Showing posts with label Urban Etiquette Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urban Etiquette Signs. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2014

A festive Urban Etiquette Sign for the holidays

Spotted on Avenue A via Shawn Chittle…

Please close the door behind you. (Safer for all)

(and call the landlord to remind him)

Love the decorations. Thanks.

Bonus points for the fine use of parentheses…

Saturday, December 13, 2014


EVG reader John notes a free hideaway bed/couch combo on East Eighth Street at Avenue B… but there are some stipulations…

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Big word alert: From the front lines of the Avenue B brunch war

An EVG reader noted the arrival of sidewalk graffiti outside bonkers brunch spot Poco on Avenue B and East Third Street …

Per the reader: "I had to look up the word but sums it up about right. Haha."


…there's a similar message across the Avenue outside Mama's Bar…

One fed-up neighbor describes Poco as a "horror show."

"Poco is constantly crowding the sidewalk, and attracted people from many different areas to come and have a free-for-all of drinking and not realizing that we actually live here," the neighbor said.

Poco's website advertises that it has the "Best boozy brunch on the island."

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

East Village etiquette for AirBnBers: 'Don't piss off the locals'

[Click on the image for a better read]

Here is an Urban Etiquette Sign from inside a 110-year-old tenement on First Avenue near East Sixth Street that has seen a weekly parade of transients/backpackers/tourists for the past year.

Per the sign's creator:

I know it puts me in the category of 'passive-aggressive note-posters.' I don't care anymore.

New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman recently announced that nearly three-quarters of all Airbnb rentals in the city were illegal.

Monday, November 17, 2014


An Urban Etiquette Sign from inside an East Third Street building via EVG reader Philip TreviƱo, who notes the flyer is still fresh and unmarked by a Sharpie. (And not just to copyedit.)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

'To whoever reported my bike and had it towed costing me $500'

Spotted on East First Street. Someone wrote in a highlighter below the note,"to whoever you are I love you."

Sunday, October 5, 2014

There is, apparently, a plant thief among us

A reader shared this from a building on East Seventh Street.

Don't make it an issue, OK?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Urban Etiquette Sign, sidewalk chalk edition

Spotted this message outside an apartment building on East Second Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...

Monday, September 15, 2014

When it is time to discuss the 'fucking drugs' in the building

A reader shared this Urban Etiquette Sign from a building on East Third Street.

The top part is direct enough: "Get your fucking drugs out of the building. We're calling the cops."


And the handwritten part, presumably from the accused, reads:

"To the idiot/s that left this under my door let this be the last thing I receive from your dumbass/es!

At the very least leave your Name + # so I can help you get to the bottom of your accusations. Otherwise, I implore you to call the police!"

Updated 9/16 ... added this link...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader mailbag: What do I do about my new neighbors who smoke pot all the time? (66 comments)

Monday, July 28, 2014

A note from 'that obnoxious drunk girl'

A resident made this discovery the other morning in an East Village building lobby. A sign placed over the remains of some [redacted] that apparently hit the wall then the floor.

"Sorry guys, Cleaned it up as much as I could. Thanks for being understanding.
That obnoxious drunk girl"

And how was your weekend?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Good samaritan thwarts bike theft, leaves note

[Click on image to read the note]

Based only on anecdotal evidence, there seems to be more bike thefts around the neighborhood.

Here's a bike — described as an "attention-getting neon green and yellow" — that almost became a statistic.

EVG reader Randy Kato shared this note from East Second Street and Avenue A … attached to bike wheel still locked in place — without the rest of the bike.

The note explains:

"Some one tried to steal your bike — got it back from the fucker — (I didn't wanna go to the police because they make everything into an ordeal) … If you can unlock the wheel we'll know your the real bike owner — I left just left it in a nearby store — They're good guys."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Meanwhile, on Avenue A...

EVG reader RJ shares this Urban Etiquette Sign from inside an apartment building on Avenue A.

Some context.

So apparently a few newer residents in this building are upset with a longtime resident smoking with his door open. And the two sides took to signs to hash it out.

The response from the longtime tenant is quite something ...

"Yeah, all right. Guess what? You uptight whiney little punk. Instead of my cigarettes I'm going back (exclusively) to my old favorite — cigars. Just to piss you off! I suggest you either relax yourself and chill out or move back in with your parents (who are probably paying your rent anyway)

Ya' punk!"

Your move, newer resident.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Avenue C 'residents with children' not happy with Babel Lounge

We spotted this sign on Saturday over at Babel Lounge and Hookah Bar on Avenue C near east Eighth Street…

"Your club will be shut down if you continue to disturb the peace of this neighborhood."

Ave. C residents with children

Babel doubled in size recently when it took over the late Duke's spot next door.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We have a note!: 'To the Dirt Bag who stole my black push cart out of the laundry room'

EVG reader stickmanpk sends us these awesome signs spotted in a building in Stuy Town, the land of enchantment…

And there's an update. Apparently there is a cart thief among us!

Do these qualify as Urban Etiquette Signs?

As stickmanpk put it, "This is sort of the opposite of polite. Maybe?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The 'Beware: Thieves are lurking the L.E.S.' sign of the day

An EVG reader spotted (and noted!) this sign at the Open House club at 240 E. Houston St. near Avenue A.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Please stop feeding the rats and bugs

Today's Urban Etiquette Sign comes from East Fifth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B… where someone is apparently dumping food in this tree pit… not sure if the above buffet arrived before or after the sign did. Regardless, that looks pretty tasty. Maybe a kale carrot slaw that's heavy on the carrots? The rule of thumb is two medium-sized carrots for every cup of kale.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Excellent Urban Etiquette Sign name checks Russell Brand, 'Till Tuesday

[Click image to enlarge]

Spotted over on East First Street… The note starts off with the suggestion that someone in an adjacent building is playing Russell Brand a little too loudly on the stereo. Not that this is the worst offense.

"[I]t's much, much worse when you're playing saccharine pop ballads at top volume, or perhaps having a sing-along to your favorite Adele song."

There's also a reference to the mysterious Nicolas who splashes around in his hot tub at 3 a.m., and "the filthy tarp he optimistically erected as a sound barrier."

The missive ends with, "So, do us all a favor, and remember, that even downtown, voices carry*. And how."

A 'Til Tuesday reference!

"Voices Carry" is a fine song from 1985 …whose video features one of the greatest Assholes in Music Video History. Let's watch! (And it's fine to get up and sing just like Aimee Mann during the finale at Carnegie Hall!)

Well done, Urban Etiquette Sign. Sarcastic and funny while still making a point… with a little music lesson to boot.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Car alarm causing some residents to lose their shit, and leave Urban Etiquette Signs

A reader who lives in the 500 block of East 13th Street (between A and B) shares this …

"The car in the enclosed pictures is now infamous for keeping many of my neighbors, wide awake, sleepless and angry for the past three nights. What’s hilarious and makes the car a symbol of the gentrified EV, are the protest fliers plastered all over it’s front and side window."

…the photo is slightly cut off… but the note is signed "your very MEAN angry neighbor." But there is a ♥

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Urban Etiquette Sign of the Year (so far)

A reader sends this along from East Second Street... presented here without commentary ...

Friday, January 24, 2014

The East 3rd Street Welcoming Committee Welcomes you

Some longtime residents of 197 E. Third St. near Avenue B have grown tired of the nearby bar scene … and all that comes with it… the loud music, the fights, the students, the weekend wooseekers … the usual.

So this week, one of the residents made this sign and put it up in the front doorway where various bargoers tend to congregate…

Will it work?