Monday, April 5, 2010

Making the rats feel at home in the Mystery Lot

Courtesy of the The Antagonist Movement. In the beloved Mystery Lot.

Bombing the Domino Sugar Refinery

The Graffiti Friend of EV Grieve (GFOEVG) passed along a link from north of the Williamsburg Bridge... As The Street Spot noted this past Friday, the Domino Sugar Refinery was bombed last week in epic fashion...

Thanks to Luna Park for letting us repost these... She has more shots on her Flickr page.

Pot/pregnant wife etiquette sign already spoofed

On Friday, we posted this apartment etiquette sign from The Luxury Spot...

It was quickly spoofed at Barstool New York...

Etiquette sign season continues

Spotted on Third Street between the Bowery and Second Avenue...

Apparently a few folks from the Renewal on Bowery shelter across the street are congregating here...

A note for the irresponsible dog owners

On East Fourth Street near Avenue B.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Meatball bubble gum and other scenes from Easter

Oh, and free samples of frosting from Butter Lane Cupcakes on Seventh Street....

Why Pulino's chef Nate Appleman was arrested

According to Page Six today:

Nate Appleman, chef at Keith McNally's new Bowery hotspot Pulino's, got arrested Wednesday afternoon in the East Village. Appleman, who is covered in tattoos but stands barely 5-foot-8, was heading home from the pizza restaurant between shifts when cops spotted a chain running from his belt into a pocket. "It's a pocket knife that's two inches long that I used to cut boxes at work," Appleman told us. "I've collected knives since I was a kid. My mother gives me a knife every year on my birthday. This knife is the one she got me this year." After three police cars surrounded him, Appleman was taken to the 9th Precinct and charged with weapons possession. He was released two hours later and is due in court on April 27.

[Photo via BoweryBoogie]

Baseball tonight: Yankees-Red Sox rivalry brewing on Second Avenue?

As baseball fans gear up for the season opener tonight between the Yankees and Red Sox... Finnerty's on Second Avenue near 14th Street put up a large Yankees logo Friday...

...which is next door to the EV home of the Red Sox, Professor Thom's...

We asked Chris at Professor Thom's if they would let this stand...

"I saw that Friday when they were painting it. Rather big, huh? We won't be going that far -- our rep is very public already. But, look for a line down the sidewalk dividing the two fan bases."

You'll need to get your ham burrito elsewhere today

Chipotle on Union Square is closed... and they're very sorry about this.

Seen at the fish market: Spare the monkfish! Have an Easter Bunny instead!

13th Street.

Seventh Street, 9:52 a.m., April 4

Hunts that involve Easter eggs

And if you plan it right, you can go to all three...