RIP David Bowie...

[First Park]
The great Blizzard of Jan. 23...

[East 10th Street via Peter Brownscombe]
... and the day after...

[East 1st Street near 1st Avenue]
The great snow, oh you know...

[Photo via @sandispino]

[Photo by Caz Lulu via Facebook]
Panhandling evolution...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
Losing the war against the rats...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]
St. Mark's Bookshop closes...

Another cold, cold night...

[Photo by @georgygirlnyc]
One year later...

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
A new era begins...

[Photo by Steven]
Here's Johnny...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
You will be missed...

So long Yaffa Cafe mural...

[Photo by Allen Semanco]
Saving Air Shaft Rabbit...
At least Chris Christie isn't actually going to be Secretary of the Interior...

[Photo by Karts]
Tompkins Square Park's Prince-inspired piano...

[Photo by Steven]
At the annual Drag March...

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
ABC No Rio closes for now...

[Photo by Walter Wlodarczyk]
The kids learn to fly...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
A Sunday morning walk on St. Mark's Place...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
Campaigning in Tompkins Square Park...

[Photo by Steven]
Bagging a Rattata ...

[Reader-submitted photo]
A hotel in the works for 11th Street...

[Photo by Grant Shaffer]
A sign of progress in the ongoing Astor Place/Cooper Square Reconstruction project...

[Photo by Vinny & O]
A new space on Seventh Street for Abraço...

[Photo by Steven]
111 years later...

A fire at Caracas Arepa Bar...

[Photo by EVG reader Joaquin]
A new home for Comrade Lenin...

[Photo by Peter Marciano]
Fall in Tompkins Square Park...

A crowd in Tompkins Square Park for Choking Victim ...

[Photo by Goggla]
The cube returns to Astor Place at long last...

[Photo by @unitof]
A vote for the neighbor's best restaurant ...

[Photo by Peter Brownscombe]
Another March Against Trump...

[Photo by Steven]
After a brief closure at McSorley's...

[Photo by Steven]
The NYPD vs the Hells Angels...
[Photo by Event Photos NYC]
SantaConned again...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
At the 25th annual Tompkins Square Park tree lighting...

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
A look at the future?...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]