Monday, December 11, 2017

'Storytelling in our Immigrant City' at the Manny Cantor Center

James Maher has contributed the "Out and About in the East Village" feature at EVG these past five-plus years.

He's involved in a new project down at the Manny Cantor Center.

Here's more about it via the EVG inbox...

"Sharing the Miracle: Storytelling in our Immigrant City" is the culminating exhibit of portraits and corresponding stories collected by photographer James Maher that illustrate our community members’ immigrant journeys.

Within this space, we are celebrating the immigrant journeys, struggles, and successes of 25 members of our Educational Alliance’s Manny Cantor Center community, including families, neighbors, staff, and volunteers.

"Storytelling in our Immigrant City" is Manny Cantor Center’s newest program to celebrate the diversity of our city and our pride in the community of the Lower East Side.

The exhibit officially opened today at the Center, 196 East Broadway at Jefferson Street. The opening reception is Thursday evening from 6-8. The exhibit will remain up through Feb. 9. The hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Find more details here.

More concern for East Village Cheese Shop

[Photo Saturday by Derek Berg]

East Village Cheese Shop has not been open since Thursday here on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, prompting concern from its patrons.

There isn't any sign on the door about any type of closure. The shop doesn't have any social media presence to speak of (a Facebook page still lists their Third Avenue address that they left in 2015). The phone is also out of service.

East Village Cheese moved here from Third Avenue in September 2015. By April 2016, regulars started worrying about the shop's longterm financial health. (See this post.) The place never seemed too busy. There were other quibbles, such as being cash only, the lack of evening hours (they now close at 6:30) and the lack of ambiance (one reader suggested they pipe in some classical music).

Several EVG readers emailed me about the shop's gate being down since Friday. Per EVG regular cmarrtyy:

Can't say I'm shocked if they went out of business. The store was empty or near empty when I was there. And they were also down to one employee — cutting cheese and working the checkout. Seventh Street is not Third Avenue. There's very little foot traffic ... Sad, if they have closed for good.

Hopefully that's not the case... and this is just temporary.

The shop remained closed yesterday (Monday) and today (Tuesday).

Previously on EV Grieve:
Concern for East Village Cheese Shop

Rumors: Duane Reade expansion will take over adjacent storefronts, including East Village Cheese (74 comments)

East Village Cheese makes move to 7th Street official

[Updated] Work starts on new home of the East Village Cheese Shop

Looking at the incoming East Village Cheese shop on East 7th Street

After 42 years on St. Mark's Place, the Grassroots Tavern closes on New Year's Eve

[Image via]

The Grassroots Tavern will close after service on New Year's Eve, according to a post on the bar's Facebook page this past Thursday night

This development comes after the news last week that a new owner is set to take over the bar at 20 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.

Richard Precious, who owns the mini chain of bars called The Ginger Man (the one on 36th Street opened in 1996), is expected to appear before the CB3-SLA committee tonight for a new liquor license for the Grassroots.

The questionnaire on file at the CB3 website doesn't mention what the new bar might be called or what type of modifications may occur at the Grassroots, which opened in 1975. There is mention of serving "casual restaurant fare." (A tipster shared a copy of the menu submitted with the plans. It appears to be the same menu as the Ginger Man on 36th Street.)

In January 2016, Klosed Properties bought the landmarked 20 St. Mark's Place from Jim Stratton, who is also the majority owner of the Grassroots. At that time, as previously reported, a source said that the bar had a lease for the next five years, with an option after that for renewal. According to public records, Klosed Properties paid about $5.6 million for the building, which includes a 2nd-floor co-op that also served as an art studio.

Stratton told Bedford + Bowery that the rent had just become too high. "We were not forced out by any means, it would just have required a radical change for the business and the way we operate. We basically decided we had to throw in the towel." (Several GR regulars wonder why Stratton, as the seller of the building, didn't negotiate a favorable lease for his bar.)

A retail listing for 20 St. Mark's Place made the rounds this fall...

The asking rent was $25,000.

Updated 8:30 p.m.

According to attendees at tonight's meeting, the committee issued an approval — with stipulations — for this application.

