Monday, August 1, 2011

Is this the beginning of the end for the Mystery Lot?

An alarmed EV Grieve reader/Mystery Lot aficionado has noted the arrival of workers testing soil samples to monitor the water level...

Or else someone stole this truck and simply tossed it over the fence? Probably not. In any event, such exploratory drilling is required prior to the start of any construction project. The lot has sat vacant since workers demolished the shell of the old Jefferson Theater in 1999.

Builtgross Associates, a subsidiary of Milstein Properties, owns the property. Anthony Bergamo, vice chairman of executive planning for Milstein Properties, told the Local East Village back in March that they didn't expect anything to happen at this site in the near future.

Previously on EV Grieve:
An appreciation: That empty lot on 13th Street

Another view of the Mystery Lot

Claim: No construction until next year at 35 Cooper Square; empty lot all ours for remainder of 2011

In case that you missed this Friday afternoon... Goggla told us that the boards and sidewalk shed were coming down at 35 Cooper Square.

And here's what the lot looks like now...

Also, a worker told her that new construction is not set to happen until next year.

Bonus photo! Leftover food.

Do you know who stole Westville East's bench?

Sorry... a little late on this one... just noticed these flyers in the window here on Avenue A at 11th Street... by now the bench has probably already crossed state lines...

Regardless, I'm going to need to know where each of you were on July 13 at this hour. Alibis please.

Also! While we're at it, did you steal this chair from outside the Cure Thrift Shop on East 12th Street? Someone did, according to the Cure blog.

Cure photo and tip via Neighborhoodr.

Latest taker for former Mondo Kim's — NYC Tofu House

Cafe Hanover quickly flamed out at the former Mondo Kim's space on St. Mark's Place ... Now something called NYC Tofu House is ready to give the place a whirl...

Last we looked, the rent here for the two levels was an amazing $50,000 a month. That's a lot of tofu.

And now, another place to shop for tattoos and tobacco accessories on St. Mark's Place

Speaking of new businesses on St. Mark's Place ... there's a new tattoo-tobacco accessories-piecing shop called NYC Kulture opening in the St. Mark's Strip Mall that also houses Chipotle and Supercuts...

So... better than another $1 pizza place or froyo?

Previously, the space was home to the short-lived St. Mark's Cafe...

...and before that, Red Mango and the CBGB shop...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Another victim claimed in the relentless East Village FroYo wars

Tourists will have to go online to buy their CBGB T-shirts

Papa John's enters the $1 slice fray

Let me know when it gets down to 25 cents.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Today in odd discarded items...

Both the Long Lost Intern of EV Grieve (LLIOEVG) and Dave on 7th note a rather unusual item in the trash pile... here on Sixth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B ... a harp case (is there a harp inside?)

[the Long Lost Intern of EV Grieve (LLIOEVG)]

[Dave on 7th]

At the 3rd annual Massive Mad Hatter Tea Party, now in its 2nd year

Late afternoon... and this evening in Tompkins Square Park...

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Second Annual Massive Mad Hatter Tea Party from Monica Račić on Vimeo.

More info here.

In Tompkins Square Park, the 'Walk Man' sculpture now has a sweater

Agata Olek in action ...

Photos by Bobby Williams.


Looking at the BMW Guggenheim Lab

So the BMW Guggenheim Lab had its first sneak preview for residents last evening leading up to its Grand Opening on Wednesday... We didn't go. But! You now have a good idea of what the place will look like...

Can't quite tell all that the Brooklyn-based Roberta's has on the menu... roasted eggplant sandwich... tomato cucumber salad ... and best cheese something ever ...

[Updated] Thanks to @thePeterHa for a better shot of the menu...

The gala opening-night party is Tuesday.

Tying one on at Astor Place

Yesterday, Bobby Williams spotted workers placing neon zip ties on light poles on Astor Place...

And V.H. McKenzie notes some of the final product today....

[Update] Thanks to Eric G. for letting us know that this is part of an art project from the Animus Art Collective for this year's Summer Streets program.

[Update] Two shots from EV Grieve reader Joe...

Because we haven't talked about rats in Tompkins Square Park in about, oh, 48 hours

This photo taken by Bobby Williams yesterday shows some of the measures workers are taking to help curb the rat population in Tompkins Square Park...

While these lids are a fine idea in the Park ... the rats don't have too far to go to find other food sources...

Of course, crossing Avenue A can be a little dicey.

Meanwhile, the repercussions from the TSP Ratstravaganza are being felt far and wide — even keeping Florida residents up at night! After reading the account of the rats in Tompkins Square Park, blogger Julie Ryan Evans wrote on The Stir: "I'm not sure I'll be able to go to any park in the near future without being on the lookout for rats, and I don't live anywhere near New York. I'm not sure I'll even be able to sleep."

For further reading:
Bob Arihood has written about the use of rat poisons in the Park.

Sidewalk memorial for the Mars Bar defaced


This morning...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

At the Day of 1,000 Cranes in Tompkins Square Park

Read more about it here. Photos by Bobby Williams.

Please welcome 'Walk Man' to Tompkins Square Park

Yesterday, Park officials and various other people unveiled a new sculpture in Tompkins Square Park... Meet "Walk Man," which is the work of artist Scott Taylor.

Per DNAinfo, the "seven-foot-tall sculpture represent[s] the walking man, a version of which is seen at street crossings around the world."

As he said to DNAinfo: "Will it get graffitied? Probably," Taylor acknowledged, saying he’d simply paint over any scrawls that appear. "My graffiti is my white paint."

And "Walk Man" is set to be up for the next four months.