Monday, July 4, 2011

Spirit of America

'Daily News' covers East River cat rescue story

Here's the link if you're interested. One note... East Village resident Clotilde Testa and her boyfriend Robert Walker first spotted the cat Friday. Clotilde said that the cat's name will be Leo — he was found on a barge called "Uncle Leo." He was nicknamed Skipper, though she thinks Leo is more fitting. She plans on officially adopting Leo tomorrow.

[In the Daily News photo — Christine Berk who helped rescue Leo and Codi from the Animal Care & Control.]

Previously on EV Grieve:
This cat is stranded off East River Park

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Here is Leo, the cat saved from the East River barge

Previously on EV Grieve:
This cat is stranded off East River Park

East Village residents victims in Pennsylvania shooting

[Candlelight this evening on East 10th Street, where Paul and Monica Shay live]

News is coming in this evening about a horrific shooting in Pennsylvania involving East Village residents.

According to the Daily News in an article posted at 9 p.m.:

A Manhattan man and a 2-year-old boy were shot to death in a Pennsylvania bloodbath that left two other New Yorkers and the tot's mother clinging to life.

All five victims were shot in the head Saturday night, and cops have mounted a manhunt for the gunman.

The murders happened at the country home of plumber Paul Shay, 64, and his professor wife, Monica Shay, 58, longtime residents of E. 10th St. in Manhattan.

Their nephew, Joseph Shay, 43, was killed in the shooting in rural Bechtelsville, about 100 miles from New York City.

His girlfriend, Kathryn Erdmann, 37, of Fall River, Mass., was also critically wounded - and her young son, Gregory, was killed.

More on this as details become available...

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Vash for alerting us to the story in the first place...

Stranded East River cat now has a Facebook page

Yesterday, we passed along word of a cat stuck on a barge in the East River just off the shore ... Since then, someone has created a Facebook page for the stranded kitty ...

Per the Facebook page, it appears that some volunteers are at the scene to try to rescue the cat.

Sunday afternoon demolition inside the former Superdive space

EV Grieve reader dwg notes the work going on now at 200 Avenue A. There aren't any permits on file for work here via the DOB.

Meanwhile, we understand that the people behind the "art gallery with a full-service restaurant" concept — who have twice appeared before and been rejected by the CB3/SLA committee — are now going directly to the State Liquor Authority for its license. Their hearing with the SLA is on July 12 at 11 a.m. We'll have more on this later.

Outside the Mars Bar this morning

...and yesterday morning...

Why there isn't a brunch line at Prune

Over on East First Street this morning...

First Avenue and Ninth Street, 9:31 a.m., July 3

Alien invasion on Avenue A

Yesterday afternoon, evening. Near Sixth Street. You've been warned.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Along for the ride

At the Mary Help of Christians flea market today. Photo by Bobby Williams.

Earlier today on Second Avenue

Photo by Bobby Williams.

This cat is stranded off East River Park

East Village resident Clotilde Testa writes to tell us the following ... she was walking through East River Park "and noticed so many stray cats, one of which was stranded and abandoned on the off-shore industrial area opposite the East River Environmental Learning Center.

"That poor fella looks like he's starving to death and stuck off shore. He was meow-ing away. Do you know someone who might be able to help?"

On Avenue B, Subway inches closer to its Grand Opening

With any luck, you'll have a foot-long for July 4th.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Today's sign of the apocalypse: Subway opening on Avenue B (30 comments)