Sunday, July 18, 2010

Looking forward to NEXT Saturday in Tompkins Square Park

Save the date... will have more reminders on what promises to be a great afternoon in Tompkins Square Park next Saturday....

The SHADOW Presents: The Headless Horsemen, David Peel + The Lower East Side, Rapid Deployment Force, Sexual Suicide, BANJI and *Star Fucking Hipsters* [Surprise speakers and more bands to be announced]

To get us in the mood... some Sexual Suicide from last summer...

As the Shepard Fairey mural turns...

Thanks to a reader tip... we now know the plywood peepee has been partially covered with new art here on Houston and The Bowery...

Here's a shot of the new art going up via *niCOle* on Flickr...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Shepard Fairey plywood penis getting painted over

The street has a message for Shepard Fairey

World's largest Duane Reade now open on Union Square

Well, I'm not sure if it is the world's largest... but this store is huge. Anyway, the Duane Reade is now open next to the Nordstrom Rack in the old Virgin space...

...check out the big bank of fancy video monitors on the right too...

They opened yesterday...

...and are advertising "breakfast, lunch and dinner" in an attempt to nab the masses going to Whole Foods... Oh fresh baked goods!

I would have stayed longer, but in five minutes, three different super-duper-friendly Duane Reade employees asked me if I needed help finding anything...
Yes! The exit!

Saturday afternoon at Zum Schneider without the World Cup

OK, so it was also early afternoon and hot ... not to mention a summer Saturday... was more crowded later, of course...

Anyway, I had been used to seeing this the last month on weekend mornings ...


Spotted along Avenue B.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's another Saturday night and...

The street has a message for Shepard Fairey

Previously on EV Grieve:
Shepard Fairey plywood penis getting painted over

You'll need to find somewhere else to stand in line: Prune is closed for brunch this weekend!

Anyway, never been...given the lines out here weekend mornings, must be good or...?

This morning on Avenue B


From Page Six today:

Now we know what Mayor Bloomberg and Diana Taylor have in common -- they were both party animals. In a speech yesterday at Dartmouth, Taylor's alma mater, Bloomberg said, "I remember having nothing but fun in college." The Post's Jennifer Fermino reports Bloomberg also said Taylor told him she skied constantly while attending the New Hampshire university, but he thinks she "drank a lot [and] probably smoked a lot." Bloomberg, who went to John Hopkins, confessed to a dismal academic record: "If you think I don't have 'Animal House' on my iPad, you are wrong," he said.

Friday, July 16, 2010

This disarming man: Larry David on Fourth Avenue

Filming "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on Fourth Avenue and 12th Street a little bit ago... thanks to EV Grieve reader Shaps for the shot.

Oh yes it is

Cathedral preservation meeting ends in deadlock; mediator next

Jill at Blah Blog Blah attended last night's CB3 meeting regarding the preservation of the Historic Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Martyr on East Second Street. In a comment, she reported:

[T]he two sides are really at odds, which is so strange because ultimately they want the same thing — to preserve the church they love.

The meeting ended with both sides agreeing to go to a mediator to try to work it out.

Apparently there is a group that helps with financing and all the red tape that the church is worried about. But the anger seemed to go beyond that. What I got from the speeches was that the church members feel like they felt like they are being invaded by strangers who want to proclaim landmark status on the building without engaging the occupants of the building. Like their opinion on the matter was an afterthought.

However, if this fight has been going on since before the rezoning (which is why they say they can't add an addition even if they want to), then the 8-story addition was probably a real threat, and the landmark status was meant to stop them, so engaging them wouldn't have made much sense then, as it was a strategy to stop them from proceeding with their plan.

I wonder if it is possible to could get landmark status in spite of what the church members want. It seems to me that if the EVCC et al are worried that the church, or their future congregants will try to change the building in any way (8 story addition not withstanding) then they are exactly who landmark status is meant to protect the building from.

Patrick Hedlund has more on the story at DNAinfo.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Looking for support of the proposed landmarking of the Historic Russian Orthodox Cathedral

[Cathedral image courtesy of Barry Munger]

Tuli Kupferberg in Tompkins Square Park, 1990

As you know, Tuli Kupferberg died on Monday... John Penley shared some photos of Tuli speaking at the Fourth Annual Squatters' May Day in Tompkins Square Park from 1990...

(Photos via Flickr)

East Fifth Street is turning into a Ghost Town ... or Goat's Town (with a $75 entree!)

Hey, meet Sophie's new neighbor! One more item from last night's CB3/SLA space...  courtesy of Thomas Garry's reporting at Eater.

The committee said OK to an eatery for the former Le Tableau/Seymour Burton/Butcher Bay space .... tentatively titled Ghost Town.

Hmmm... if that name holds up, then I can't wait to walk by when the place is empty and say, Ghost Town is a ghost town now!

[Waiting to get booed]

Uh, anyway, Ghost Town?! The way I like it!


[UPDATE]: Grub Street has more details. And GS says the name of the joint will be Goat's Town! Not Ghost Town. Hmm. Nick Morgenstern of the General Greene in Brooklyn is behind the place. "He plans to open an eleven-table restaurant called Goat's Town in late October that will serve "continental" cuisine, and there’ll be at least one $75 entrée, as a board member pointed out to assuage one neighbor's fears that the place would attract a loud and rowdy crowd."

So, maybe a selection from Goats Head Soup is in order?

Amato Opera's future: theater, restaurant... and magicians?

More details are being reported from last night's CB3/SLA meeting, which I couldn't attend because of a work commitment ... the Lo-Down and Eater were there.

