Monday, June 28, 2010

Mystery Lot continues to fascinate

Been some more reader interest of late about the Mystery Lot... the long-vacant parcel of land between 13th Street and 14th Street just east of Third Avenue... Yesterday, a reader noted the presence of a man inside the lot — a man who wasn't whacking weeds, but merely taking it all in.... As the reader described it...."I saw a bearded gentleman enjoying the weather in there." Oh, yeah! See him below...

Meanwhile! Another reader wondered, "It could be a pretty sweet spot for a community garden, though I realize a glass windowed high rise is more realistic."

Whatever happened to simple bar names... and concepts?

I'm thinking about some of the bars that I like in the neighborhood... Joe's, Mona's, Lucy's, Sophie's, Manitoba's, 2A, 7B ... all have pretty simple names — and concepts. Some other bars have been around long enough that I don't even think twice about the names anymore ... the International, the Blue & Gold, Mar's Bar, the Phoenix, the Grassroots, the Holiday Cocktail Lounge ...

Apparently, simplicity doesn't work anymore ... simple names, simple concepts... In the Times last week, Frank Bruni noted the three owners of the new Blind Barber on East 10th Street:

"This troika of tricksters is determined to get your attention. That’s no easy feat in the crowded downtown drinkscape, where the competition comes armed with secret entrances, hidden alleys, pharmaceutical paraphernalia, taxidermy. What’s left? A bar with barbers, it turns out."

Given the economics, I suppose you can no longer open a bar called Jim's where people could come and drink and have conversations and be profitable.

No, wait. I suppose you can no longer open a bar called Jim's where people who live in the neighborhood could come and drink and have conversations and be profitable.

So let's take a look at some of the new bars (and restaurants) that just opened or are opening very soon in the neighborhood:

1) The 13th Step

The team behind Down the Hatch is opening the 13th Step at the former Telephone Bar on Second Avenue. I posted this back in February.

The term the 13th Step means: This term is used as a euphemism for inappropriate sexual advances by a member to a newcomer in AA (such as sponsors toward sponsees).

In a post on the new 13th Step sign last week... some readers here weighed in...:

13th step. What the fuck is that, now we're gonna get all quaint and cutesy and ironic about alcoholism? Gawd sometimes I really hate people and their "creative ideas".


Pretty soon we will have more bars with ridiculous flippant alcohol problem-referencing names like "The Drunk Tank", "Drunk and Disorderly's", "Alcohol Poisoning", "The Binge", "DUI"... possibilites are endless.

2) SRO

Theres's a new upscale winery coming to Stanton in the Bowery... at the former annex for the SRO Sunshine Hotel. So. The new owners tastefully decided to name this place... SRO... This name annoyed the CB3/SLA committee last Monday night, as Eater noted. (Read BoweryBoogie's coverage of this place here.)

As Jeremiah wrote about SRO: "another unfortunate appropriation of poverty-related language by caterers to the affluent. Hey, why not call it Flophouse? Or Soup Kitchen? Or Skid Row? Wouldn't that be hip? How about Scabies?"

3) The Ninth Ward

As Fork in the Road reported, the owners of Shoolbred's are taking over the former Thai on Two space on Second Avenue. Per the Fork:

"The new place will have an 1890s' New Orleans feel, with absinthe drips and classic cocktails, much like Laffite's or the Old Absinthe House on Bourbon Street. Some food — most likely, Cajun standards — will be served."

Fine, but... When I heard that name, I recalled my trip to New Orleans in the fall of 2006 — nearly 14 months after Hurricane Katrina wiped out portions of the city. A friend, who was born and raised in New Orleans, took me for a tour of the devastation in various parts of the city, including the Lower Ninth Ward. Houses had been knocked off foundations. Not much remained except some muck — layers of canal water, sewage and dirt — and mold. Doesn't make me feel like a cocktail.

On Friday afternoon, Fork in the Road noted Louisiana-transplant and writer Cajun Boy's reaction via Twitter:

A New Orleans-themed bar in NYC called Ninth Ward has opened. Maybe I'll open a NYC-themed bar in New Orleans and call it World Trade Center

4) Billy Hurricane's

In the former Rehab/Midway space (and Save the Robots) space at 25 Avenue B, an upstairs/downstairs combo is opening soon. Grub Street reported in April that the owners will open the "Bourbon. Beer. Rock'–themed Idle Hands in the basement space while upstairs a group with ties to Thunder Jackson’s and Point Break will open Billy Hurricanes, a Mardi Gras–themed bar trafficking in frozen daiquiris, Cajun food, and a signature drink that will be limited to two per person."

Billy's has a blog. The first post notes:

Once we get the kitchen finalized, among other things... we will be ready to rock!
Watch out for our opening night party... will be off the hook!
Please welcome us to the neighborhood.
Are you ready to rock!?

DNAinfo had a follow-up on Billy's/Idle Hands a few weeks back. Per Patrick Hedlund's story:

But even though its door have yet to open, the space has already been forced to contend with negative criticisms that have cast the bar as a theme-park-style venue that will attract rowdy crowds to the residential area.

"There's always going to be somebody who doesn't like it and doesn't want you there," said co-owner Rob Morton, 37 ...

Morton responded to the snipes by saying his group is simply following a long list of glitzier nightlife establishments that have flocked to the formerly gritty area.