Previously on EV Grieve:
20 St. Mark's Place, home of the Grassroots Tavern, has been sold

Your chance to live in this historic home above the Grassroots Tavern on St. Mark's Place

New owner lined up for the Grassroots Tavern on St. Mark's Place

An end of an era at the Grassroots Tavern

RIP John Leeper

RIP Bob Spedalere

Traffic lights for the East Houston-FDR-East River overpass

Work began at the FDR overpass at East Houston Street back in January 2016 ... and one of the most critical elements of this overhaul has finally been addressed with the recent arrival of traffic lights. (The previous Yield signs at the busy intersection seemed to be widely ignored.)

EVG contributor Edmund John Dunn shared these photos from Friday. Now, he notes that you can enter-exit East River Park with some certainty, although the walk time is very short ...

As BoweryBoogie reported in January 2016, the $10 million project called for rehabilitating both the entrance and exit ramps to the FDR Drive and introducing traffic lights in the “half-rotary” traffic pattern.

At the time this was considered a rather temporary fix, with the post-Sandy "Big U" project on the horizon. However, that is all on hold at the moment.

As for the rest of constantly delayed East Houston Reconstruction project that started during the Coolidge administration, the estimated completion is now Jan. 15, 2018, per the DDC's weekly bulletin.

The DDC started this project in June 2010, reconstructing/replacing combined sewers, trunk main, water mains, catch basins, fire hydrants, sidewalks, etc., etc., along East Houston Street, from the Bowery to the FDR Drive.

[Updated] Applicants looking to bring live jazz to the former East Village Tavern

There's a proposal to open a bar featuring live jazz in the former East Village Tavern space on Avenue C and 10th Street.

The applicants are applying for a new liquor license for a venture called the Snow Leopard, according to the questionnaire on file (PDF here) ahead of tonight's CB3-SLA committee meeting.

The Snow Leopard "will have live jazz to accompany their service" with a cover fee for certain acts, per the questionnaire. The menu posted with the materials at the CB3 website features "Italian Style Tapas" (A cheese plate, a dried meat plate, etc.)

Paperwork shows a configuration of seven tables (38 total seats) plus a 13-seat bar along with proposed hours of 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Friday; 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

The principal in the venture is a former pharmaceutical sales rep who doesn't appear to have any history of running/owning a bar/club. A partner in the venture is a jazz drummer/booking agent, according to the résumé with the application.

East Village Tavern closed in November 2016 after eight years in business. Bar management blamed a disagreement with landlord Steve Croman for the closure. (A Croman rep reportedly said that the owners were behind on rent.)

Back in the spring, the operators of a Miami-based restaurant called the Irish Times Pub and Eatery looked at opening an outpost here. Those plans never materialized.

The December CB3-SLA committee meeting is tonight at 6:30 at the Perseverance House Community Room, 535 E. Fifth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B.

Updated 8:30 p.m.

According to attendees at tonight's meeting, the committee issued a denial for this application. Consensus was that it's not the right building for a jazz club.

Boris and Horton, the dog friendly coffee shop, now hiring on Avenue A

Work continues at the northwest corner of Avenue A and 12th Street for Boris & Horton, billed as "New York's first dog friendly coffee shop and community space."

Signage points to a winter 2017 debut (sometime before March 20 then).

Meanwhile, Boris is hiring... (Must love dogs?)

As cut and pasted previously: the space will be divided by a glass wall into two sections, per Department of Health rules. There will be a cafe side with food and drinks for humans, and a dog-friendly side that will sell pet supplies.

The owners are Logan Holzman and her father, Coppy. The cafe is named after their dogs. The Holzmans have said that they will host dog adoption events here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
On tonight's CB3-SLA docket: Boris & Horton, New York's first dog friendly coffee shop

Dec. 1 date set for Boris & Horton, Avenue A's new dog cafe

Honeyhaus is the latest departure on 11th Street

Honeyhaus, a coffee shop on 11th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, has apparently closed. The space has been cleared out and the phone disconnected.

I don't know when this happen. EVG reader AgNO3 left a comment about the closure this past weekend.

The owner, Andre Muñez, previously ran a clothing boutique in this space called Catalog.

