Friday, March 18, 2011

Other East Village signs maybe someone can take issue with

This is just the beginning!

Cienfuegos adding a 'bitters tasting room'

Looks as if some new elements are being added to the Cienfuegos Cuban-eatery complex on Avenue A at Sixth Street... First, EV Grieve reader Creature notes that Carteles, the one-time sandwich shop here...

...will now be Amor Y Amargo — "a bitters tasting room" ... and a few other things...

Meanwhile, EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams noted some work being done on EL Cobre, the main restaurant yesterday ...

Later in the day, Bob Arihood took this photo... looks as if they'll be some open-air dining-drinking now on the corner...

[Via Nadie Se Conoce]

And, as a PS, El Cobre is named after the town where Cuba's patron saint is located... a duplicate statue is on display inside...

[Bobby Williams]


The invasion of the building snatchers

During this past year, I started taking photos of the old and new buildings brushing up against one another around here ... The new buildings seem like intruders — lurking, menacing in the background ... Like those unwanted interlopers who find your bar or move in upstairs with desires to take over ...

Here are a few of the shots... It's a work in progress... (a progress in work?)

For more along these lines, read Jeremiah's post from a few weeks ago titled "Schizo New York," in which he writes ... "There is a split in the city ... It's often expressed architecturally —the war between old and new, the radical shift, the loss of bricks to glass and sheen."

Checking in on the Mars Bar sidewalk beautification project

Maybe it's the first stage of the redevelopment here on First Street near Second Avenue?

If so, then it's perfect...

Your last chance to move into 2 Cooper Square, maybe

According to ads, there are only four units left for rent here at 2 Cooper Square...

And that doesn't include the empty bed that Joe Jonas left behind when he broke up with 2 Coop resident Ashley Green.

Previous stories that no one read on EV Grieve:
Who you'll find lounging at the 2 Cooper pool: A Jonas brother! That one woman from 'Twilight'!

The mattress mobile

Second Street and Second Avenue. Photo by Steven Hirsch.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


EV Grieve holiday correspondent Bobby Williams passed by a few local St. Patrick's Day hotspots earlier today...

Also today...

[Photo via Goggla]

Just your everyday penthouse combo connected by a stainless steel slide

Oh my.

Well, this just came to our attention. We're still processing all this over on 14th Street.

So. Meanwhile.

Here's the story from the Turett Collaborate Architects website:

TCA has had a lot of experience connecting smaller apartments together into a seamless whole, but this adventurous client requested something we'd never seen before. In a newly constructed multi-residential development, in the East Village of NYC, TCA had the opportunity to meet a unique client's desire to combine two penthouse condos... with a helical slide. In this transformation, two identical 1-bedroom units, one atop the other, were combined into a duplex 2-bedroom home with the option to descend in the usual way on a new Italian-made "Rintal" stair, or more speedily, in a seated position, careening through the new double-height atrium.

The half-tube stainless steel slide starts on the top floor near the office, and lands below near both the living and dining areas. The sculptural slide is housed in a newly created 18’ tall double-height space, which includes custom designed glass railings. The image of the stainless steel curves in front of the oversized window to the city beyond, to say nothing of the irrepressible glee of grown adults on the slide, is surprisingly poetic; with careful detailing, the playground element is an unexpectedly elegant addition to the space.

Upon completion, the owner enjoys not only the newly combined total of 2,400 square feet, but also a new game room, office, putting green on the terrace, and of course, the slide.

TCA managed to creatively and successfully turn this now 2 story East Village duplex penthouse into a perfect place for both work and play."

Thanks to The Awesomer for bringing this to our attention. I think.

Your chance to add more floors to a 'rare 1860s' townhouse

The listing at Prudential Douglas Eliman tells the story:

MOTIVATED SELLER RETIRING & MOVING OUT OF NYC WANTS TO HEAR ALL OFFERS! Rare 1860's four story single family townhouse located in the most coveted East Village neighborhood with the potential to be the truly special home of one's dreams. This house could easily be restored to a luxurious residence or developed into a lucrative boutique, restaurant, condominiums or Bed & Breakfast, especially considering the building's F.A.R. which would permit the addition of two more floors (500-600 ft of buildable space). Current owner has short-term roommates. The East Village has never been more attractive as a burgeoning cultural center with immense residential interest and incredible investment opportunity in terms of income growth potential. January 2011 through 2012 NYC Property Assessment Value is $3,885,000. This house will be Delivered Vacant and will be on any user or investors short list, due to its versatility and value.

The price was reduced this week by 5 percent to $3.985 million.

What happens when you tag Pete Wentz's Angels and Kings

There was a rapid and heavy police response last evening on 11th Street just east of Avenue A... Bob Arihood was on the scene, and took these photos shortly after 6:30. There were reports of a fight on the corner.

As witnesses told Bob, police had arrested a young man in his 20s. Witnesses said that he tagged the rolldown gate at Angels & Kings.

An owner/manager type from the bar came outside and ran after the tagger, who had a bicycle. But he didn't get far.

Is all this response (I count 12 officers and detectives in the above photo) really necessary to apprehend a kid with a can of spray paint ... especially outside a bar that describes itself as having a "rock and roll atmosphere"?

[And be sure to see more of Bob's work at Nadie Se Conoce]

Now THIS is more like it!

New sign going up yesterday at the East Village Pharmacy, opening here very soon on Avenue A and Third Street. Not sure how you'd want to describe the timing of this considering the sign hubbub across the street.

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

On Avenue C, a battle to be the 'St. Patrick's Day Official Party Headquarters!'

First, on Avenue C and 10th Street... at the East Village Tavern...

and across the way at Royale...

Meanwhile, you can find me in my bunker today.

[Photos by EV Grieve Holiday Correspondent Bobby Williams]

Exclusive: Inside a Drinking Water Sampling Station

The other day, EV Grieve reader Steven noticed that the Drinking Water Sampling Station on First Avenue between Second Street and Third Street...

...was open! For some reason, I've never seen inside of one... So now we know, despite the rumors — and swarms of bargoers! — they are not actually dispensing draft beer...

And this post at tells you what the stations are actually used for.

The wrong profile: Joe Strummer gets tagged

As a reader noted in the comments, someone tagged the Joe Strummer mural outside Niagara on Seventh Street and Avenue A a few days ago... added a little color to the lapels and sleeves ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The lonely job of cleaning Kenny Scharf's mural

As noted yesterday, Kenny Scharf's mural was bombed again on Houston and the Bowery... (BoweryBoogie reports that it was hit twice now in the last few days...)

And this evening, a worker just started the clean-up process...