Monday, January 11, 2021

A deli-grocery for the southwest corner of 14th Street and Avenue A

Renovations have started at the storefront on the southwest corner of 14th Street and Avenue A. 

The posted work permits state that a "deli & grocery" is in the works for the address...
This is a pretty small space, so it may very well be a deli-grocery of the smoke shop variety.

Dion Cleaners held down this corner for 35 years ... until this past November.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Dion Cleaners had to shut down. They were such a valuable local business. I wish the new proprietors luck. It's a good corner, so they should do well.

Anonymous said...

There's another convenience or deli-grocery store (bodega in Spanish)and an existing smoke shop on this block where Muzzarella remains shuttered.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the used "anything " ,7 day a week flee market right outside the front door.

Gone but not forgotten said...

How about losing the Chinese Herbal shop on 14th complete with Acupuncture and Massage? Also quite a loss!