Our friend Alex over at Flaming Pablum noted over the weekend that the Quiznos Subs on East 12th Street and Broadway has apparently closed... I don't think I have ever eater at one... Regardless! A quick salute to the nudge, nudge promos from this store's front windows... to all the beef dips and toasty bullets that I never had!
Beef dip? Toasty bullets? The torpedo? Subtle! May I suggest some other new menu items, such as the Beef Bayonet, the Pork Sword or the Smoked Meat Log? With Winkle Doodles for dessert.
In the Subway post from yesterday, a commenter mentioned that Quiznos had/has a rat for a mascot. Heh. Well, I dunno. There was the Quiznos in the complex at 19-23 St. Mark's ... once home to the Dom, the Electric Circus, etc. (No need to get into that!) Anyway, the St. Mark's Quiznos closed in 2007...I've never been to a Quiznos...and have no idea what their mascot is...So I actually looked it up...and unless this is some wacky spoof, then Quiznos really did have a rat for a mascot...one with crazy-ass eyes and a bowler hat...accompanied by something with a guitar and pirate hat.