Sunday, April 14, 2024


Photo by Derek Berg 

As seen on Second Avenue and Sixth Street this morning... a Cyclomedia car with camera equipment.

A moment on Google reveals that the company provides Road Surface Analysis (as of last March):
Created in collaboration with Arcadis, Cyclomedia combined their high-resolution street-level panorama images and dense LiDAR point clouds with Arcadis' artificial intelligence algorithm. The unique collaboration resulted in a revolutionary new technology that can assess road surface damage by leveraging AI to recognize and provide the severity, extent, and classification of each individual road defect as well as a rapid ASTM-based Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and Overall Condition Index (OCI) score — all automated from behind a workstation. 
Hopefully, our scores will be high enough to take us to the next level...


Dan said...

editing is a luxury and not good for tech investment, evidently.

Anonymous said...

"Visualize a better world" - Is that a magic mushroom car?