Showing posts with label Gem Spa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gem Spa. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Zoltar, now with the personal branding back in place

[September 2012]

Zoltar graced us with his presence outside Gem Spa starting on Sept. 23, 2012 (as seen in the above photo).

And Zoltar hadn't really looked the same since his glass was bashed by a skateboard in April 2013 here on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place… the replacement glass didn't carry the ZOLTAR name…

Now, though! Yesterday, the ZOLTAR SPEAKS lettering returned!


Though given how vocal Zoltar can be, is the SPEAKS part necessary?

Friday, April 24, 2015

Triumphant returns: Zoltar back where he belongs again outside Gem Spa

[Back in October]

Back in October, in a move that Zoltar Watchers called shocking ("shocking" or shocking), someone decided to move Zoltar to the left of Gem Spa's front door by the to-go window, away from his two-year-plus home on the right side. All to give more space and access to the stupid Key Master game that's not even there anymore and maybe some hats and sunglasses.

Now, though, we can report that overnight Zoltar is back pretty much where it all began here...

And if this helps...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Gem Spa shake up puts Zoltar on the outs

Zoltar continues his difficult transition on the left side of Gem Spa's front door

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Reminders: Small Biz Crawl is today at noon

... and recent additions include stops at Via Della Pace, San Marzano and ... the Enz's pop-up shop at 103 Allen St. (Enz's is currently displaced from their longtime home at 125 Second Ave.)

Find more details about the Small Biz Crawl at the Facebook event page. Click here to print out signs — and to find out more about #SaveNYC.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that B&H will be open for the event... the diner was locked up yesterday...

[Photo via Derek Berg]

... and here's a peek through the door on Wednesday... looks to be in good shape...


B&H posted this on Facebook early this morning….

Several sources on the block have said that B&H will likely return by Wednesday...

Also... Standings, Burp Castle and Jimmy's No. 43 reopened last night at 41-43 East Seventh St. just west of Second Avenue.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Report: Reopened businesses on 2nd Avenue continue to struggle after the explosion

The NYPD yesterday removed some of the barriers surrounding the southwest corner of Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place… making it a little easier to access the businesses on Second Avenue that have been able to reopen after the explosion that killed two people and destroyed three buildings on March 26.

In this week's issue, Crain's New York Business looks at how the local merchants are struggling since reopening.

Paul's Da Burger Joint was able to starting serving again on Monday at 131 Second Ave. Here's owner Matt Wardrop:

His problems are compounded by a lack of business-interruption insurance, which would have covered losses for the days the restaurant was closed. Insufficient coverage is a frequent problem for small-business owners, who are always looking to cut what can seem like nonessential costs.

"If you're on a mom-and-pop scale, a business-interruption policy is so expensive, if you never need it, you lost a lot of money paying for it, so you take your chances," Mr. Wardrop.


But even on streets that aren't barricaded, and where stores didn't have to close for four days, the disruption of the neighborhood's foot-traffic patterns is continuing. The maze of barricades and fire trucks has cut business by 50% at New Yorkers Foodmarket, on Second Avenue between East Sixth and East Seventh streets, according to owner Michael Schumacher. That's added up to a $50,000 loss of sales during the past week.

Unlike Paul's Da Burger's insurance policy, Foodmarket's does include business-interruption coverage. But Mr. Schumacher said it doesn't extend to a slowdown in business caused by disruptions somewhere else.

The last time his store was in this much trouble was after Superstorm Sandy. But the supermarket owner says this disaster is worse.

"With Sandy, there were no businesses open, and afterwards everybody opened up at the same time," Mr. Schumacher said. "Business came right back. I don't know if business is going to come back, because people are finding other stores to go to."

Taqueria Diana, Ramen Misoya and Himalayan Visions also reopened along here last week. Meanwhile, … B&H Dairy remains closed. In a Facebook message yesterday, B&H said "we will reopen by next week." Apparently the health department gave them the go-ahead, now they are just waiting for gas service.

As for when the entire block will be open, let's go back to Crain's:

A spokeswoman for the Office of Emergency Management said that full access to [the] block — the west side of Second Avenue between St. Marks Place and East Seventh Street — will be restored once debris removal and the investigation of what is being treated as a crime scene are concluded. She could not provide a date.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Just a few shopping days left

Outside Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place this morning…

Monday, February 16, 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Meanwhile outside Gem Spa

We have no idea what's happening here on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place... just rumors (a breakout attempt among them)...

