While Dora is rehabbing an injured wing, her partner Christo — 10 hawklets between them — has been seen in the company of another red-tailed hawk in recent days...
Steven shared these photos of the other hawk ... nicknamed Not-Dora (Nora?) or, the opposite of Dora, Arod (ack!)...
Anyway, here's Goggla with more:
While I've been mourning Dora's absence and am hoping for her swift return, all Christo knows is that Dora is gone and his life must go on.
There have been several hawks around lately and I think a new female has been in the park the last few days. Christo and this new hawk were seen being aggressive with each other yesterday, but it appears he has now accepted her.

Whoa. Read more from Goggla here.
Dora is rehabbing on Long Island at the moment... and she will be released into Tompkins Square Park when the time is right. Her return promises to be dramatic.
So a predetor and a philanderer - has he considered a career in politics?
Don't hate tha playa
This is better than Melrose Place AND 90210!
Oh no! I've been wondering what Christo is thinking. Hopefully, it all works out. Life... ;)
Zero tolerance!
> here's Goggla with more:
excellent photos and story, Goggla!!!
#Me Zoo
Just call Christo... Harvey or Kevin or Al or Dustin or Roy or John or Franks and oh, yeah, how could we forget? Don!
This just in: Kirsten Gillibrand wants Christo to resign Tompkins Square Park for... for... for.. well, you know. Yeah, well, you should know, buddy!
If you can't be with the one you love then love the one you're with
Al Franken should rescind his resignation with this statement assuming Roy Moore wins:
"I have changed my mind. I am not resigning. Assuming Senator Elect Roy Moore will face due process through an ethics commitee hearing for allegations of sexual assault including that against a 14 year old girl, as he should face one, I want the same because it's only fair. I demand the right to due process he will be afforded, too. If I am to be expelled from the Senate so be it, but I will not resign while one man accused of sexually assaulting at least sixteen women holds the highest office in the country while another accused of molesting at least one underage girl will hold a seat in the U.S. Senate without reproach. The only way I will resign for allegations against me is if President Trump and Senator Elect Moore resign for allegations against them, as it's only fair. I should be held to an equal not higher standard than Senator Elect Moore. President Trump should be held to the highest standard of anyone in this country. So again, I am not resigning. I want due process like I assume Senator Elect Moore will receive. Thank you and good day."
Now onto Christo...maybe it's an open relationship LOL and if it isn't I hope Dora hooks up with a new male beau :)
Christo has tried to hold off. Did this vixen try to off Dora, and then move in. There must be an investigation. When Dora comes back, shes gonna be pissed to find another woman...
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