Friday, May 11, 2012

Here are your East Village bike share locations, probably

The city has unveiled the preliminary locations for its NYC Bike Share program sponsored by ...

Now these aren't the final final locations ... a few could still change before the program launches in July. But for now.... (and I may have missed a few nearby ...)

• North side of East 2nd Street near Avenue B
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 6th Street near Avenue B
This station will have 28 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• North side of East 7th Street near Avenue A
This station will have 35 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 10th Street near Avenue A (Tompkins Square Park)
This station will have 35 docks and will be located on the sidewalk.

• South side of East 13th Street near Avenue A
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 7th Street near First Avenue
This station will have 31 docks and will be located in a no-parking area of the street.

• South side of East 3rd Street near First Avenue
This station will have 31 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 11th Street near Second Avenue
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 12th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 2nd Street near Avenue C
This station will have 31 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 5th Street near Avenue C
This station will have 31 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• North side of East 9th Street near Avenue C
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• East side of Avenue D near East 11th Street (Riis Houses)
This station will have 23 docks and will be located in a NYCHA (public housing) development.

• East side of Avenue D near East 8th Street (Riis Houses)
This station will have 23 docks and will be located in a NYCHA (public housing) development.

• East side of Avenue D near East 3rd Street (Wald Houses)
This station will have 23 docks and will be located on the sidewalk.

• South side of East 3rd Street near First Avenue
This station will have 31 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 2nd Street near Second Avenue
This station will have 31 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 4th Street near Second Avenue
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• North side of East 7th Street near Second Avenue
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• South side of East 12th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in the parking lane of the street.

• Center of East 7th Street near Cooper Square (Cooper Triangle)
This station will have 39 docks and will be located in a public park or plaza.

• West side of Fourth Avenue near East 8th Street (Astor Place)
This station will have 55 docks and will be located in a no-parking area of the street.

Find the interactive map here.

Your reaction please in the comments.

This just might be my new favorite store cat in the East Village

Bobby Williams sent me this photo on Wednesday... it's the liquor store cat on 10th Street and Avenue C...

I never noticed the cat before... in part because it's not my usual liquor store ... Or maybe I have seen the cat but not his or her eyes...

Anyone know the cat? His or her name?

Anyway, from here on out, all cats, all the time.

Michael had to go to Rikers; will be back

Michael has been sleeping in front of a renovated storefront on East Sixth Street. Next to the incoming Schwimmer Manor, actually.

This note appeared this week. As you can see, he had to go to Rikers, either as a visitor or guest. Not sure which.

His blankets are also stored here.

Someone stole the horns off the Billy's Antiques sign

Billy Leroy told us last night that someone swiped the horns off the Billy's Antiques sign on Houston at the Bowery...

"Kinda blows," he said.

So keep your eyes out for these...

The big tent came down here earlier this year... a new Billy's may be back at this corner... Meanwhile, Billy is busy with "Baggage Battles" on the Travel Channel.

2 photos of former East Village pizzerias

Pizza Week is wrapping up over at Eater... and one of their features — Old Photos of New York City Pizzerias.

Among the photos: Village Inn Pizza on Avenue A at St. Mark's Place circa 1979...

Which reminded of a photo I saw a few weeks ago at Neighborhoodr: Tito's Pizzeria on the corner of Second Avenue and 12th Street in 1965...

At the site of the current City Cinemas Village East...

The Tito's photo came via urban metaphysics.

Find all of Eater's Pizza Week stuff here.

Another sign of the cross at St. Brigid's

The cross is back atop the under-renovation St. Brigid's on Avenue B at Eighth Street... and it looks more permanent since the last time that it made an appearance...

Dunno about you, but we're really looking forward to that construction tarp coming down from the front of the church.

And a photo of the church from 1928 via the NYPL Digital Gallery ...

Norman's Sound & Vision is for rent

Earlier in the week, our friend Alex at Flaming Pablum brought the news that Norman's Sound & Vision was closing and moving to Williamsburg ... the Brooklyn location is open, and now the Cooper Square storefront is for rent...

The East Village location was expected to close in August.

Meanwhile, not necessarily newsy, but the Rockit Scientist space around the corner on St. Mark's Place is also for rent. Rockit closed last month, as Jeremiah first reported...

We're hopeful that owner John Kioussis will decide reopen somewhere else in the neighborhood when the time is right ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
There is now only one record store left on St. Mark's Place

Bendy thing back in action on Second Avenue!

Oh, it has been so long since we've seen that concrete pump bendy thing at work over in the former 9-17 Second Ave. Anyway, Bendy is Back!

And he or she brought his or her cement truck friends along...

Coming soon. A 12-story apartment building. Previously.

Photos by Bobby Williams.


16 Handles ad on Second Avenue at East 12th Street.

This is what 67 and 69 St. Mark's Place looked like on May 10, 2012

This year, we'll post photos like this of various buildings, streetscenes, etc., to capture them as they looked at this time and place... The photos may not be the most telling now, but they likely will be one day...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

[Updated] Centre-Fuge public art project honors the Beastie Boys on East First Street

EV Grieve reader @jimnobu sent along the above photo from East First Street tonight... It's part of the third cycle for the Centre-Fuge public art project ... BoweryBoogie has all the details on the latest artists right here.

And we'll add the name of the artist as soon as we get it... The mural is by Danielle Mastrion.


Picnic table caught trying to escape from Tompkins Square Park dog run

Amateur hour! You need to wait until nightfall. Duh!

Uh, actually have no idea what was really happening here. Still.

Photos by Bobby Williams.

On a fender-bender

Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. A little bit ago.

Maybe it's a Maybelline TV commercial?

From earlier today on Avenue A at St. Mark's Place... a Maybelline TV commercial... featuring, here, Charlotte Kemp Muhl... (she's dating Sean Lennon? I can't keep up with all this...)

[Photo by EVG reader @daniellegiza]

... and later, around the bend...