Sunday, August 8, 2010

And they call it...

Puppy love on 13th Street near First Avenue. Well, he or she is more of a dog. But that doesn't really seem as endearing.

When dogs poop near diners outside Zum Schneider

Yesterday afternoon, the folks here on Seventh Street outside Zum Schneider were enjoying some food and drinks...

...when along came a young woman with a fairly large dog, who proceded to befoul the sidewalk right near the tables... without as much as slowing down, the woman continued on her way, turning south on Avenue C... the diners at the table on the far left above were fairly horrified/angry... one yelled something like, "Hey, your dog just took a dump. You have to clean that up."

I cannot say whether the woman was simply lazy or poorly mannered... or if this was an act of aggression toward touristy people eating outdoors...

I did not photograph any of the evidence or the dog owner in question. You'll have to trust me on this one.

Fight night

First, a reader passes along word of "a ferocious fight at 4 am outside of st. dymphna's" on St. Mark's Place... Anyone hear anything about this?

Meanwhile, in another fight last night... from the Daily News:

One shot, one slashed in East Village fracas Saturday evening

Two men were injured Saturday night after a brawl in the lobby of an East Village building, sources said.

One man was shot in the hand and another slashed in his face when a fight erupted at the 13th St. building near Fourth Ave. about 11 p.m., sources said.

Today in Shepard Fairey disses

Here on Houston and the Bowery...

Oh, and this was added sometime this weekend...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Keith Haring reappears on Houston and the Bowery

The CW still hiring horny teens to create their ad campaigns

Saturday, August 7, 2010

In case you were off to Lucy's tonight...

Hmm...not open tonight....No sign about a holiday, per usual.

Rosario Dawson's mom wants to return to 13th Street

From Page Six today:

The mother of "Sin City" actress Rosario Dawson is trying to move back into the East 13th Street tenement she turned into a "squat" 25 years ago -- but the tenants don't want her as a neighbor.

Isabel Dawson moved out of the building two years ago, having feuded with the other occupants of the "squat." Rosario's father, Greg Dawson, who is separated from Isabel, still lives in the tenement along with her handicapped uncle.

Isabel -- who broke into the abandoned tenement with Greg when they were both 21 (and Rosario was 6) and installed plumbing and electrical wiring -- feels she's entitled to move back in, despite all the bitterness from past squabbles. Residents say they are scared.

And what's with the "quotation marks" around "squat?"

[Photo by Roger Wong/ via the Post]

Angelina Jolie trashed!

Second Avenue and Fourth Street last night...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village Cathedral stars alongside Angelina Jolie in 'Salt'


Photo by Red Riotdog via Facebook.

Friday, August 6, 2010

End note

And Thurston Moore's Ecstatic Peace label is releasing a new record from the Notekillers.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

When Campbell Soup wrote to Andy Warhol (Letters of Note, via BoingBoing)

The Grumbler considers the fab (and fake?) abs ads (The Grumbler)

Selling 341-343 Bowery in 1954 (BoweryBoogie)

Tales from Times Square (Stupefaction, and This Ain't the Summer of Love has the NSFW Times Square short film....Rump Humpers?)

More pics from '96-2000 (Flaming Pablum)

Catch Goggla and other artists at the Hester Street Fair (The Gog Log)

A new business has already called dibs on the former Beauty Crisis space on Seventh Street...

And would someone please give me a hand with this? Thanks!

Pretzel logic

So... you remember that little controversy about the pretzel-ad the one seen here on First Avenue and First Street...

NYC the Blog had been in touch with the pretzel people who said...

"Based on the feedback received from you and other bloggers, we will be taking the ‘You can never be too thin’ ads down."

The company has also apologized.

So they replaced the ad. And what did they replace it with?


Thanks to EV Grieve reader K. Knipfing for the photos.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Into thin air: Pretzel maker removing 'too thin' ads