Wednesday, March 21, 2018


And where was the @NYPDTWEETTOWER during all this?????

In like a lion, out like a lion

Photo outside St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery by Lola Sāenz.

Up in arms over this loss of limbs

When Goggla arrived in Tompkins Square Park today, this under-construction snow person/creature/thing had arms but not a face...

... an hour later, it had lost its arms but gained a face...

To be continued?

And no sign of any of these yet. But it's early.

March 21

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

A few photos from today's — pick your hashtag! — #WinterStormToby #SnowDay #4Easter #Noreaster4 etc. ...

[Photo by Peter Brownscombe]

[Photo by PB]

[Reader-submitted photo of the New York Marble Cemetery]

[Reader-submitted photo of 7th and A]

[Photo in Tompkins Square Park by Derek Berg]

The Marshal takes possession of the Subway (sandwich shop) on 1st Avenue

[Subway photos by Steven]

The Subway (sandwich shop) on First Avenue between Sixth Street and Seventh Street remains closed... this after the Marshal came calling late last week, putting the storefront in the legal possession of the landlord...

If this shutter remains permanent, then this marks the seventh Subway sandwich shop to close in the immediate area in the past five-plus years, joining the one on the BoweryEast 14th StreetFirst AvenueSecond AvenueThird Avenue ... and Fourth Avenue.

Subway fans still have the locations at 250 E. Houston St. and 223 Avenue B to choose from, among several others close by.

The Subway at 108 First Ave. opened in February 2012, taking over the space that previously housed Intervideo Electronics, that kinda weird and cool computer repair shop-plasma TV installers-DVD rental place...

[Photo from 2011]

Previously on EV Grieve:
The 75-cent coffee at Subway

13 months later, Grand Opening officially ends at the First Avenue Subway

Eighth Subway sandwich shop opens in the East Village

Kinda weird and cool computer repair shop-plasma TV installers-DVD rental place closing on First Avenue

Bookstore coming to the former St. Mark's Bookshop on 3rd Street

Work continues at 136 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue... an EVG reader who lives nearby reports that workers removed the paper covering the front windows on Monday... revealing the makings of a bookstore...

A worker at the scene confirmed this. So the next item of business will be to find out who the new tenant is, and what kind of books the shop will carry.

After 38 years at four locations, St. Mark's Bookshop closed here on Third Street in February 2016. Among other things, the long-struggling store reportedly owned some $70,000 in back rent to the NYCHA.

This incoming shop will be the second bookstore to open in the neighborhood since the New Year, joining Codex on the Bowery and Bleecker.

Updated 7 a.m.

The first commenter included a link to a DOB document ... showing that the tenant is Karma, the gallery-bookseller that currently has space on Second Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. This space will likely be for their art book/publishing arm.

H/T Katie Mac!

EV Grieve Etc.

A few items to note from recent days/weeks...

Photo Thursday by Steven

The Quick Repair and Electronics shop — specializing in cracked smartphone screens — is now open (as of March 16) at 151 Avenue A between Ninth Street and 10th Street... in the former TakeMeHome Rotisserie Chicken space.


The former Community 54 space on Avenue B between 11th Street and 12th Street is for rent. The listing at Steve Croman's 9300 Realty isn't online just yet.

Not sure exactly when the boutique closed. (It looked shuttered a few times late last summer, then the place was back open.) Community 54 opened in July 2014.


The incoming Hunan Slurp Shop on First Avenue between Sixth Street and Seventh Street is hiring...

The restaurant's menu is now online here.


Bring it Back has opened its first shop (this happened in late February) ... on Avenue C near 10th Street...

You can read more about the brand here.

The address was briefly Michelle Alteration & Boutique, which just opened late last summer.


[Photo last Thursday by Steven]

Still House, which sells jewelry and home goods, is now open in their new storefront at 307 E. Ninth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue ... they relocated from 117 Seventh St. between Avenue A and First Avenue.


An EVG reader said that Resobox, a gallery, workshop (with a variety of classes) that celebrates Japanese culture, also has a cafe in the space here on Third Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue. They serve a variety of coffee and teas.

This spot was previously the Edge, the bar that closed in September 2016 after 29 years in business.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018



Equally the seasons compose the year,
Sun lifts its head above the horizon fair,
Winter quietly slips as Spring draws near,
Flowers split the soil their beauty everywhere,
Color holds the eyes interpretation,
Reluctant winds still tug at life ascending,
Standing bright Springs growing affirmation,
Light warming breaths hope reverberating,
New life coming in pulsing abundance,
A migration of birds, singing, nesting,
Folk coming from far and near, attendance,
Bands happy, Jazz Day, Dance Day, Rocking,
Soon lighter clothes we will be wearing,
Iced drinks sipping, hot coffee drinking.

peter radley

Goodbye Sudan

[Photo from Saturday]

Sudan, the world's last surviving male northern white rhino, died last night after months of poor health, according to published reports.

