Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Neighborhood Pumpkin Watch group reports first casualty of season

Members of a newly created Neighborhood Pumpkin Watch group send along what they believe is the first smashed pumpkin of the young Halloween season ... here on Second Avenue near East Third Street ...

A group rep we spoke with said that they have a suspect a short distance away ... we don't want to name names, but the business rhymes with DareDurger.

Group reps also said that they will be holding protests at any establishment selling seasonal pumpkin craft ale, pumpkin-shaped hand soap and pumpkin-flavored bacon.

That's one small step for Beauty Bar...

From last night on East 14th Street via EVG reader stuytownBarb ...

Leftover from Art in Odd Places or new for Halloween...? Some kind of secret government thing we're not supposed to know about? Or is this what nearby residents of IHOP need to wear to combat the smell and noise?

So many possibilities.

16 photos from the EV Grieve archives for no reason whatsoever

A time-consuming project. I have thousands and thousands of photos from the time with this website (as well as many more spanning the years). They're all safely backed up and what not (in the cloud, man!).

However, the photos aren't organized. So I've been indexing the photos by subjects ("Abandoned toilets in the trash" or, say, "Woo.")

During all this, I found a few photos from the EVG archives that I like for one reason or another. I've posted a few of these. Others are new to the site.

[Second Avenue near 11th Street]


[3rd Street between Avenue A and First Avenue]


[Avenue B near 13th Street]


[Avenue A near East 10th Street]


[The Bowery near East Houston]


[First Avenue near East Fifth Street]


[East Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue]


[East 14th Street looking east]


[The former Cooper Square Hotel]


[East Houston and the Bowery]


[Avenue B at East Houston]


[East Eighth Street near Avenue C]


[Mars Bar]

[Second Avenue near East 13th Street]

[Avenue A at East Fourth Street]


[East Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue]

Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher

Name: Jesus Picayo (and daughter Alina)
Occupation: Landlord (Miami)
Location: 5th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues
Time: 1:30 pm on Saturday, Oct. 13

We moved here in 1996. I was born in Cuba, but we were living in St. Thomas and we got hit by two hurricanes, so in ‘95 I just left for good. My mother was here; my brothers were here. I moved to Second and B. The price brought me here and the neighborhood was starting to change already.

I own some property in Miami, some row houses that I rent out. But I don’t like Miami. I just came from there and they stole my tailgate off my truck. I’ve had people break in and cause $100,000 in damage to the building for $500 in copper wire and pipes.

This was an area where at one point you couldn’t live. On the corner of B and 2nd they would sell like a million dollars in drugs a day. You’d find bodies in bags in the gardens. It was rough. By the time I got here you could still see some drug addicts and there was a lot of window breaking in cars. Around, Avenues A, B, C and D, all the way up to Tompkins Square Park it was mainly Puerto Ricans who lived there. Unfortunately, people have been driven out now.

Yesterday I had to kick the local drunk out of my building because he peed all over the entrance. He won’t move unless you hose him with cold water. And he hates water; he won’t take a shower, so you gotta hose him. And he says ‘ah, I’m gonna kill you,’ and so I sprayed him and he got up, but he can’t even really walk. This guy’s been here for over 40 years, between C and D, on the street. He will go to the check cashing place on Houston and open the door for people and he’ll make $50 in a few hours. So I deal with him. He has some interesting stories when he’s not drunk.

Almost everything is gone. The old Sidewalk used to be really good. It’s still there but it’s changed. There was a record store where Dunkin' Donuts is on Delancey, by the bridge, and it was really good because all they sold was Puerto Rican music, salsa. There was a lady that worked there and I used to go a lot and talk to her and she knew every song I was looking for. She was great; that was a good place. I also remember all of the little places that sold fried food on Clinton Street; they’re all gone. There were a lot of bakeries there. I mean, a lot of them were drug fronts, but they’re all gone now.
James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery to install first female Rector

From the EV Grieve inbox Monday...

St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery, one of New York’s most historic Episcopal churches, will install The Rev. Winnie Varghese as Rector at a special service at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20. The Rt. Rev. Barbara C, Harris, the first woman ordained bishop in the world-wide Anglican Communion, will preach and The Rt. Rev. Andrew M.L. Dietsche, Bishop Coadjutor of New York will preside.

Varghese will be the church’s first Rector in 23 years — and the church’s first female rector in its history. The church, which has design contributions from a long line of notable architects, has been the site of continuous Christian worship for more than 350 years and is New York's oldest site of continuous religious practice.

Varghese joined St. Mark’s in 2009 as the pastor and priest-in-charge. Under her leadership, the church has experienced rapid growth, even as studies show that religious affiliation is falling.

