Monday, April 9, 2012

Exterminators return to 35 Cooper Squuare

On March 23, exterminators baited the empty lot at 35 Cooper Square after a complaint of a rat infestation...

The exterminator returned on Friday to refill the rat traps, per the sheet left on the gate...

...and there's now a new note left for the public...

It reads, "A rodent program was set up at the above address to prevent rodent infestations. As per the violation dated 3/14/2012."

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday is not the same without Mars Bar

Thanks to @saywhatagain for the photo from the plywood at the former bar...

A flashback to last Easter Sunday at the Mars Bar via Marty After Dark ... seems like a lifetime ago already...

Good times

Time's Up held its Easter Sunday Ride through the East Village today... participants met at 2 in Tompkins Square Park... Bobby Williams was on hand for the start...

Week in Grieview

[Second Avenue near 10th Street this morning]

Looking at the roof of 315 E. 10th St. (Monday)

City stops work at Chez Schwimm after debris mishap (Wednesday)

Happy 4th anniversary St. Mark's Place sidewalk shed! (Tuesday)

Update on the Hotel Ludlow site (Tuesday)

The East Village plays a starring role in Google's augmented-realty glasses video (Thursday)

Brick-and-mortar for Wafels & Dinges? (Wednesday)

Tanning season begins in Tompkins Square Park (Thursday)

Looking at Grace Church (Tuesday) and Mary Help of Christians (Friday)

Supermodel boobs on the Bowery (Monday)

Looking at SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH: The Saloon Stigmata Edition (Sunday)

This would never happen in Toronto: You! Yeah, you with the camera in a public Park! (Sunday)

New residential life for a formerly illegal hostel (Thursday)

'Palin's Egg & Moose Hunt' filming today; plus, black bleeding eyes and mouths!

You may have seen the fake film permits around for today...

EV reader William Klayer, who took the above photos, also notes a rash of black bleeding eyes and mouth poster tags cropping up fairly regularly in the past few weeks.... Such as!

Giuseppi Logan's comeback

[Photo from March by Bobby Williams]

There's a detailed feature in the Times today on Tompkins Square Park regular Giuseppi Logan. The 76-year-old who released two pioneering free-form jazz records in the 1960s is primed to make a comeback with a new CD and a Kickstarter project...

John Leland's articles delves into Logan's missing 30 years (his wife had him committed into a mental institute) ... and the long journey that brought him back to the East Village...

Here's a passage from the article about his days:

TO get from Tompkins Square Park to his room on East Fourth Street, a trip of just a couple of city blocks on foot, Mr. Logan hobbles west to a northbound bus on Avenue A, then gets on a bus at 14th Street that drives east to Avenue D and then turns south. It can take half an hour. Most days, this is the extent of Mr. Logan’s universe.

We've posted this video before... seems appropriate to do that again...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The sun and the moon

Photos by Bobby Williams.

At the International Pillow Fight Day

Today was the 7th annual International Pillow Fight Day... in Washington Square Park... Bobby Williams was there to take a few various photos...

Joe Strummer's nose job

Noticed this the other day on the Joe Strummer mural outside Niagara on Seventh Street and Avenue A...

Someone added a moustache and swastika last month...

Pin... what?

Just noting the latest mural by Tats Cru on East Second Street at Avenue A... went up this past week... an ad for Fancy, the social photo sharing website and app...

... and the logo is written over the Pinterest logo...

Second Avenue, 9:27 a.m., April 7

Nearly time for the Time's Up! Easter Sunday ride

Starts at 2 in Tompkins Square Park tomorrow.

There's a promo video too!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Subway, 108 First Ave., 8:26 p.m., April 6

Last week here. A trend?

Billy's Bowery Boys refuse to let Billy's Antiques die

Billy's Antiques may be dead for now on East Houston near the Bowery, but... the sales live on...

[Right to left] Toothless Pete, Sugar Bear and Trinny-Trinidad

Earlier via Bobby Williams...

Let's go away for awhile

The Beach Boys circa 1966.

Jesus walks in the Second Avenue bike lane

Good Friday celebration this afternoon on Second Avenue near East Fifth Street... photos by peter radley....

[Updated] Something rammed this tree along Tompkins Square Park

Not sure how else to describe it... only noticed the damage this morning on Avenue B while walking around Tompkins Square Park...

Doesn't look like an accident...

Updated 2:11 p.m.

A photo from EV Grieve reader Steven shows more damage to the tree... the work of a truck, perhaps...

[Updated] EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[On East Eighth Street, Bobby Williams]

Hear the "new" Joey Ramone single (Spinner)

The end of the city's rent regulation laws? (The Villager)

Proposed development for empty Rivington Street lots (BoweryBoogie)

At the East of Bowery reading at Sidewalk (Tripping With Marty)

A new era for Orchard Street shopping? (The Lo-Down)

The $14,000 penthouse at Blue on Norfolk (Curbed)

Here comes "MePa Creep" (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

5 years without Chumley's (Off the Grid)

The West Side Piers of the early 1980s (Gothamist)

An Alamo Drafthouse Cinema slated for the UWS (Eater)

Ruby's renovations under way on the Coney Island boardwalk (Brooklyn Paper)

DeNiro-less, Scorsese-less "Raging Bull 2" is really happening (IndieWire)

...and as you probably read this week, One World Trade Center has reached 100 floors... the view from the East Village...


And from EV Grieve reader Mike ...a little life at the old Life Cafe space this afternoon....

Astor Place this morning