Showing posts with label Christo and Dora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christo and Dora. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2015

Bringing up babies on the side streets

[Photo Monday by Fenton Lawless]

Unlike last summer, when the young hawks spent much of their formative months in Tompkins Square Park, Christo and Dora's 2015 fledglings have been keeping to the side streets near their former nest at the Ageloff Towers on Avenue A and East Third Street.

So there have been several hawklet sightings on side streets between Avenue A and Avenue B and East Sixth Street and East Third Street.

East Village resident Emily Reese shared this ...

One of Christo and Dora's brood decided to take a break outside my living room window.

The hawk seemed giant. I guess it was two feet from its toes to the top of its head. It was sitting facing away from the window at first, but it noticed me and moved to face me as I began to photograph it. It stayed for 20 minutes, first on the west side of my north-facing fire escape ... Then it shifted to the east side, much to the terror of my two pet birds just inside. It was amazing to watch.

Toward the end of the hawk's visit, she decided to close the aperture and slow the shutter speed on her camera to try to capture the beautiful movement of the hawk's feathers ...

As always, Goggla has been been keeping tabs on the hawk clan (here and here). You may also find more Christo-and-Dora activity at TwoHawksNYC here.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Screen gems: Christo and Dora's 1st summer offspring enjoys hanging out

EVG reader John Coakley shared these photos... one of Christo and Dora's recent offspring — identified as Fledgling #1 — stopping by for a visit the other day at the Ageloff Towers...

...keeping the east-facing windows down (won't anyone think about the the cats?) might be a good idea.

Turns out that Fledgling #1 has a thing for window screens, as Goggla notes at Gog in NYC here. And Two Hawks NYC has video of Fledgling #1 in action.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fledge frenzy; plus hawks immortalized in yarn

[Photo Monday by Bobby Williams]

All three of Christo and Dora's offspring have fledged this past week... leaving the nest on the Ageloff Towers on Avenue A and East Third Street and seeing what this neighborhood has to offer, like large church clocks...


Check out Gog in NYC and TwoHawksNYC for some comprehensive coverage.

In the meantime on Avenue A below, local businesses are getting into the red-tailed hawk spirit... with Exit9 and Downtown Yarns showing their hawk pride...

Thanks to Goggla for the yarn photos!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

2 hawks fledge as 1

[Photo via TwoHawksNYC]

Hawk watchers were happy today to see two of Christo and Dora's three offspring successfully fledge today... (thankfully none of that drama like last year.)

One of the kids ended up atop 507 East Fifth St., the building that houses Sophie's just east of Avenue A...

The TwoHawksNYC blog has an account with photos of what happened today right here. And Goggla will have photos soon.

The baby hawks have been nesting 12th floors above Avenue A on the Ageloff Towers between East Third Street and East Fourth Street…

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents

Hawk (and egg) watch continues on Avenue A, now with the help of a live webcam

Christo and Dora are parents! (Again!)

Look at the 3-week-old hawklets high above Avenue A

Growing up so quickly above Avenue A

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Growing up so quickly above Avenue A

EVG reader Bill Massey shared these photos of Christo and Dora's offspring growing up so quickly on the Frigidaire AC at the Ageloff Towers …

Goggla had an update yesterday on the hawklets here on Avenue A and East Third Street:

I'm a bit worried about the next couple of weeks as the baby hawks are so big and clumsy, and the nest is so small. When they flap their wings, they stumble around and it's unnerving to see them doing that so close to the edge. But, they are birds and this is what they do...

Check out her photos and narrative here. And check out how crowded the nest is via the Avenue A Hawk Cam.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents

Hawk (and egg) watch continues on Avenue A, now with the help of a live webcam

Christo and Dora are parents! (Again!)

Look at the 3-week-old hawklets high above Avenue A

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Look at the 3-week-old hawklets high above Avenue A

Here are the three baby hawks nesting 12th floors above Avenue A on the Ageloff Towers between East Third Street and East Fourth Street…

The photos come courtesy of James and Karla Murray … Christo and Dora's offspring are roughly three weeks old now… (The Two Hawks NYC site has some good nest shots from yesterday.)

