Sunday, September 23, 2012

[Updated] A nice day for skywriting

Can't quite tell what it says ... an EVG reader took these this afternoon...


It was an anti-Romney message ... per Jersey Joe:

Earlier today, SABER took his messages against presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s position on cutting government subsidy programs supporting the arts to the skies over lower Manhattan.

h/t Fresh Paint NYC

The Obamas on East Sixth Street

Outside Eastern Bloc... these have been up for a few weeks since the Obama fundraiser... (you can read about it in The Washington Post ... and The Villager).

Just wanted the photos for the archives. Let me know if you spot any Romney posters up...

Heartless acts: Down-on-its-luck stuffed animal unstuffed, stuffed in trash

We noted this rather sad scene yesterday at Cooper Union... along the East Sixth Street side...


Well, prepare yourself for this. Spotted in the trash outside Sunny & Annie's on Avenue B and East Sixth Street this morning...

Village View flea market is today

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the playground at East Fifth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue. Always good for a few finds.

Look back in angora

THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N. favorite Lana Del Rey Cemusa-ed on Second Avenue.

Oh, and on Avenue C...

Headline hat tip here.

Have you seen this dog that was stolen Friday night?

An EVG reader shared this photo ... She spoke to the woman who had the dog stolen Friday night on Seventh Avenue and West 19th Street...

"She tied him briefly and turned to tie her shoelace when some guy ran by, grabbed the dog, and took off. Distinguishing features are that he has an umbilical hernia (can be felt on his belly) and is missing a tooth in the front of his lower jaw. Needless to say, she's miserable about losing him."

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Days of wine and rain

At 10th Street and Avenue C this evening. Photo by Bobby Williams.

FAB on 4th

The Fourth Arts Block (FAB) held forth today on East Fourth Street during its annual arts extravaganza ... Here are three photos via Bobby Williams...

This likely makes sense to some city administrator

This past summer, workers tore up First Avenue between First Street and Second Street to put in sidewalk extensions (bus bulbs!) for the M15 and the Select Bus Service.


In August, the MTA added the M15 Select Bus ticket machines on First and First. All good, right?

Apparently not. Today, workers were back ripping up the freshly repaved Avenue...

A few vendors return to the Mary Help of Christians flea market

As you may recall, signs went up on Labor Day weekend announcing that the flea market in the Mary Help of Christians lot was ending its run ... and moving to the Immaculate Conception Church on East 14th Street and First Avenue in October.

However, as you may have noticed here on Avenue A at East 11th Street, a few vendors were around last weekend... and some more are back today...

[Photo by Shawn Chittle]

This bike got stripped this morning on East Seventh Street

Dave on 7th notes this .... At 8:40 a.m., this bike was intact on East Seventh Street. By 11 a.m., it wasn't ...

Reader report: Witnesses claim excessive police force following car accident on East 11th Street

Just before 6 this morning, witnesses say that the car photographed above slammed into two parked vehicles on East 11th Street after making the turn from Avenue C.

The man who crashed the car was allegedly drunk, according to witnesses.

Witnesses described the incident, in which NYPD officers allegedly slammed the driver's head into the ground multiple times. The 6-8 officers who responded to the scene also allegedly used pepper spray on the man who was already in handcuffs and on the ground, according to eyewitnesses. One person who watched this scene unfold described it as "particularly excessive" and "disturbing and unnecessary."

[Top photos by C. Ryan]

And here is the scene this morning... you can see the damage to two parked vehicles...