Work got underway yesterday at 80 E. Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue, where the East Village Cheese Shop will relocate at some point this month... per the signage that arrived on the door yesterday...
The shop's lease at 40 Third Ave. between East Ninth Street and East 10th Street is expiring. Rumor is the Duane Reade on the corner of Third Avenue and East 10th Street will expand into the adjacent storefronts along here.
Updated noon:
Thanks to the various readers/commenters who pointed out the Third Avenue location has closed. The shop hopes to open on Seventh Street in another two weeks.
Warwick and Framus Custom Shop was the previous tenant at 80 E. Seventh St.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Rumors: Duane Reade expansion will take over adjacent storefronts, including East Village Cheese (74 comments)
[Updated] Confirmed: East Village Cheese will be moving to Avenue A later this year
East Village Cheese makes move to 7th Street official