Showing posts with label signs around the East Village. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signs around the East Village. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2012


First Avenue at 11th Street.

East Village signs of the times: Bye Polonia, Joe's Bar and Octavia's Porch

Someone removed part of the now-closed Polonia sign on First Avenue...

...where right next door the sign is working at the new Subway...

...on East Sixth Street, someone took down the remaining letters for Joe's Bar...

...and on St. Mark's Place, the sign is up for the incoming panuozzo place...

Finally, on Avenue B near East Third Street, the Octavia's Porch sign is gone... presumably on its way to the Bad Restaurant Name Hall of Fame.

This will be the second location of the Park Slope-based Mexican eatery Fonda.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012


Spotted outside Identity on East Sixth Street a little while ago.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In other East Village signage news...

Signs have recently appeared on First Avenue between Sixth Street and Seventh Street at the incoming L’asso EV ...

From the people behind Mott Street pizzeria L’asso.

And on Avenue C at Ninth Street, the sign is up for The Wayland, the bar taking over the Banjo Jim's space....

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why you shouldn't be outraged at Kelly Donahue for refusing to give up her seat

EV Grieve reader Creature spotted this flyer on Avenue B at Fifth Street... then another one a few blocks away...

As you might expect, the sign is a fake... it's part of an ad campaign for a book out next month titled "I Hate You, Kelly Donahue."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our new favorite curb your dog sign

13th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

Also noteworthy on 10th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A... Not very creative, but ruthlessly blunt...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why Abraco is closed today

EVGayBear notes the the following today outside Abraco on Seventh Street...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Orphaned baby squirrel alert on Seventh Street

Spotted on Seventh Street near Second Avenue late yesterday afternoon. Thanks to EV Grieve reader David M. for the photo.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Large warehouse wanted

So we spotted this on the plywood along Third Avenue between 13th Street and 12th Street Saturday...

Intrigued, we emailed the address listed...

Turns out the people behind Unicorn Meat NYC — "an underground, art based nightlife production group" are looking for permanent space. Per the Unicorn Meat website:

We will fill the walls and ceilings with LED art and 3D projection. It is our belief that people controlling the underground nightlife scenes in NYC are simply not doing what they could be doing with warehouse space. It's our dream and passion to bring you an eclectic and electronic based space that will blow you away and take you to another place.

In the email, Unicorn's Alex Kay wrote, "We get large multi-thousand person crowds and need to be able to put them somewhere we can run. Venues in NYC are difficult to work with so we are starting our own."


"We put some of the signs up in ... Williamsburg and they disappeared. Why? I believe they were taken down by brokers who don't want us going around them. The one in the city stayed up."

Actually, as of Sunday, someone had removed this poster too. Or maybe someone wanted a closer look at the American Pole Fitness Championship crotch.

Friday, September 23, 2011

About the sign to the bicyclist who hit the woman on Avenue A and Third Street

Have you seen this sign on Avenue A at Third Street? Probably a good story behind it, huh?

Well, yes there is! And our friend Jen Doll at Runnin' Scared has the details. It concerns Cynthia Wright, an actress who also teaches at NYU. A cyclist clipped her while she was crossing Avenue A. She sustained multiple injuries, though was able to continue on her journey. The police on the scene made some anti-Bloomberg cycling comments. The cyclist apologized. And now that Wright, a cyclist herself, has had some time to rest and think about what happened...

Her hopes in placing the sign are that the guy, who she describes as a "handsome young hipster guy" with dark hair, helmetless, and probably in his 20s, riding a black bike with a thin frame, will see it and contact her. "It's come to me since," she said, "If I were he, I would be willing to help this person by buying her a new pair of pants, help her with having to see the osteopathic physician, and the other work."

So, if you're reading this "handsome young hipster guy," then you may have to buy some pants and what not.

Read the whole post here.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On Avenue A, a call to abolish heel highs

This morning... via Dave on 7th...

Per the sign: "Outlaw the manufacture and sale of high heel shoes They break ankle and cause maximum pain, shoes without socks not a joke"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


On East Sixth Street. The sign is a little confusing. Can you only use one of these items at a time? Or two of three?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Innocent East Village neighborhood invaded by sin, lousy ad slogans

I'm sorry to interrupt your summer Friday to let you know that there is pornography and sin among us. Sin! Not to mention lousy advertising slogans. So once again, it's time to rally the troops to protest this, this... this.

[Last photo by Dave on 7th]

A petition will be circulating shorty about something or another.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Other East Village signs someone can take issue with

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011