I've been enjoying Alex's "things that aren't here now"
series of photos. Made me think that I shouldn't delete any photos on my computer, no matter how insignificant they seem
now. What if we're looking at the photos below 10 years from now? What
might we be saying? (Oh, I did something similar to this during my
guest stint at Curbed this past August...)
"Wow, this area was still called the Bowery."

"The last ATM that the government shut down!"

"$5 for a Subway sub? So cheap! And this was before Subway merged with Starbucks to create StarSubs (SubBanks?)."

"Freedom Towers should be completed in just another 7 years."

"Only $4.75 for a Coke at old Yankee Stadium? Bargain!"

"Ha! Look! No ads on the bridge!"
"How quaint! When there were shoe repair shops run by people who have been in business 40-plus years!"
"Pay phones....Wha....?"
"Wow, the Christodora was the tallest building on the block; and before Ford Models bought it for their girls!"
"No shopping mall on Grand and Clinton?!"

"The Staten Island Ferry was free!"

"Ha ha ha -- remember when there were newspapers?"

"Wonder when that $20 million will kick in for the repairs at St. Brigid's..."

"Ah, Coney Island..."

"Iggy hasn't aged a bit!"
"Wow, a corner on the Bowery without a high rise...and that was the best Bond since Thunderball!"