Saturday, June 23, 2012

Still dog life in Tompkins Square Park

From the Tompkins Square Park Dog Run via EVG regular peter radley...

Marshal seizes Cozy Lounge on East First Street

EVG reader William Klayer spotted marshals trying to enter the Cozy Lounge on East First Street near Avenue A yesterday ...

Not sure what all they were doing here. But the they did leave behind this Legal Possession notice...

Breaking: Workers remove tarp from second tower at St. Brigid's

Earlier this week, workers removed the construction tarp/netting around the church's tower on the north side at East Eighth Street ... this morning here on Avenue B, workers took down the tarp on the south tower...

No way that's fitting into the dryer.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A reader offers details about the restoration of St. Brigid's

Sinkhole repairs continue on Seventh Street

Workers are still on the scene this morning between First Avenue and Second Avenue... repairing the sinkhole and what not on the block...

Meanwhile, when I went outside to drop an extra safety flare into the sewer, people reported smelling gas on the block. The FDNY was on the scene, did some inspecting, and gave it the all clear.

So let's try the free screening of the French thriller tonight in Tompkins Square Park

Well, the rain and threat of rain KO'd last night's free screening of the French thriller "The Axe" in Tompkins Square Park. So! The organizers will be showing it tonight at 8:30...

Find out more about the 2005 film here.

At the start of the annual NYC Drag March

The marchers all gathered last night around 7 at Tompkins Square Park for the annual trek across town to the Stonewall Inn...

"The very first Drag March happened 19 years ago as an (unofficial) part of the Stonewall 25 commemorations - the organizers of Stonewall 25 didn't wish leather or drag at their event thus our event was propelled into being..."
~Drag March Co-Founder Harmonie Moore of the NYC Church Ladies for Choice

Melanie from East Village Corner shared a few photos with us... (She has more at her site here.)

...and via @emmsape ...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Work continues on East Seventh Street sinkhole

EVG reader MP let's us know that work continues tonight on the sinkhole that formed on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue earlier today...

Per MP: "Apparently there was mass car towing by nypd making for unhappy residents and very unhappy bridge and tunnelers."

Storm Center

Cooper Square during one of today's storms... photos by Bobby Williams.

Reader report: Woman injured in fall on under-construction staircase at 86 E. Fourth St.

Late this afternoon, emergency crews responded to a report of an accident inside 86 E. Fourth St. at Second Avenue...

Per reader @kxd8053, who took these photos ... "woman fell through a marble staircase smashed by construction workers."

According to a notice that the DOB issued today:


We don't know the extent of the injuries yet... more information to follow as it becomes available.

As we've been reporting, RURU & Associates purchased the building last fall ... residents have said that the new owner and management — ID'd by multiple readers and tipsters as the (Oheb)Shalom family — are declining to offer new leases as current tenant leases expire.

Find further coverage of 86 E. Fourth St. here.

Have other tips or photos about the situation here? Please send them our way via the EV Grieve email


These photos from earlier this afternoon are by Gregory Patrick... looking downtown from Third Street and Avenue B...

'Hearts' of darkness

The Crocodiles with "Hearts of Love" from 2010. It's all fun at the beach until the 2:38 mark, when the gratuitous violence begins!

And the band will play Maxwell's Wednesday night...

Looking at (the former) Nice Guy Eddie's this afternoon

As BoweryBoogie noted this morning, workers have quickly gutted the former Nice Guy Eddie's space on Avenue A at Houston/East First. Workers have scrubbed the Eddie's name from the exterior. The 16-year-old bar closed last Sunday, and will be converted into a restaurant serving American comfort food.

And kiss the mural goodbye?

Previously on EV Grieve:
How do we feel about the Kiss mural outside Nice Guy Eddie's?