Friday, January 7, 2011

[Updated] Through the years with 2 Cooper Square

We first saw the plans for 37 E. Fourth St. back in January 2007... soon, the luxury high-rise became known, like, as 2 Cooper Square here on the corner of the Bowery....

And there was the demolition ... and work on the pit...

In the spring of 2009, when the construction looked ready to start becoming more visible, I decided to start this project... Once either on a Saturday or Sunday morning, I'd stand as close as possible in the same spot and take a picture.... And I did this for, oh, 19 months or so.

[An aside: So this means that I haven't left the city in 19 months? Almost! If I was away then I had someone fill in for me, such as the long-lost Intern of EV Grieve or the Graffiti Friend of EV Grieve (GFOEVG). But pretty much I took most of the photos...]

So, I decided to bring the project to an end... of late there have been few noticeable exterior changes. Sure, we'll get some retail (Hello Duane Reade!) one day, but for now... feel free to watch 2 Cooper Square grow right before your eyes...

May 30, 2009

June 6

June 13

June 20

June 27

July 4

July 11

July 18

July 25

Aug. 1

Aug. 8

Aug. 15

Aug. 22

Aug. 29

Sept. 5

Sept. 12

Sept. 19

Sept. 26

Oct. 4

Oct. 10

Oct. 17

Oct. 24

Oct. 31

Nov. 6

Nov. 14

Nov. 21

Nov. 28

Dec. 4

Dec. 12

Dec. 19

Dec. 26

Jan. 2, 2010

Jan. 9

Jan. 16

Jan. 23

Jan. 30

Feb. 6

Feb. 13

Feb. 20

Feb. 27

March 6

March 13

March 20

March 27

April 3

April 10

April 17

April 24

May 1

May 8

May 15

May 22

May 29

June 5

June 12

June 19

June 26

July 3

July 10

July 17

July 24

July 31

Aug. 7

Aug. 14

Aug. 21

Aug. 28

Sept. 4

Sept. 11

Sept. 18

Sept. 25

Oct. 2

Oct. 9

Oct. 16

Oct. 23

Oct. 30

Nov. 6

Nov. 13

Nov. 20

Nov. 27

Dec. 4

Dec. 11

Dec. 18

Dec. 25

Jan. 1, 2011

Jan. 8

Jan. 15

Jan. 22

Jan. 29

Feb. 5

Feb. 12

Feb. 19

Feb. 26


March 5

March 12


Thursday, January 6, 2011

7A closed for renovations

The weekend-end brunch magnet at Avenue A and Seventh Street is closed until next Friday for renovations, per the sign on the door... same menu when it reopens... Thanks to RyanOnAveA for the photo/tip...

(And I swear it was open last night...)

Ringing in the new year...

This really sucks... spotted on Ninth Street and Avenue B...

...and on 14th Street...

[Thanks to the reader for the above photo]

The Department of Sanitation finally gets a fake Twitter account

OK, I admit that I fell for it for a second...

Anyway! Funny! Probably!

Possible delay in emergency responses this afternoon from Ladder 11

We'll periodically have information on local fire company activities, including when they are closed for periods of time... particularly the FDNY’s Engine 28 and Ladder 11 — the two fire companies quartered at 222 E. Second St.

Ladder 11 will be conducting Building Inspection this afternoon from 1 to 4, as well as every Thursday afternoon. Building Inspection may cause delays in response because parts of their Buidling Inspection District are not in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd due emergency response area.

Firefighters may also be delayed since Building Inspection takes them to the far reaches of the building, including the roofs and the basements. The alarm is sent via Fire Dept. radio to the engine/ladder in the street. The Chauffer, who is the only firefighter who waits in the engine/ladder for this expressed purpose, then alerts the other firefighters by handheld radio. They then must make their way off the roof/out of the basement/upper floor etc. to the location of the engine/ladder (Many times this could be around the corner as to not block side streets). At this time, the firefighters must then don their Personal Protective Equipment (Bunker Gear), enter the rig and then may proceed to the alarm.

RIP Caveman

We heard the sad news last night that Joe Gonzalez, better known as Caveman, has passed away. He was 54.

Caveman has been a longtime regular at Sophie's, where he would often be seen bypassing glassware in favor of drinking straight out of the pitcher. He was also a regular on the local pool scene.

We don't know many more details now about Joe's death. He had been battling diabetes in recent years. He'll be missed.

[Top photo by Cary Conover, posted with permission]

[Updated] Fire on Seventh Street

[From EV Grieve reader Clotilde Testa — check out her website here]

There are multiple reader reports of another fire last night around 11:45 ... best estimates at this point puts it at 129 Seventh St. above the Peter Jarema Funeral Home... as of this time, we do not have any details on the extent of damage or injuries. One reader reports hearing breaking glass and a woman screaming, "is he alive! Is he alive!"

We'll certainly have more on this as the day progresses

Updated: Per DNAinfo — "A blaze began on the first floor of a five-story East Vilage residential building at 7th Street and First Avenue just before midnight, an FDNY spokesman said. The fire was contained to one apartment and was put out by 12:13 a.m., officials said. One firefighter was transported to New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center for minor injuries after working on the East Village blaze."

[From EV Grieve reader Steve]

[From reader Clotilde Testa]

[Courtesy of Nik]

Previously on EV Grieve:
13 fires in the East Village since May 2010

El plywood comes off at El Camion

The plywood is off at El Camion, formerly the Raven, 194 Avenue A at 12th Street.

According to a readers, there's a full bar with nine seats ... and 18 tables packed side by side — not an inch between them. Another reader reported seeing some business types (owners? investors?) inside for a meal yesterday afternoon... But the place was sealed up last night...

Some residents on Avenue A and the nearby side streets are understandably nervous about what kind of crowd El Camion will attract... More on the low-key side, like Benny's, or more like, say, something in the Diablo Royale Este-Señor Swanky’s mix... Said a reader: "I am praying it'll be a nice, quiet little corner joint and not a loud hangout!"

Back in May, the CB3/SLA committee denied their application for a liquor license ... However, despite CB3's denial, the State Liquor Authority ultimately approved the license.

On Nov. 30, Patrick Hedlund wrote about El Camion at DNAinfo... Per his story:

"The man, who was listed in online records for the restaurant's corporate company but declined to provide his name, did confirm that the emphasis will be on food rather drinks, and that the space would close no later than midnight or 1 a.m. on weekends."

Meanwhile, someone affiliated with the restaurant has a Twitter account...

And here's another shot via EV Grieve reader Paul W...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Coming to 154 Avenue A: Mexican restaurant

Meanwhile, in the "Ave A Mexican Margarita Ring of Death"

From the mind of Shawn Chittle...

You're turning the knob on your radio and this commercial comes blaring across...

Booze fans!
Booze fans!
Booze fans!

It's a duel! El Diablo vs. El Camion in a title bout! Winner takes on La Lucha in the "Ave A Mexican Margarita Ring of Death" now featuring a sudden death round with the deadly "Table Doce" (Table 12) and his metal chair machine of doom! You remember what he did to former lightweight challenger La Ceiba right? THAT'S RIGHT FIGHT FANS! GONE! GONE! GONE!

Get your tickets at all Ticketmaster location or any Lincoln tunnel,
Holland tunnel, or LIRR ticket window!


Zaragosa to open concession stand fight night!!!


Chip in: Mulch your tree

Instead of tossing your dead-ass tree on the curb...

...consider dragging the thing to Tompkins Square Park ...

...the annual TreeCycle (Mulch Madness!) is going on this weekend...

[Top three photos of EV Grieve dead tree correspondent Blue Glass]