Saturday, May 4, 2013

Today in Tompkins Square Park

Photo by Bobby Williams


Spotted on the Bowery.

Man extradited to New York in connection with April 13 shooting on East 3rd Street

[April 13]

Back in the early afternoon hours on April 13, a man was shot in the stomach on East Third Street and Avenue C. One witness described the incident as "a drug deal gone bad."

The Post today reports of an arrest in the shooting.

According to the report, NYPD detectives, working with police in New Bedford, Mass., arrested 44-year-old José Cintron there ... he was extradited to New York this past week. Police reportedly found 120 grams of heroin on Cintron.

"He was charged there with drug possession and being a fugitive from justice, and in New York with attempted murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon."

The victim of the gunshot underwent surgery on his small intestine at Bellevue Hospital, according to the Post.

Art on East Fifth Street

[Photo via @nranra]

If you are walking on East Fifth Street right now between Second Avenue and Cooper Square ... you might find Paul Kostabi there selling some art...

Today's entertainment

Waiting for a friend. Third Avenue and St. Mark's Place. Worker from corner magazine shop sweeps the sidewalk, pushing some of the dust, cigarette butts and what not into Third Avenue.

Meanwhile, a street sweeper comes roaring up, horn honking. People standing on the corner quickly move back as the sweeper pulls up.

The driver gets out and stands on the cab. "What are you doing? I just came by here and swept," she yells down to the man with the broom.

He apologizes.

"I called this in. I already swept here. You're not supposed to sweep into the street after we come by."

He apologizes again and attempts to try to sweep up what he left behind. "Don't do that. I've already called it in." She mentions a ticket, but says that she will make sure that he doesn't get one.

She stands there a few more awkward moments. Then gets back inside and drives off... only to make a theatrical entrance a minute later. Going back and forth over the spot and then hanging a sharp left and continuing on St. Mark's Place.

Workers ready for a Beyoncé break on Second Avenue

Workers continue to dig holes and stuff for the Houston Street Corridor Reconstruction ... and on Second Avenue at East Houston this morning... noticed something hanging on the plywood here...

Dangerously in love?

Spotted on Avenue Ayyy

Oh, I'm really sorry about that headline. Truly. I've seen Fonzie stickers, but (heh) I don't recall seeing this variation. Perhaps you have? Avenue A and East 11th Street.

First Avenue, 8:41 a.m., May 4

Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys died 1 year ago today

[Photo on East 7th Street by @dens]

Adam Yauch, aka MCA of the Beastie Boys, died on May 4, 2012 after a battle with cancer. He was 47.

The above mural remains in his memory on East Seventh Street just west of First Avenue...

Today, in his honor, a free "MCA Day" takes place at Brooklyn's Littlefield performance and art space from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Meanwhile, yesterday, Adam Yauch Park was unveiled in Brooklyn. Gothamist has several videos from the day here.


[From Centre-Fuge public art project on East First Street last May. Art by Danielle Mastrion]

Previously on EV Grieve:
Remembering Adam Yauch in the East Village

Something fishy at the former CBGB Gallery on the Bowery

Someone asked what the deal was with that plywood at 313 Bowery... workers erected and painted it this past week... The recent home to the Morrison Hotel Gallery and the Steven Tyler pop-up shop Riff (and once, the CBGB Gallery) will become the first East Coast Patagonia Surf Store, as BoweryBoogie has previously reported.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A quick Bowery retail inventory

Friday, May 3, 2013

Tree of life

In Tompkins Square Park today... photos by Bobby Williams...

Inside edition

The Cramps with "What's Inside a Girl?" circa 1986.

'Happy hours' at the the B&H Dairy

EVG favorite B&H Dairy on Second Avenue is advertising "happy hours" ... where you can get 40 percent off that day's lunch special from 3:30-5:30 weekdays... and it's bound to be really good...

Photo by Derek Berg

Jeremiah has a lovely history of the diner with archival photos here.

[Updated] Concern for the bending elm in Tompkins Square Park

You've seen the bending elm next to the The Hare Krishna Tree in the center of Tompkins Square Park... (such as in these photos from November via Bobby Williams) ...

Now, GammaBlog points out a potentially dangerous situation here.

[Via GammaBlog]

As you can see from the above photo, the cable attached to the tree appears to be fraying... GammaBlog also notes that TWO cable were attached to the bending elm for support... down to one, and if this cable would snap... Well. Let's get the Parks Department on this. GammaBlog has already called 311.

Updated 5:02

On second thought, GammaBlog thinks that the fraying appears to be the lashing around the cable and not the actual cable. Regardless, a return of the second cable would provide a little more piece of mind...