"You can't yearn for a neighborhood that was," he said

Or can you?

In case you had any doubt about the future of these corners on the Bowery

New space available signs are up...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Your guide to the doomed corners of the Bowery

123 Third Ave. has glass

Here we are at "East Union Square," where workers started putting in the glass Friday...

Still waiting for that sales center, though...

Previously on EV Grieve:
123 Third Avenue ramps up its marketing efforts with an ad facing away from traffic

Why Superdive was closed Saturday night

Why was Black Market closed this entire weekend?

I don't know the answer... but I was surprised to see the relatively new place closed all weekend...and no note or sign on the gate offereing any explantion...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Why is the Pizza Shop closed?

Lucy's reopens on Thursday

Meanwhile on Avenue A, Lucy's is taking a quick break...

Previously on EV Grieve:
At Lucy's: "We miss you!"

Chalk art on Extra Place

Spotted Sunday afternoon...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Ruffian Arms in Tompkins Square Park

Part of the Alpha Women Attack the LES show today...

A naked Madonna spotted

Argentina 3, Mexico 1

Watching the World Cup on Avenue B near 13th Street.

Part of Avenue A closed due to water main break

As you may have noticed, Avenue A between Ninth Street and 10th Street continues to be closed...

A worker on the scene told me there was a water main break... thanks to the EV Grieve reader for the above photo!

Germany 4, England 1, Avenue C 0

A little while ago after Germany beat England 4-1 in the World Cup... German fans celebrate on Avenue C and Seventh Street after watching the match at Zum Schneider and Alphabet City Lounge....

The cops drove by and paid no mind...

The Shepard Fairey mural is just a hole-y mess now

Last night (or early this morning), more of the Shepard Fairey mural on Houston and the Bowery has been ripped apart...

BoweryBoogie has been keeping tabs on the destruction here as well...

You have "No Chance" of getting into Zum Schneider this morning

That was the word from a Zum Schneider waitress a little bit ago...Hundreds were on hand for England-Germany in the World Cup... Actually, she was nice about it...she told the people waiting outside the already-full Zum to go to another bar so they wouldn't miss the match...

...the line stretched around Avenue C and west on Seventh Street...

Looking for Larry David look-alikes

I was told that the HBO folks were hiring Larry David look-alikes for stand-in duties while filming here... I wanted to find the ad for this...

So I type in "Larry David Look Alikes Wanted in New York" in Google... and, well, this makes sense...

Then I found this! A professional Larry David look-alike for your next corporate event or party, according to the site...

Anyway, never did find the ad for the look-alikes...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Fourth Street will have to curb their enthusiasm Monday

Saturday, June 26, 2010


The one correction that I can recall the Post running... (Oh, in Classroom Extra on Friday, the Post noted that President Truman lost the election to Dwight D. Eisenhower. Truman didn't run for re-election...What, did a Truman family member call to complain to Col Allan?)

Missing, presumably

Spotted on 11th Street and Avenue A.

8:51 this morning...

and the Tompkins Square Park dog run was empty...

Was just trying to remember the last Saturday morning in which it was empty at this hour...

Meanwhile, the Zip car lot on Second Street was empty too...

(The cars in the background are in a different lot...)

Self-serve tattoos by Ray's

A reader sent along this shot from under the sidewalk shed by Ray's last weekend.... where a young man was giving himself a tattoo on Avenue A....

[Photo posted on Flickr]

Hoping for more Neither More Nor Less

I really like the photo in the post above this one... and it prompts me to say...
I miss Bob Arihood's latest photos and dispatches at Neither More Nor Less, particularly his shots outside Ray's and in Tompkins Square Park. As you know, he decided to move on from NMNL. Given the time and devotion that goes into a site, I certainly understand that decision.

In any event, every so often, I take a quick peek at NMNL .... to see if he might have quietly resumed posting new photos... Regardless, it's well worth your time to look through his vast archives.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Take a Chance

James Chance and the Contortions.

Sunday in the Park!

WHAT: ALPHA WOMEN ATTACK THE LES - free punk & variety show!
WHEN: Sunday, June 27th, 2 til 6 pm

As the news releases says: It's the roaring return of the yearly punk and variety show produced by Our Lady of Perpetual PMS and THE SHADOW.

***Part of a series of FREE shows that celebrate the vitality and creativity of the counter cultural scene that has survived on the LES, despite the rampant gentrification, soaring rents and lost venues that have contributed to the cultural genocide sweeping New York City.***

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Find all the NYC Pride events here for the weekend (NYC Pride)

A great door is gone on East Fifth Street (The Gog Log)

Reading the graffiti on the 10th Street and Fourth Avenue plywood (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Random shit! (Slum Goddess)

NYC photos from the 1910s (Flaming Pablum)

EV Grieve reader Marjorie Ingall recommends a Saturday trip to Governors Island...where some of the Figments sculptures remain up all summer....

Inside an abandoned orphanage (Scouting New York)

Griping about the 1905 (Ephemeral New York)

Reviewing public restrooms (Runnin' Scared)

Blowing up the Slipper Room (BoweryBoogie)

Finally, you've seen these stupid Diesel ads everywhere... Anyway, the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival jury awarded the Grand Prix for outdoor ads to this effort... (Some reaction to this via Gawker.)