Saturday, August 27, 2011

Your definitive guide to what people were buying at Key Food and Fine Fare leading up to Hurricane Irene

EV Grieve reader Steven sends along the following report...

The line at Key Food extended back to the meat...and beer...

Items being bought up were cereal ...

candles and paper towels...



...spaghetti sauce...

At Fine Fair on Avenue C and 4th Street, it was the beef..

...cookies, on the other hand, were plentiful...

Serious precautions on Seventh Street

Between A and B. Via Dave on 7th.

Why aren't these people in line buying water somewhere?

Avenue B and Third Street. 12:45 or so.

By any means possible

Avenue C and Seventh Street.

Breaking: East Village now cut off from Greenpoint

The MTA was on time and shut down the system, like the L stop here on 14th Street and First Avenue. We're on our own!

Photo by @redfabbri

Associated primed to set single-day sales record

Avenue C at Eighth Street now. Via Dave on 7th.

Irene scams: Cabs are ready to rip you off

Via @twitney

Actually, she says that it's $10 PER PERSON.

Riding out Hurricane Irene along the East River Park Promenade

Photos by Crazy Eddie.

The Blarney Cove is open!

Here on 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. So what other bars are open?

Shot of Irene from Dave on 7th's roof

Thank you! We'll be here all weekend. Try the veal!

Avenue B, 10:31 a.m., Aug. 27

Places where we won't be standing during Hurricane Irene

I'm sure it's fine and safe under here at the Coper Square Hotel. Just looks scary.

Free bread frenzy on Avenue A

We don't have every detail here... but apparently a man from a local bakery stopped here on Avenue A near Fourth Street to hand out a few boxes of free bread. Per Dave: "At first they were attacking him insanely. It was like watching the Chicago Board of Trade, except in Mandarin."

"But then he got them in line."


Seriously, is there something wrong with the tap water right now? Dave on 7th notes that Key Food on Avenue A is restocking its water supply... No word on Fruity Pebbles.

Foodies are fucked: Momofuko, DBGB, Peels — CLOSED

Oh, Prune appears to be open for brunch.

BREAKING: Second Avenue Starbucks — CLOSED

Scenes in the East Village of the impending Hurricane Irene

Ridin' the storm out

Seventh Street and Avenue A ... by Dave on 7th. (Actually, this bike has been locked here for awhile, but...)

BREAKING: Momofuku prepped for Hurricane Irene

[Updated] Hurricane, schmurricane: Ray's will be open all day — and night

Ray said he's be there all day and night. Unfortunately, the day shift couldn't make it in. So Ray is on his own.

Melanie has more photos of Ray ... and his makeshift quarters for the storm.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Apparently Irene has already passed through Key Food on Avenue A

Just a few minutes ago ...

The calm before the Irene

Photo by Bobby Williams...


Via YouTube: "Great East River surge to slam Anderson Cooper while drinking @ Bedlam"

The line that you were waiting to see at Trader Joe's

Well, we heard about the lines at Trader Joe's all day... now EV Grieve reader DC sends along the shot that shows just how stupid long that the line got this evening...

And from EV Grieve reader Joe... a shot of the line waiting for the wine store....

And another angle later from Lauren...

All hands on deck at dawn

Echo & the Bunnymen from 1983. Blindingly obvious in these circumstances. But a lovely track nonetheless.

Everyone is getting on the Hurricane Irene marketing wagon

"possibly hurricane-proof"?

EV Grieve reader faces spotted this on Avenue C at 14th Street.

In the Associated water aisle

A few minutes ago at the Associated on 14th Street near First Avenue. By Shawn Chittle.

And at the Food Emporium Union Square...

Via @mattlehrer — There's a fair amount of water left @ Food Emporium Union Square but fewer carts and baskets than shoppers.

Water! Water! GET HIM!

Unloading in front of the 99-cent store on First Avenue near Fifth Street. Good, now I won't have to boil my urine for drinking water.