The owners behind the V Bars were approved to open a "bar/restaurant/theater experience" in the former Amato Opera on the Bowery. Eater's Thomas Garry reports, "The owners said the concept, which is at least a year from completion, would call for a 100-seat theater showcasing work from various theater troupes, and possibly other entertainment like magicians." Meanwhile, the second-floor would house a 70-seat restaurant/bar for pre- and post-show diners/drinkers.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Food OK now at the former Amato Opera

International Bar OK'd to take over Lilly Coogan's space

The Lo-Down attended last night's CB3/SLA meeting, and filed a quick report... two items to note first:

The committee voted against a transfer application for Sin Sin. "Numerous residents spoke out against the bar/night club, saying it’s a magnet for a rowdy crowd, drug dealing and violent incidents," according to the Lo-Down.


The International folks got the OK for a license to take over the now-shuttered Lilly Coogan's space on First Avenue.

More on all this later...

Previously on EV Grieve:
International Bar owners taking over Lilly Coogan's

East Village noise wars new battlefront: Sin Sin/Leopard Lounge

New school in East Village will cost upwards of $31,000 annually

As you may have heard, the World Class Learning Academy is taking over the LaSalle Academy space on Second Street and Second Avenue... It's a U.K.-based independent school (rich kid's school) for ages 3 to 11. (The old LaSalle space is currently getting spruced up...)

An EV Grieve reader asked if I had seen the tuition for the school.

I had not.

Tuition for 2010/2011 School Year, payable in two installments:

Foundation Stage 1 (Pre-K 3/Nursery), Half Day: $14,000

Foundation Stage 1 (Pre-K 3/Nursery), Full Day: $22,500

Foundation Stage 2 (Pre-K 4/Reception): $25,500

Years 1-6 (Kindergarten-Grade 5): $31,900

Noted the reader: "It's like a pre-K for NYU Dubai."

By the way, LaSalle, which has had 160 years of presence on the Lower East Side, is moving into part of St. George Ukrainian Catholic School on Sixth Street.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Blimey!: World Class Learning Academy takes over La Salle Academy space on Second Street

Guest post: The day the music died

Here's a little something different for today...a guest post...

By Larry Koestler

I grew up in Stuyvesant Town and lived there for 27 of my 29 years, and so as you might imagine, I am (or was) rather well-versed in the nightlife offerings of Avenues A, B and C.

However, age, relationships and maturity have significantly curtailed late-night group outings, and so I haven’t gone out here with any regularity in some time. Which is why I was incredibly sad to discover that The Musical Box (formerly at 219 Avenue B between 13th and 14th Streets) has closed, and has apparently been that way since the end of April.

My friends and I discovered Musical Box in 2003. Like most people, we weren’t even sure what it was from the outside, given the lack of signage and mysterious curtains completely shrouding the interior.

Thankfully, we went on in anyway, and it was pretty much love at first sight. The first thing one noticed upon entering the Box was the generously sized and dimly lit front bar room, with a reasonable-if-not-great beer selection, and fair prices.

But the real reason the Box became my go-to bar over the last seven years was actually not the alcohol selection, but the layout, design aesthetic, overall relaxed mood and almost zen-like vibe of the bar. In addition to the lengthy front bar area, Musical Box boasted an even more generously sized second room in the back, filled with more hideous-but-comfortable old couches than the eye could see. With the exception of certain times on Friday and Saturday nights seating was seldom a problem; a trait few bars can claim.

Of all of the bars I’ve ever been to, The Musical Box was my absolute favorite. I celebrated several birthdays, Halloweens and countless other occasions at the bar over the years; loved to go during the week when there wasn’t a soul to be found; and even during the weekend when it was slightly more crowded with clueless fools who only showed up because they heard it was the latest hot spot.

Any time a friend wanted to meet up for a drink, Musical Box was almost always our default destination. And most important for me, I took my future wife to The Musical Box on our very first date, and we even ended up featuring a photo of the now-destroyed mural on the brick wall of the patio on our Save-the-Date — I can’t imagine there are many other people who went on a first date at Musical Box and ended up marrying that person.

Unfortunately, the unloyal crowds — who helped annoyingly clog the lines for the two unisex bathrooms — that started swarming the place after word got out around 2005-2006 would most likely end up being its death knell.

While I haven’t read anything definitive as to why Musical Box actually closed — although the conspiracy theorist in me thinks it may have something to do with the ugly new condo building that’s been under construction directly next door for the past few years — there was a noticeable decline in attendance during the past few years. Though nothing makes me happier than a completely empty bar that my friends and I have all to ourselves, it’s also rather hard for a drinking establishment to continue to exist when it doesn’t receive enough patrons.

And so while I knew this day would eventually come, it doesn’t make it hurt any less. So here’s to you Musical Box: Thank you for providing a relaxing drinking venue in a city full of frenetic, overcrowded and painfully loud bars; countless memories; and for playing a pivotal role in my personal life. You’ll be missed, and most likely never replaced.

Larry Koestler is the former author of This Is What We Do Now, a humor blog about twentysomething life in New York City, and currently blogs about the Yankees at Yankeeist. He can be contacted at larry at koestlermedia dot com.

Chico photo via Flickr.

Another lost Elm tree in Tompkins Square Park

Earlier this week, I noted one of the trees that had to be cut down in Tompkins Square Park because of Dutch Elm Disease...

In addition this past week, workers had to remove the one in the photo below at the Park entrance on Eighth Street and Avenue B...

It's gone.

...even the roots had to be removed to help prevent the spread of the Dutch Elm...

And now...