Meanwhile, here's a view from Avenue A via Bobby Williams …

… and a bonus shot of Christo taking a break nearby on the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer on East Third Street…

[Photo by RyanAvenueA]

… and Christo out on the town last evening checking out the action on Astor Place…

[Photo by 8E]

As always, check out Gog in NYC for more on the hawks (and falcons!).

And you can keep tabs on the hawks via the Avenue A Hawk Cam.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents

Hawk (and egg) watch continues on Avenue A, now with the help of a live webcam

Christo and Dora are parents! (Again!)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Christo and Dora are parents! (Again!)

[Photo Monday by Bobby Williams]

Some time between Friday and Sunday, all three of Christo and Dora's hawk eggs hatched in the nest on the Ageloff Towers.

There's now a second nest cam from another angle here on Avenue A at East Third Street, so you can see the hawklets upclose right here

Goggla has more details about all this and what the red-tailed hawk parents are up to. Goggla figures fledge time will be in mid-June.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents

Hawk (and egg) watch continues on Avenue A, now with the help of a live webcam

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hawk (and egg) watch continues on Avenue A, now with the help of a live webcam

[Ageloff photo from last week by Bobby Williams]

Been a few weeks since we've checked in on red-tailed hawk parents Christo and Dora, who have been busy building a nest (or two!) on the top floor of the Ageloff Towers on Avenue A between East Third Street and East Fourth Street.

As always, Goggla has been keeping tabs on the developments over at Gog in NYC.

In addition, someone has set up a live webcam on the Ageloff hawk nest. Access that here.

[Photo yesterday by Bobby Williams]

There's also a new Tumblr, Two NYC Hawks and other things I LOVE, featuring some upclose hawk pics and video. Like this one, showing a rough landing by Christo (Dora not amused)…

And last week, The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation's blog Off the Grid had a post on the history of the Ageloff Towers as well as the Christodora House, site of last year's hawk nest.

Tomorrow night, the Society is hosting a program titled The Red-Tail Hawks of Greenwich Village and the East Village — a lecture and slideshow with Gabriel Willow, a naturalist, guide and educator with New York City Audubon

Wednesday, March 25
6:30 – 8 P.M.
Free; reservations required
Washington Square Institute, 51 E. 11th St., between Broadway and University Place

Go here for more details and how to RSVP

Finally, as a bonus, a meal photo for you from Tompkins Square Park the other day...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Christo and Dora are building 2 nests on the Ageloff Towers

[Christo shops at Key. Photo by Goggla]

With the Christodora House out of the picture, red-tailed hawk parents Christo and Dora have been searching for just the right space to build their nest this spring. (OK, late winter.)

After a few false leads, Goggla has discover where the nest is. Actually, make that nests. In recent days, Christo and Dora have been building two nests on AC units on the top floor of the Ageloff Towers on Avenue A between East Third Street and East Fourth Street…

And some nest-in-progress photos via Bobby Williams…

Interesting choice given they are a few blocks away from the plentiful sticks and rats of Tompkins Square Park … above a far more active part of the neighborhood… (compared to their spot on the Christodora on Avenue B and East Ninth Street last year)…

Anyway, head on over to Gog in NYC for lots of photos and the full story.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents

Someone keeps destroying the nest that the red-tailed hawks are building on the Christodora House

[Updated] 1 reason why someone may not want the red-tailed hawks to nest on the Christodora House

Friday, February 20, 2015

Wind chill? What wind chill?

Christo in Tompkins Square Park today… apparently he was seen checking out even more new real estate in the area for nesting…

Photo by Bobby Williams

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A to-go order

Christo (probably???) with dinner on East Seventh Street at Avenue B this afternoon… photo by Bobby Williams

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Reader report: A mixed reception for a potential new East 7th Street resident

A dispatch from EVG reader Leslie yesterday...

Like many in today's real-estate market, everyone's willing to look even further east.

Today, a familiar face was checking out homes on 7th between C and D and received a mixed reception. Some longtime neighborhood residents exhibited marked hostility; others had fingers crossed that this newcomer would choose to stay.

The well-wishers fantasized a new laser focus on reduction of the blocks rodent population.

But the haters, per eyewitness accounts, made their hostility known.