It takes an Army to empty a synagogue

Workers have been emptying the Congregation Mezritch Synagogue on East Sixth Street between First Avenue and Avenue A ahead of its conversion to condos...

And today, EVG reader Creature notes the truck on scene to help haul away what's left inside...

Any ideas where it might be going?

This morning

Reader mailbag: Have you read the Citi Bikes Rental Agreement?

[Via @danielleintheev]

An email from a reader. First, he is all (mostly!) for the bike-share program and is planning to purchase an annual pass.

Disclaimer: "I hate Citibank and it's super gross to be advertising for them."

But! "...the utility of it is really fantastic."

So. The reader was reading through the Rental Agreement that you have to agree to for the membership.

"There are a couple of things there that are pretty weird to me. First of all — and I was expecting this — they've thought of the fact that people are probably going to want to cover up the Citibank logos with something else, either to avoid being a tool to advertise Citibank or advertise something of their own."

Makes sense!

"Section 5 Prohibited Acts."

You must not dismantle, write on, or otherwise modify or deface a Citi Bike bicycle or any part of a Citi Bike bicycle in any way. You must not write on, peel, or otherwise modify or deface any sticker on a Citi Bike bicycle in any way. You must not use a Citi Bike bicycle for any advertising or similar commercial purpose. This rule does not apply to the use of the seat height adjustment feature on Citi Bike bicycles."

Reader: "Now I don't know if that prohibits my idea of using some non-destructive floppy magnet material to just cover up the logos while I'm riding, but it sounds like it could. Maybe I'm just being paranoid."


"Section 21 Waivers."
For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, You do hereby knowingly, voluntarily, and irrevocably: (1) give Your full and unconditional consent to NYCBS and its affiliates, successors, and assigns to use at any time and from time to time, without any restriction, Your appearance and voice in photographs, videos, and other recordings, on all websites and for all press, promotional, advertising, publicity, and other commercial purposes, including all formats and media, whether now known or hereafter devised, throughout the world and in perpetuity; (2) grant to NYCBS and its affiliates, successors, and assigns (a) the right to photograph, videotape, and otherwise record Your appearance and voice, at any time and from time to time, (b) all rights, copyrights, title, and interests in the results of such photographs, videos, and other recordings, as a work for hire for copyright purposes, and (c) the right to use, reproduce, exhibit, distribute, transmit, alter, and exploit, at any time and from time to time and as NYCBS may decide in its sole discretion, the photographs, videos, and other recordings, or any component thereof, and all related merchandising, promotions, advertising, and publicity; and (3) waive, release, and discharge all Released Persons from all Claims that You have or may have for any libel, defamation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, infringement of copyright, or violation of any right granted by You in this paragraph."

"Is that even legal???"

Thoughts? Just legal mumbo-jumbo?

Cooper Union photohunt

EVG reader Brian Barkovitz, a Cooper Union alum, shared the above photos... "Took these as a prospective high school senior in 2004 and as an alum on Tuesday. It's a damn shame."

Your chance to 'claim your prized position' on St. Mark's Place and 2nd Avenue

On Wednesday, workers cleaned out the now-former Eastside Bakery (.net?) on the northwest corner of Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. There are now four empty storefronts here in this Theatre Condo complex.

Cohen's Fashion Optical moved out about two months ago... Michael "Bao" Huynh's Baoguette Cafe around on St. Mark's Place closed last fall... and Timi's Gelateria Classica™ closed in December 2011.

According to the listing at Walter & Samuels:

The listing puts the 1,600 square feet of retail at $400,000 per year – or some $33,000 a month. (This is what the Gap paid here back in the late 1980s.)

There's also a listing on the Winick site... noting four separate spaces, or perhaps, one big one... the marketing flyer says, "Claim your prized position."

As the listing notes: "Hot East Village retail opportunity located on bustling St. Marks Place."

The lone ground-floor tenant here is 7-Eleven, a seemingly popular place...

Report: St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Schools are closing in June

St. George's Ukrainian Catholic School on East Sixth Street at Taras Shevchenko Place will close after this school year in June, Scoopy reports in this week's issue of The Villager. The reason: Low enrollment. There are reportedly just 90 students from pre-K to 12th grade. La Salle Academy, who moved in a few years back, apparently uses the majority of the space.

However, a source tells Scoopy that La Salle will "eventually" return to their former home on Second Avenue and East Second Street. And then what happens?

"We think probably it will be taken over by N.Y.U. or Cooper Union," the St. George School source told us of the E. Sixth St. school building.

From the school's website, a few photos ... no exact date is given on these two...just some time in the 1950s...