Saturday, May 25, 2024

A look at Yoshiko Chuma's 'Extreme Classics' at La Mama

EVG regular Daniel Efram attended a dress rehearsal Wednesday evening for "Extreme Classics," the latest production from East Village resident Yoshiko Chuma and The School of Hard Knocks at La Mama

Per Dan (via Instagram):
It's a moving and mind-altering production, equal parts political commentary, dance, theater, musical, and art abstraction. 

Yoshiko Chuma (conceptual artist, choreographer/artistic director of The School of Hard Knocks) has been a firebrand in the post-modern dance scene of New York City since the 1980s, has been consistently producing thought-provoking work that is neither dance nor theater nor film nor any other predetermined category. She is an artist on her own journey. A path that has taken her to over 45 "out of the way" countries and collected over 2,000 artists, thinkers and collaborators of every genre since establishing her company The School of Hard Knocks in New York City in 1980.
You can see "Extreme Classics" tonight at 8:30 and tomorrow at 5. The production, a shared evening with Taryn Griggs and Chris Yon, is at The Club at La Mama, 74 E. Fourth St., between Second Avenue and the Bowery. Details are here.

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