Recently, Varghese was chosen to visit Derby, England, and Mumbai, India as part of an 8-member team from the New York Diocese. As part of the team, Varghese was tasked with understanding how specific cultural, political and social issues affect each diocese to help steer future church leadership. In recent years, Varghese was also asked to present at a conference for Christians working with people living with HIV/AIDS in Chennai, which explored a Christian perspective on sexual minorities.

Why yes — you can rent an apartment on East Fifth Street between A and B for $13,500 a month now

[EVG file photo]

Back in June, we ran a very similar headline about a showcase-y apartment at the new 532 E. Fifth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B. A new apartment was asking a rather incredible $13,000 for rent. The listing didn't have many details. And it sort of disappeared... But it returned Thursday to Streeteasy.

Now, there are so many details, the listing at No Fee Rentals is exploding with ALL CAPS!

OUTSTANDING ONE OF A KIND DUPLEX APARTMENT with your very own THREE LEVEL PRIVATE PLANTED ZEN GARDEN. The main level of this amazing apartment home features an open chef’s kitchen and dining room bathed in southern light overlooking your private garden, a spacious queen sized bedroom and a stone tiled bathroom. The garden level features a huge living room with stone floors, an additional half bath, in unit washer and dryer and access to the STUNNING THREE LEVEL GARDEN that must be seen to be believed. All located in a brand new luxury rental property in the heart of the trendy EAST VILLAGE.

Oddly enough, as luxurious as all this sounds ... the listing is accompanied by a handful of photos someone shot with the the fisheye setting (Walleye Vision!)

Or maybe we're supposed to imagine how this all looks through the front door's peephole.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Beaming up on Fifth Street

Demolition on East Fifth Street

On the way: A five-story apartment building for Fifth Street

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sweet Jesus

We'll have some more details about last night's CB3/SLA meeting tomorrow some day... one quick highlight. As you may recall, CB3 OK'd a wine-beer license for Jane's Sweet Buns on St. Mark's Place last fall. At the time, owner Ravi DeRossi assured the skeptics about the concept of a bakery serving alcohol. All just to pair wine with the buns and desserts.

"It was never intended to be a bar," he said of Jane's, according to coverage in The Local last October. "It's completely innocuous and an asset to the community."

In June, Jane's closed, and Proletariat took over the whole space as a bar.

All this was apparently news to CB3, who reportedly never received any notification about the new bar. Last night, Team Proletariat went before the committee with the alteration request.

And now Grub Street picks up the action:

After committee chair Alexandra Militano called the shift in business a "ruse," the board unanimously voted to deny Proletariat's request for an alteration to lengthen its bar. Before the vote, committee member David McWater told the crowd, "I wouldn't vote for this alteration if Baby Jesus came down here."

Gimme Gimme Records is closing after Sunday; 4th East Village record store to shutter this year

Ugh. Gimme Gimme Records, a gem of a used shop on East Fifth Street (next to the 9th Precinct), is closing after this weekend. This past summer, as we noted here, Steve Croman of Croman Realty (9300 Realty) bought the building... a huge rent hike ensued and... the store that just recently celebrated its 18th year is closing Sunday night. That's how it goes.

And it is/was a great little store... open three days a week (and Slum Goddess works here) ... with a piano teacher using the space at other times. Seems so quaint in these bloodthirsty real-estate days.

Owner Dan Cook has plans to eventually reopen the store in Los Angeles. Maybe you can visit. And by my count, this is the fourth record store to close in the East Village this year — Norman's, Rockit Scientist and Big City Records.

Fall at the Surprise Garden on East 14th Street

In August, Arrow Zelasnic shared the story of the Surprise Garden on East 14th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C ...

And this fall, it's looking as robust as ever...

[Bobby Williams]

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Surprise Garden and how it got that way on East 14th Street

A shot in time: First Avenue and East Ninth Street in 1981

EVG reader William Klayer shared this photo that he came across ...looking west out of his former apartment window on First Avenue and East Ninth Street...

What do you think of the new carts at Key Food?

EVG regular Stacie Joy mentioned this to us the other day... we hadn't been in the store in some time... So we looked.

Sporty. Less bulky than the old ones, which you can still find chained up here and there... (The Key folks told us that a Key Foods in Queens "adopted" the older carts.)

Perhaps the newly remodeled store is gearing up to meet the competition of the incoming Union Market on Avenue A and East Houston.

The Bowery 2008: waiting for Bond and Obama

I was looking for something about the Bowery on Google Street View the other day when something somewhat entertaining happens around East Fourth Street... the image date changes when you head north past East Fourth Street ... and you're in October 2008...

[Click to enlarge image]

... where, as you can see, we were waiting for the new James Bond movie ... the 2008 election (can Obama do it?) and the monstrosity of 2 Cooper Square... Things don't seem too different today... we're waiting for the new James Bond movie ... the 2012 election (can Obama do it?) ... and perhaps a new 9-story hotel on East Fourth Street...