Multiple members of a local blue-jay clique jeered sharp jaay-jaays and repeatedly dive bombed youngblood hawk.

The clannish residents entered attack mode, pecking at his noggin as he sat placidly upon a branch pondering the new location.

Fans tried but failed to capture documentation of the skirmish (see photo below). Nest shopping stopped when a kit of pigeons circled 6th Street, ending the outing to the east.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Are the red-tailed hawks building a nest on the Tompkins Square Library?

[Photo from the other day in Tompkins Square Park by Bobby Williams]

As we noted earlier this week, red-tailed hawk parents Christo and Dora likely won't be able to build their nest on the Christodora House on Avenue B and East Ninth Street this year. So, they will need a new home for a nest.

To the EVG inbox this morning…

Sadly I don't have a photo, but I spotted a hawk, hopefully Christo or Dora, flying out of Tompkins with nesting materials in his talons. He was headed toward the library on East 10th between A and B and appeared to land in that general area. Maybe a new nest location on a building in the vicinity??

I guess we'll see!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Someone keeps destroying the nest that the red-tailed hawks are building on the Christodora House

[Photo from Jan. 22 via Bobby Williams]

As we pointed out last month, Christo and Dora, the red-tailed hawk parents of Tompkins Square Park, were rebuilding their nest that netted three offspring last year on the Christodora House on Avenue B and East Ninth Street.

We heard troubling news about this yesterday via Goggla, who monitors the hawks year-round in the Park via Gog In NYC.

Twice since Friday someone has removed the hawk nest and installed bird spikes, Goggla told us. The nest was empty on Friday and people watched the birds rebuild the whole thing on Saturday and Sunday. By yesterday afternoon, the nest was gone again.

Bruce at the Urban Hawks site is documenting the situation.

If the co-op owner, management company or a construction crew had a legitimate reason to remove the nest, their recent actions haven't dissuaded the hawks from moving. So, will the building just torture the hawks by removing the nesting materials each week until spring? That certainly would be cruel.

We're not sure about the legalities of any of this. As far as we understand it, (ethics aside) a nest can be removed if there aren't any eggs present.

Back to Bruce at Urban Hawks, who figures the situation will prompt the attention of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation:

Let's hope that either the building is forced to let the hawks continue nesting on the Christodora House or if the hawks are to be evicted, that old nest site is properly prepared so the hawks begin to find an alternate nesting location as soon as possible.

And a bonus photo of Christo on Avenue A the other day...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

UPDATED 2/11 — here's one reason why someone may want to prevent the hawks from nesting here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents


VIDEO: Watch the baby hawks of Tompkins Square Park dine on some rat

Red-tailed hawk parents Christo and Dora are building another nest on the Christodora House

Friday, January 23, 2015

Red-tailed hawk parents Christo and Dora are building another nest on the Christodora House

An EVG reader writes in:

Christo and Dora seem to be back in nest mode. The past day or so they've been carrying sticks and such to shore up the nest (same one as last year, on top of the A/C unit). This morning they were both hanging out in the nest.

It is true. The red-tailed hawk parents are rebuilding their nest that netted three offspring last year on the Christodora House on Avenue B and East Ninth Street ... (someone removed the remains of the old nest in November.)


We ran this by our hawk-watching friend Goggla.

They've both been hanging around the nest area, so it's good to know they're back at it. Interesting that Dora is helping out. She did all the supervising last year, while Christo would cut the sticks, then get her approval before taking them over to the nest. She didn't like one of his choices and kicked it out of the tree when he presented it to her.

On Wednesday, Goggla noted Christo's first stick-gathering session of the season.

Last year, Christo didn't start the stick-gathering, nest-building activities until Feb. 14.

To be continued for sure. And visit Gog in NYC for all the off-season hawk activities here.

And now a flashback... a time-lapse video of the hawk kids via East Village resident and photographer Francois Portmann ...

Photos by Bobby Williams

Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House

The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House

More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House

Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents


VIDEO: Watch the baby hawks of Tompkins Square Park dine on some rat

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year from Christo

Hello Christo... thanks to Goggla for the photo today... check her site here for more hawk action today...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014