Photos by Derek Berg

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Candy the Gem Spa kitten is 4 months old today!

EVG Facebook friend Blazes passes along the news from our favorite corner store on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place...

There is also a Candy the Gem Spa Kitten Facebook page if you are interested in adorable photos and videos of Candy.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Zoltar feels window pane and pain, probably

Uh-oh. EVG reader Olympias Epiriot notes trouble at the home of Zoltar this morning outside Gem Spa.

As you can see, his front window onto Second Avenue has fallen back… or perhaps it was pushed back! Hopefully his flute is still safely tucked inside his cummerbund … and his jewelry is safe.

[EVG screensaver file photo]

Friday, January 2, 2015

At the dawn of a New Year, Key Master departs Gem Spa; finger-pointing and fortune-telling ensue

On Wednesday afternoon, we happily watched workers cart away that crappy Key Master — a so-called "prize merchandising game" — from outside Gem Spa on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place…

Since arriving 15 months ago, Key Master has stolen taken business away from NYC favorite Zoltar … sparking an ugly turf war in the process.

So few people were upset, in the opinion of this blogger, when Key Master got wrapped up in Home Depot-branded plastic in recent weeks.

As of our press time, there wasn't any word from Gem Spa officials on what might be next here … or if a Zoltar associate purposefully broke Key Master.

Anyway, a BIG story to watch here in 2015…

Previously on EV Grieve:
Gem Spa stunner: Zoltar now has Key Master competition; doomsday predicted

Cause for rethinking last-minute gift ideas as Key Master remains wrapped outside Gem Spa

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Cause for rethinking last-minute gift ideas as Key Master remains wrapped outside Gem Spa

On Monday, Derek Berg noted that the 15-month-old Key Master, a so-called "prize merchandising game" outside Gem Spa, was out of commission. Basically dead, wrapped in (Home Depot) plastic.

Two days later, not much has changed here on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place.

So anyone looking to compete for, and win, prizes such as Macy's Gift Cards, iPods (????) and iPod Minis (????) will have to look elsewhere.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Gem Spa stunner: Zoltar now has Key Master competition; doomsday predicted

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Gem Spa has a new awning

On Thursday, workers arrived to install a new awning outside EVG favorite Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place…


And on Friday! Derek Berg picked up the action…

… the work was disruptive to a few people just trying to earn a living…




And a look back …

[Image via]

Sunday, December 7, 2014

E-xciting news from Gem Spa

[Photo by Derek Berg]

Yesterday morning, a worker arrived at Gem Spa, one of our favorite places… to finally fix the E in the Gem here on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place…

And now!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Zoltar in the morning

Isn't that cozy?

Word is that since Zoltar got moved to the left of Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place, his business is off ... and he has more free time. Hence he's spending time out of the booth and in the reclining chair.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Zoltar continues his difficult transition on the left side of Gem Spa's front door

It has been less than a week since Zoltar got the boot from his two-plus-year spot on the right outside Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place.

While we're waiting for the auditing financials for his take this week to compare it to previous weeks … we can say, anecdotally, that he just doesn't look happy here.

And why? To have more room to see a few more bags and hats for raves?

And Key Master sucks.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Gem Spa shake up puts Zoltar on the outs

Shocking developments to report outside Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place.

After two-plus years anchored to the right of Gem Spa's front door ... we arrived early this morning to find that Zoltar had been moved... to the left of the to-go window.

Basically Siberia.

Tucked away behind the postcards and Gem Spa chalkboard sign. Where people will be less likely to have their fortune told.

From a symmetry standpoint it sort of makes sense... balancing out the games of chance on either side of the door...

No word at this hour why Zoltar was moved... and if this is permanent... and what this means for your weekend plans...

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Repercussions from saying 'I see you standing there' all day long

We've told this to Zoltar a thousand times. You can't pester people all day long. Play it cool, you know.

EVG contributor Derek Berg noted this tense, 90-second stare down outside Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place this morning.

Perhaps there is some history between these two. Keep an eye out…

Thursday, May 29, 2014

When Zoltar moves a little to his right…

In other important news stories today … we noticed this evening that someone moved Zoltar out from his usual perch in front of Gem on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place …

Or maybe he moved himself… get into the sidewalk flow more… (he has seemingly been pushy of late Yeah, yeah — I see you standing there too!) …

Anyway the move exposed an older Gem Spa sign … when they sold "foreign periodicals!"