Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Monk's pink lady

A follow-up to yesterday's Dance Tracks post...

So, the Monk Thrift shop relocated to the long-dormant Dance Tracks space on Third Street near First Avenue.

Yesterday, as EV Grieve reader Steph noted ... the work-in progress sign ...

And now, presumably, the final product, courtesy of Steph....

Victim dies from shooting outside Sin Sin; police seek 2 suspects

According to a published report, two men are now wanted in the fatal shooting that occurred on Second Avenue and Fifth Street outside Sin Sin on Aug. 22.

As Patrick Hedlund reported at DNAinfo:

The victim, Devin Thompson, 37, of Kips Bay, was shot twice at the corner of East Fifth Street about 4 a.m. on Sun., Aug. 22, police said.

The man remained in critical condition at Bellevue hospital until dying from his wounds on Monday, NYPD sources said.

The incident occurred near the popular nightclub Sin Sin/Leopard Lounge, a location that police have been called to three times over the past year following reports of drug use and prostitution, sources said.

The victim and two suspects had been inside the club before the shooting occurred, but it is unknown whether the men knew each another prior to the incident, police added.

The NYPD also released video footage of the two suspects:

Previously on EV Grieve:
NYPD hosting meeting between Sin Sin and neighbors tonight

East Village noise wars new battlefront: Sin Sin/Leopard Lounge

Bob Arihood returns with Nadie Se Canoce

Good news for those of you who missed Bob Arihood's photography since he retired Neither More Nor Less back in May.... Bob is now posting photos, like the one of Donna above, at Nadie Se Canoce. (Thanks to Melanie for first bringing us this news.)

Food cart vs. food truck at Union Square

As EV Grieve reader Blue Glass details in the photos below.... the new Souvlaki GR truck took up a spot on the west side of Union Square just above 14th Street yesterday...

This did not go over well with the hot dog vendors. They moved their carts to partially block the truck... and the carts were positioned in such a way that the hot dog/pretzel smoke would flow into the truck...

Regardless, people were still ordering food from the Souvlaki truck, which angered the hot dog vendor with the red shirt....

Eventually he exchanged angry words with the Souvlaki truck owner...

...and made faces at our photographer....

...despite the circumstances (like the hot dog guy yelling and making noise so people couldn't hear the orders at the Souvlaki truck), Blue Glass says the Souvlaki workers kept their cool....

As Blue Glass notes, "There is room for everybody."

After 99 years, Milo Printing calls it a day on Avenue A

Several readers sent along some sad news from Milo Printing at 199 Avenue A between 12th Street and 13th Street...

To All of our Valued Customers

I regret to have to inform you that we will be closing Milo Printing today. After 99 years of great success we can no longer compete in today's business environment. I want to thank all of you for your business and support over the years.
We will keep our e-mail active for the next 60 days and if we can be of any assistance to you concerning art work files please let us know. I will try to do whatever is possible to provide any files we may have here for your future printing needs

Again thank you all for the many years of business.

Steve Michaels
Milo Printing

And we continue to lose our retail diversity on Avenue A — and elsewhere...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Of the 147 storefronts on Avenue A, 70 of them are bars, restaurants or vacant

When Abraço is away...

On Seventh Street, the folks who run the popular coffee shop Abraço took a few days off...

On Monday night, I spotted Carl in a beer-induced slumber out front... (You may know Carl as "Santa Claus" from the pages of Neither More Nor Less)

I didn't think much of this, until a reader sent me an e-mail saying that, later on Monday night, Carl and a friend turned this spot into an encampment with papers, blankets and more beer cans. The reader described it as an "old-time East Village scene."

Making faces at the Downtown Tire & Auto Center

Some new art went up at the Downtown Tire & Auto Center on the Bowery at Great Jones...

...and when the gates are closed, it looks like this...

I asked one of the workers here who the artist was, but he didn't know.... And thanks to the readers who chimed in: This is the work of WK Interact. Check out his site.

Maybe these faces are to help ward off potential suitors for the space...

Fab 208 moving into new space on Nov. 1

As you know, Fab 208 is moving across Seventh Street into its new digs at the former Howdy Do... Per a sign out front, the new Fab 208 will be open Nov. 1....

....and the Fab 208 Sample Sale is over....

Meanwhile, we're curious what will become of the soon-to-be-former space...

[Photo by Blue Glass]

At Superdive, the toilets are presently portable

An EV Grieve reader noted that the gate was up at Superdive yesterday and that workers were inside possibly "cleaning up." So we took a stroll by.... and found the gate open as well!

We didn't see any workers, though the space does seem to be in some state of renovation.... which might explain the presence of the toilets by the front windows ...

Or maybe this is just some new drinking game... or it's the Superdiver's variation of Homer Simpson's toilet chair...

Also, no Superdive on September's CB3 docket. Previously we were told that Superdive would remain closed for the summer.

East Village Eatery etc.: Plum open, Ruben's closed

Haven't seen Sintir on Ninth Street open in a while...

Plum is now open on Second the former Cafe Brama space.

As Eater first reported, the former Jeollado space on East Fourth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue is becoming a Korean fried chicken/jazz club... (As East Village Feed reported, they already have a Tumblr... )

... and they want you to enter a raffle....

The new craft beer store on East Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue has a sign...

And Neighborhoodr reports that the Ruben’s Empenadas location at 122 First Ave. closed....

Peels now has a Peels sign

The crew put it in place last night at the recently opened diner here on the Bowery and Second Street.

Fire trucks outside Motorino

Last night after 11, a reader noted a rather chaotic few minutes... the building in question houses Motorino:

11:21 — They have 12th st between 1st and 2nd aves closed off right now and 3 firetrucks are on the scene looking for what may be a gas leak? They're on the roof of the building now.

11:24 — Hmm scratch that. Looks now like its an electrical thing. ConEd on the scene.

I thought the smoked pancetta might have been a little too smokey. [And the crowd boos....]