It's been a tough year for this block. This closure follows the departures of the coffee shop-boutique Fair Folks & a Goat as well as Anna, Odin and Pas de Deux.

The cafe opened as Honey House in August 2014. The name morphed into Honeyhaus at some point.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The 'other' hawk

As Goggla first pointed out on Friday, Christo, the red-tailed hawk of Tompkins Square Park, has been seen in the companionship of another hawk while Dora recuperates from an injured wing.

The Park's hawkarazzi have been busy keeping an eye on the new hawk, called Not-Dora (Nora?) or Arod (for the opposite of Dora, plus Arod had an affair with Madonna).

Steven shared these photos of the new hawk hanging around the Park...

This relationship has possibly been blown out of proportion. To date, Christo and Not-Dora have only been spotted sharing a branch and, possibly, a rat.

As Goggla wrote on Friday:

Red-tails mate for life and the good news is Dora is alive. She will be released back into the park when she is healed, but that could take some time. What will happen at that time remains to be seen. I'm hoping everything will work out as it should.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Scandal in Tompkins Square Park as Christo courts new hawk while Dora recuperates

The Tompkins Square Park holiday tree — now with the lights on

EVG contributor Steven shared this photo this afternoon from the 26th annual tree lighting in Tompkins Square Park.

And via Lola Sāenz ...

Updated 8 p.m.

EVG reader Cheyenne passed along these photos of some of the dogs in attendance ...

... and a shot of the tree...

Week in Grieview

[Midnight Saturday in Tompkins Square Park via a reader]

Stories posted on EVG this past week included...

Remembering Toyo Tsuchiya (Friday)

RIP Magdalena Wassiltschuk (Tuesday)

Out and About with Holly DeRito, owner of Waggytail Rescue (Wednesday)

Dora is on the mend (Tuesday) while Christo moves on to Not-Dora (Friday)

New owner lined up for the Grassroots Tavern, which closes on New Year's Eve (Monday)

NYPD searching for man who exposed himself in Tompkins Square Park (Thursday)

GG's looks to be yielding to Emmy Squared on 5th Street (Thursday)

Pourt has closed on Cooper Square (Monday)

Police seeking this grand larceny suspect on 11th Street (Monday)

A milestone for 'Stomp' (Tuesday)

Hot Pot Central closes on 2nd Avenue (Wednesday)

Free screening of 'It's a Wonderful Life' at Ciao for Now on Dec. 15 (Thursday)

TK Kitchen is closing on St. Mark's Place (Friday)

Hibachi Dumpling Express rolls onto 14th Street; so long Stuyvesant Organic (Friday)

Bright Audio moves on Avenue A (Tuesday)

New storefront reveal on 2nd Street (Thursday)

It snowed. A little. (Saturday)

Looking at Mani in Pasta on 14th Street (Monday)

65 E. 2nd St. now with a little off the ask (Tuesday)

You can now press your face against the windows of the incoming Target store on 14th and A (Monday)

You Gotti be kidding me: Mobster biopic pulled 10 days before release (Tuesday)

Donner and Blitzen's Reindeer Lounge opens for the month in the former No Malice Palace space (Monday)

A campaign to #SitOutSantaCon (Wednesday) ... and a photo recap of SantaCon (Saturday)

And, as of Dec. 2, this mural went up in First Street Green Art Park via East Village resident Arianna Margulis, creator of the Instagram illustration series But Like Maybe (read more about her here) ...

It's in support of Planned Parenthood.


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Sunday morning's cleanup

A super on 13th Street near Third Avenue was sweeping up some remains of SantaCon...

Holiday Fair at the Neighborhood School TODAY

The Neighborhood School's annual holiday fair is today from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 121 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue... highlights include a rummage sale and book fair via McNally Jackson (and BOX MAZE!)...

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Saturday's parting shot

Tompkins Square Park today by Bobby Williams...

SantaCon 2017

[Photo via Instagram by James and Karla Murray]

A few scenes from SantaCon today in the East Village...

Above two photos by Steven...


Above photos by Derek Berg...


Photo at the DeathStar Shake Shack by 8E...
