Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some scenes from Halloween

Bob Arihood has a lot more photos from the Park.

Cabs, Sleepy's truck collide on First Avenue and 10th Street

Not many details just yet. One witness said he thought the Sleepy's truck ran the light... No word on injuries either.

Cooper Square Hotel wants graffiti on building "to fit in with the edgy local art scene"

On Friday afternoon, we noted that some sort of graffiti mural was going up on the wall at the Cooper Square Hotel. (Curbed posted photos too.)

Yesterday, we walked by for an update...

Today, the Post follows up on the story.

Graffiti vandalism is apparently so cool that an East Village hotel has decided to fake it.

In a wacky attempt at earning street cred, the swanky Cooper Square Hotel has commissioned four graffiti "artists" to tag the Fifth Street wall of an adjacent building it recently bought.

One of the taggers, Joyce Pensato, was going to town yesterday on her section of the mural, which the hotel owners hope will be finished by Nov. 10, and then updated annually.

Pensato and three others -- who go by Nick 1, Vizie and Shinique -- were each paid to fill one quarter the wall.

His section spells out the words "Tropical Fantasy," a tribute to a friend who died over the summer and a reference to a local soda company.

Klus Ortleib, the hotel's managing partner, wants the place to fit in with the edgy local art scene.

"When I came up with the idea, people said I was crazy," he said.

At least one tenant of the tagged building agreed.

"They came in without regard for others," says Katy Able, 63.

"They say they can't fix a leak because they don't have money, but now they've paid to have a crane to put up graffiti."

Live blogging the NYC marathon

Why do they call it the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge? It doesn't really get more narrow as you cross it.

Live blogging the NYC marathon

And we're off! The elite male runners (No. 1-99) are out of the gate. (The elite female runners are already on the course.) And why do they get to go first? No wonder someone from this group always wins! They have a head start!

Live blogging the NYC marathon

Trautwig looks good and sounds crisp. No apparent ill effects from covering the Knicks home opener last night.


I'm not really live blogging the NYC marathon. Just following up on this post from Friday.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The doctor is... hanging from the fire escape

On Avenue A between 12th Street and 13th Street.

Noted, Halloween edition

St. Mark's Place and Second Avenue.

East Village of the Damned

What Demonic Force Lurks Behind Those Eyes?
Beware the stare that will paralyze the will of the world

Happy Halloween!

[Barf on sidewalk photo via; Bowery hoodie photo via]

Tompkins Square Park, 9:18 a.m., Oct. 31

"Where 30 Is Ancient, Youthful at 80" (the East Village in this case)

The Times has a feature today on a Halloween costume party at the Educational Alliance’s Sirovich Senior Center on 12th Street.

The article, titled Where 30 Is Ancient, Youthful at 80, starts like this:

Anyone hazarding a guess about the demographics of Manhattan might name the East Village the youth capital of the island. It's a place where anyone over 30 starts to notice that her standard fashion go-to's are suddenly has-beens and that everyone else in the environs has preternaturally dewy skin. One friend decamped from the neighborhood when she turned 32 and decided that that was too young to be the oldest person in her building...

Influx of youngsters aside, the piece also notes that in the Community District 3 (EV, LES and Chinatown), "31 percent of people who are 65 or older are living at or below poverty level, the second-highest rate for the elderly in New York City."

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy haunting

Dethrace, of course.

Neighbors call for a boycott of the Moonstruck Diner

At Fifth Street and Second Avenue. If you can make out the sign, a blind man cut his hand on one of the diner's "7-9 commercial bikes that are always blocking the East 5th Street sidewalk." And the Moonstruck Diner "refuses to move those obstacles."

So until they remove the bikes, the organizers are asking you to eat elsewhere. How about the Odessa?

Cooper Square Hotel honors Homer Simpson

Yesterday, most of the the shrubbery (which was new!) was ripped up on the Fifth Street side of the hotel... make way for, uh, this.

By the way...

Please let me know if you see anyone out this weekend wearing the Michelle Obama mask. Like the one here at Duane Reade on Avenue B and Second Street.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Looking at the Michelle Obama Halloween mask at Duane Reade

From the EV Grieve in-box:

Will you be live blogging the NYC marathon Sunday?

Report: No action taken yet on Le Souk (Update: "Two nights ago it finally closed down.")

In his "Mixed Use" column at The Villager, Patrick Hedlund follows up on the news last week that Le Souk is losing its liquor license. Residents who live near the hookah hotspot on Avenue B near Fourth Street shouldn't celebrate just yet.

Susan Stetzer, Board 3's district manager, said that despite the recent action, the club was up and running this past weekend.

"People that live in the area were celebrating the news, and by Sunday night they were complaining to the community board," she said.

The S.L.A. only has the power to confiscate liquor licenses and can't actually close the location. According to Stetzer, police at the East Village's Ninth Precinct had not been contacted about the ruling or asked to take any action.

"I must say, I'm a little frustrated," she added, recalling that after Le Souk's first cancellation, the club continued to operate for eight months. "It is really difficult to get any information on what the S.L.A. is doing about this."

UPDATE! Per the comments:

"I live across the street from Le Souk and couldn't wait for it to close! Two nights ago it finally closed down. No restaurant, no club, no bouncers, traffic, or underage squealers or fighters."


Three guesses

New on the plywood on St. Brigid's along Avenue B at Eighth Street.