Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dropping dead 33 years later

Gov. Paterson has said New York is facing a 1970s-style fiscal crisis. So with all this talk of economic woe facing the City, I revisted the infamous Daily News cover from Oct. 30, 1975.

What struck me more than anything...Stocks Skid, Dow Down 12!


(By the way, I was unaware that there was an NYC-based record label called Ford to City Drop Dead)

Reward of the day

On Second Avenue at Seventh Street.

HOWL: Temporarily returning the East Village to its "humble beginnings"

New York Press on the HOWL! festival, which starts Friday and runs through Sept. 11:

Saving the iconic neighborhood from what one performer describes as “yuppie scum,” the HOWL! Festival’s organizers vow to temporarily return the East Village to its humble beginnings: Before streets became “crowded with people drinking,” as [artist Riki] Colon says, and before the upper middle class invested in housing while anxiously awaiting graffiti-free streets. HOWL! seeks to revive the beat poetry shouted from street corners and the days when artists were viewed as visionaries. This year’s festival has an additional endeavor: to make HOWL! relevant to a new generation, thereby passing along the East Village’s explosive, controversial and irreplaceable legacy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No word on Cloverfield 2, though

At least three pictures at this year’s Toronto Film Festival "take an unusually deep look at the city as it roiled its way through the messy, magnificent, slightly mad 1970s." (New York Times via Gawker)

The ambiance? Upscale

The owners of 2 by 4 on Second Avenue and Fourth Street (you know 2 by 4) have put up new signage indicating that the bar will become an upscale lounge called Ambiance. (Grub Street)

Here's New York's review of 2 by 4:

2 by 4 used to be the gay cruising spot The Bar, but the large metal mud-flap girls on the wall sum up the sexual reorientation. Straight college dudes now come here looking for sauce and sass that follows a tried-and-true Coyote Ugly formula of cheap booze and choreographed bar-top theatrics. A center rail splits the action: At the billiards table, young Ronnie Wood look-alikes get hustled by neighborhood bike messengers; at the bar, scantly-clad barmaids navigate spins on the in-house stripper pole.

And the lone reader comment:

"This place sucks. Enough said. You could not pay me to go back."

Despite economic downturn in city, expect four more American Apparel stores

In a piece titled "City Feels the Economic Pinch, but It’s Only a Pinch, So Far" in the Times today, Kathryn S. Wylde, chief executive of the Partnership for New York City, described the City's current economic climate: “[I]t’s not a crash like the Great Depression. It is a gradual letting the air out of the balloon, an economy that is deflating. And that could be a process that’s 2 years or 10 years for New York.”

Meanwhile, as the article notes, some businesses are hurting while some chains are continuing with plans to open more stores.

Take the case of American Apparel . . . It has opened two stores in New York City in 2008 and plans to open four more before year end, according to Adrian Kowalewski, the company’s director of corporate finance and development.

“We haven’t seen anything but an increase in our business, despite the slowdown in the overall economy,” Mr. Kowalewski said. “Many of our customers are young, urban dwellers, and so are not as exposed directly to increases in fuel prices or the meltdown in the housing market."

And we're off! (on 350 W. Broadway)

Was in Soho the other day. So I took a peak to see how the soon-to-be-swank digs are doing at 350 W. Broadway. We have beams!

Meanwhile, check out the faboo penthouse: 2,902 square feet with 1,381 square feet exterior. Priced at $12.2 million. And the accompanying marketing copy?

“I’ll tell you why I need to live in Manhattan,” he trilled while thrusting his martini shaker into the air. “An Englishman must live on an island!”

“I’ll tell you why I need to live in a penthouse,” she replied with her
signature deadpan. “I’m only happy when I’m on top.”

“And the reason you live with me?” he asked while refilling her
glass. “You own the penthouse.”

Not sure if this is supposed to be funny. And on the street level...

The East Village loses another mom-and-pop shop

Jill at Blah Blog Blah laments the closing of David's Bagels on First Avenue. She writes that this is "a serious loss for the East Village, a neighborhood formerly crawling with places to get fresh bagels. No more. Now we will have to either go very far to find a fresh bagel, or buy them from the heinous Hot & Crusty, which is more crusty and less hot." (The Hot & Crusty chain store was conveniently placed right next door to David's.) As Jeremiah has noted, we should get ready to say goodbye to this stretch of First Avenue.

[Photos by Jill at Blah Blog Blah]

Got a minute for "the Most Annoying People in Lower Manhattan?"

The Voice has the story on "the Most Annoying People in Lower Manhattan": the college-age canvasser. (Subhead: "The young bleeding-heart carnivores who hunt you down on your lunch hour."

"Hi-my-name-is-Garth-and-I'm-from-Children-International-and-we're-trying-to-help-children-in-poverty. Children-in-abject-poverty. There-are-kids-dying-every-day- because-they-don't-have-something-as-silly-as-food-and-water. I-mean-even-a-bum-in-New-York-can-have-two-meals-a-day!"

Despite the fact that his breathless spiel is all monologue, Garth's job title is "dialoguer." It's a term coined by an Austrian company known as the Dialogue Group, which helped to develop this brand of street confrontation and brought it to U.S. cities a few years ago with a subsidiary called Dialogue Direct.

Garth pauses to catch his breath and then whips out a laminated picture of his own sponsored child, an innocent-looking boy sitting in a hut thatched with palm fronds. The location, he says, is the Dominican Republic. He checks to see whether he still has the attention of the woman in front of him. He does, but then realizes he's talking to a reporter.

"Children are dying and you're wasting my time!" he says, scowling. Mramor drops the laminated photograph back into his duffel bag. He doesn't apologize for seeming rude. "Being nice doesn't work," says the irritated college student. "I signed up two people today by being an asshole, and I'll continue to do that. Have a nice day."

[Voice photo by Andy Kropa]

Balls 2: The Revenge

On Lafayette near Broadway.

Previously on EV Grieve:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

An unfortunate typo in the Post

Allow me to veer off topic for a moment. From the online version of the Post today:

Bristol Pain?

Coming soon to 282 Bowery . . .

Grub Street reports: Keith McNally has officially signed the lease on 282 Bowery.

No pressure or anything

City businesses stand to miss out on making $141 million this fall if the Yankees fail to make the playoffs for the first time in 13 years, according to a study commissioned by the Post. The report conducted by NYU adjunct professor John Tepper Marlin shows that if the Yankees snag at least a wild-card berth, a first-round appearance could fill the coffers of bars, restaurants and other businesses across the city with $26 million. [New York Post]

Two Boots Video lives

Given the high rents in the neighborhood...and the fact that no one seems to go to a store to rent DVDs these's some postive news. The folks at Two Boots Video are remodeling and consolidating their space on Avenue A. They'll be squeezing everything into the southern part of their stronghold on Avenue A and Third Street. There's more information on the Two Boots Video site...Such as! The space will now be called the Two Boots Video Nook. (Sure, "nook" doesn't conjure up images of massive selection, but I'll take it.)