Saturday, July 30, 2011

At the Day of 1,000 Cranes in Tompkins Square Park

Read more about it here. Photos by Bobby Williams.


Kira Saltzman said...
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Kira Saltzman said...

Thank you for the post! :) I'm the founder and chairwomen of Day of a Thousand Cranes. We had a FANTASTIC and SUCCESSFUL day in the park and as a neighborhood girl, the best part was getting my entire community involved in something I truly believe in.
Our message is to use the legend of the thousand cranes to grant those wishes to the children who need them the most. 45% of children in Fukushima now have radio-active thyroid glands...lets come together now and give them the most special moment of their life..they need wishes granted!
Thank you all who came out,
Kira Saltzman