the tweet below from today...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

After 10 days, Bertie is found alive and well on St. Mark's Place

On Oct. 19, author Ada Calhoun's parents, longtime residents of 53 St. Mark's Place, were displaced by a fire in their apartment here between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

Her parents, Peter Schjeldahl and Brooke Alderson, escaped in their pajamas and bare feet at 2 a.m. A firefighter found their cat Theo. However, their other cat Bertie was missing.

They feared that he was dead. Many friends and neighbors kept an eye out for him on the block and nearby streets.

Then yesterday, Bertie turned up in a neighbor's closet downstairs.

"Apparently, he had been hiding expertly in the building and living on toilet water and mice," Ada wrote in an email. "He is skinny, but otherwise healthy and in good spirits."

As for the apartment, the unit is uninhabitable and will be for at least six months, Ada said. They were able to secure a furnished sublet in the East Village.

"It was important to them to stay in the neighborhood. They moved to that apartment 46 years ago, and have never wanted to live anywhere else!"

Previously on EV Grieve:
Bertie is missing after early morning fire on St. Marks Place

Sunday, October 20, 2019

[Updated] Bertie is missing after early morning fire on St. Marks Place

The FDNY responded to a major fire at 53 St. Mark's Place between First Avenue and Second Avenue early Saturday morning.

There weren't any reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Author Ada Calhoun's parents, longtime residents here, were among those displaced by the fire on the upper floors. In the race to leave their home at 2 a.m., they were able to save one of their cats, Theo. However, Bertie, their other cat, got away in the chaos.

Ada thinks that it's likely Bertie is still on the block. "He's good at hiding but he's sure to get hungry and come out at some point," she told me in an email.

The flyer above has a photo of Bertie as well as contact information should you happen to find him.

Updated 10/29

Woot! Bertie turned up in a neighbor's closet downstairs today.

"Apparently, he had been hiding expertly in the building and living on toilet water and mice," Ada wrote in an email. "He is skinny, but otherwise healthy and in good spirits."