Per the BBC: Sudan, who was 45, lived at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. He was put to sleep on Monday after age-related complications worsened significantly.

Sudan is one of the three rhinos currently memorialized on Astor Place. Last Thursday, Australian artists Gillie and Marc Schattner unveiled their 17-foot bronze sculpture "The Last Three."

The Schattners recreated the world's last three northern white rhinos – Sudan, Najin, and Fatu – "to inspire, educate and mobilize the global community to raise their voices and affect real change against illegal rhino poaching trade."

The artists are hoping to collect 1 million messages worldwide to "put them toward a petition for approaching governments about eliminating the demand for rhino horns through education."

The sculpture will remain here through May. You can read more about the project here.

Sudan, the last male Northern White Rhino has died. We have tears in our eyes and emptiness in our in hearts as we read this news. It was our greatest joy to spend a wonderful week with him at Ol Pejeta Conservancy last year and we will treasure that time for the rest of our lives. In the last 24 hours Sudan was suffering a great deal from an infection in his leg and unable to stand. The veterinary team from the Dvůr Králové Zoo, Ol Pejeta and Kenya Wildlife Service made the decision to euthanize him. Meeting Sudan changed our lives. It became plainly obvious to us that the extinction of his species in our lifetime was a crime beyond all comprehension and we could not just stand by and watch. How could we, as an intelligent, evolved, and presumably empathetic species let this happen? Moreover, cause this to happen. Poor gentle Sudan spent his entire life fighting. Fighting to stay alive in Sudan where he was captured. Fighting to stay healthy in the Czech Republic zoo, fighting against poachers once he was brought back to Kenya, fighting against an infection in his leg which sadly was his last fight. Unfortunately, Sudan’s death leaves just two female northern white rhinos on the planet; his daughter Najin and her daughter Fatu, who remain at Ol Pejeta. We say goodbye to Sudan, the last man standing on earth and we ask you to commemorate his life if you are in New York by laying flowers at the sculpture site (Astor Place) and at Sudan’s feet or making a donation by visiting SUDAN 1973 - 2018 #GoodbyeSudan #GoodbyeRhinos #RIPSudan

A post shared by 💛GILLIE AND MARC💛 (@gillieandmarcart) on

Police searching for suspect in weekend attacks on Avenue B

The 9th Precinct is searching for a suspect behind two attacks this past weekend on Avenue B.

Per PIX 11:

The first victim was attacked Saturday around 12:23 a.m. in a residential building near East 13th Street and Avenue B, according to police.

The man followed the woman, 22, into the building, then threw her on the ground and repeatedly punched her, police said.

He fled with her purse, according to police.

The second victim was attacked that night, around 2:10 a.m., near East Houston and Avenue B, police said.

The man approached the 31-year-old woman in a residential building and demanded money, according to police. When she refused, police said he struck her over her left eye, causing a small laceration.

According to reports, he then grabbed her bag, which contained $40 and credit cards, and fled east on Second Street.

Town & Village's recap of the attacks mention that the suspect is described as Hispanic and about 5-10. He was last seen wearing a black jacket, dark-blue sweat pants, white sneakers and a white cap.

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.

EastVille Comedy Club space for rent on 4th Street

[Photo yesterday by Derek Berg]

For rent signs have arrived at the EastVille Comedy Club on Fourth Street between Second Avenue and the Bowery.

A Facebook post from last month hinted that the club will move to Brooklyn...

Last October, EastVille looked at moving from Fourth Street into part of the former Chase space at 20 Avenue A and Second Street. However, CB3 denied the application, citing, among other reasons, that this address was never licensed before ... and that it exists in a saturated zone.

A diner for the former Empire Biscuit space on Avenue A?

Workers removed the paper that was covering the front windows at 198 Avenue A yesterday (thanks to Lola Sāenz for the photos!) ...

A tipster told us earlier that a diner was coming to what was previously Empire Biscuit here between 12th Street and 13th Street. (That diner rumor has not been confirmed.)

In any event, something is coming to the space... as renovations continue inside.

The storefront hasn't been in use since Empire Biscuit started peelin' potatoes in January 2016.