Thursday, March 21, 2024

Same gunman suspected in shooting today in Tompkins Square Park, police say

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 


No injuries were reported after a gunman opened fire early this afternoon near the chess tables at the 7th and A entrance to Tompkins Square Park, police said

NYPD sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said there were five to seven shots fired, with a bullet penetrating a window above Niagara across the street.
Police said the suspect, described as a Black male wearing a ski mask and dark clothing, was the same shooter who fired shots that struck two innocent bystanders this past Saturday. "It's a beef," per a police source.

The suspect reportedly fled on a Citi Bike.   
"We're not going to stop until we get him," a police official told us. 

The official said that they were "confident in the direction this investigation is going. The detectives here are world-class and won't rest until the job's completed." 

"We already had increased patrol at the park, including when the shooting happened," the official said.


Christopher Pelham said...

Very scary. I hope he’s caught soon. I imagine anyone wearing a ski mask who fits the description is getting called in immediately.

Sarah said...

So there were cops at the park when the shooting happened, and they still let him get away on a bike???

Anonymous said...

maybe its time to release the information known about the suspect so the community can do its part

twittoris said...

I had to move from east 7th Street last year. Packages were stolen daily. Mentally unstable people everywhere. It was only a matter of time before this started happening.

Garrett said...

Elections have consequence folks. Less than 8,000 of you voted in the last primary

MTA614 said...

You've got to be kidding me. What are we waiting for to take serious action, some innocent kid to be shot who is just playing the park? Because at this rate, that's exactly what's going to happen.

Perfume junkie said...
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Longtimelesres said...

I agree with Garrett. People in the EV don't seem to vote anymore. Carlina keeps winning with like 5000 votes. I will note though that in my building where I am the only remaining rent regulated tenant noone votes here because they are still registered in whatever state they moved here from. A lot of the students and 20 somethings who live here now don't change their addresses to vote here.

ev9 said...

Only in the 2024 East Village would someone have the cojones to do this twice in the same week with no fear of being apprehended. The bars, restaurants, cars blasting music, and screaming B&T kids know they can do whatever they want here now so why wouldn't the shooter?

Giovanni said...

And to think this used to be such a nice safe neighborhood.

Sarah said...

"Elections have consequence folks."

Yes, when you elect as mayor an incompetent, corrupt ex-cop who lets the NYPD run wild and neglects everything else except nightlife, quality of life deteriorates.

You guys acting like we elected Maya Wiley instead of a guy who thinks we're too hard on cops who beat up civilians are too funny.

Grieve said...

Good to see your name, Giovanni!

mvd said...

I was watching right after it happened, and it seemed to me that the first cops on the scene were on foot. There were two running toward the spot it happened at, with no patrol car immediately apparent

Shadowwhispers said...

The gunman has a beef... with marksmanship apparently. Not that I'd be happy if he actually hit the person he wasn't aiming at, but anyway.

ROC said...

You have to be kidding.

ROC said...

You live in Manhattan. This is not some little town somewhere.

ProudGentrifier79 said...

What kind of ciitbike is this guy getting? Every time I try to unlock a bike, I have to go through two or three till I find one that works halfway decently....wonder what his secret is.