The landlord has draped a for rent sign across the front of 58 E. First St., presumably marking the end of Boticarios.
There isn't any mention of a closure on the Mexican restaurant's social media properties (last Instagram post is from Aug. 15) ... their website is offline and the phone goes to a full voicemail box.
The Mexican restaurant, which opened in January 2018, was closed by the Department of Health on June 20.
According to DOH public records, the restaurant received 106 violation points, including for:
- Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source. Cross connection in potable water supply system observed.
- Raw, cooked or prepared food is adulterated, contaminated, cross-contaminated, or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan.
- Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies, little house flies, blow flies, bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies, drain flies and Phorid flies.
- Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures.
The DOH still lists them as closed as of Friday, and there isn't any other notice of a follow-up inspection in these public records...

Despite the violations, the restaurant was observed to be open after the inspection (with Instagram posts promoting their various specials).
This address has seen several quality restaurants come and go in recent years. Esperanto Fonda lasted nine months here, closing in May 2017. Before that, this was home to BARA for two years and Prima for three years. The Elephant, a Thai restaurant, was previously here for 17 years.