Monday, December 12, 2011

Reminders tonight: CB3/SLA committee meeting; plus, several scratches

The CB3/SLA committee meets tonight at 6:30 ... there have been several changes since we looked at the original agenda.

As you can see from the updated docket, there are several scratches, such as Nevada Smith's bid to take over space at 100 Third Ave. and Nublu to return to Avenue C.

Also, we were curious about following item:

Alterations/Upgrades: Death & Co (Little Hands Playcafe Inc), 433 E 6th St (alt/op)

According to CB3 documents (PDF!), D&C is looking to change their hours of operation ... extend the closing time by one hour to 2 a.m. Sunday through Thursday; to 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.

The Bean opens today at the Crazy Landlord building

Third Street and Second Avenue. Featuring mosaic signs by Jim Power.

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Bean opens Monday on Second Avenue; mosaic signs going up now

The Bean will be the Crazy Landlord's new tenant on Second Avenue

Sao Mai now open on First Avenue

Quantum Leap closed on Nov. 17. Workers at the vegetarian restaurant on First Avenue near 12th Street had told regulars that their landlord hiked the rent.

And now, the restaurant that took over the space is open ... several readers noted that the Vietnamese eatery called Sao Mai opened Saturday...

[Via Gamelan]

...and Saturday night...

[via EV Grieve reader Marina Matatova]

We'll definitely try it soon... let us know if you eat here in the meantime...

Also on First Avenue: BaoBQ opens this week

On First Avenue between 13th Street and 14th Street... the latest from Michael "Bao" Huynh, which we pointed out in October...

As the sign shows, they're opening this week — as soon as they hire a few people...

A cover-up at St. Brigid's

Last week, workers wrapped a tarp around part of St. Brigid's as renovations heat up... On Friday, workers covered the rest of the church's front on Avenue B (at Eighth Street) ...

Penny Farthing sibling Linen Hall now open on Third Avenue

Here we are at the former Cosmic Cantina space on Third Avenue... The Penny Farthing owners have taken over the space... and it's open... CB3/SLA OK'd all this in November 2010, as Eater reported.

Don't know much about how this place is different from the Penny Farthing next door. (Never been to Penny Farthing.) Early word on Linen Hall: Neighborhoodr called it "very nice" and a "welcome addition to the hood."

Sunday, December 11, 2011

At the Tompkins Square Park tree lighting today

From Bobby Williams...

From ~ Joan ...

And Dave on 7th ...

Meanwhile, I just walked through the Park and the lights weren't on... odd...

Season's greetings from Washington Square Park

Last night... photo by Bobby Williams

Kabin is back open

The DOH temporarily closed Kabin on Second Avenue on Wednesday night... Via email, a reader said that they were back up and running Friday night...

The DOH website hasn't updated its records yet to show the latest inspection... Meanwhile, our friends at Neighborhoodr posted this photos of Kabin's sidewalk sign from yesterday...

4 holiday-related events that you can do today in the East Village

You can:

Attend the Tompkins Square Park tree lighting at 4

Shop at the "De-Flea Market" at Bar 82

Go to the The Neighborhood School’s Holiday Fair

• Visit the Christmas Bazaar at the Ukrainian Museum on East Sixth Street

Let me know what I'm forgetting in the comments... (What I'm forgetting about holiday-related events, that is...)

Tree Lighting this afternoon in Tompkins Square Park

The lights are on the tree...

The festivities get started at 4 ...

As The Villager reported this week, the Tompkins Square Park Neighborhood Coalition will dedicate the event to the memory of Kevin Dowd, a former vice president of the coalition who died March 8 after a battle with lung cancer.

It could have been a very different tree lighting this year... Hurricane Irene brought down a tree back in August that nearly took out the Park's Holiday Tree...

The morning after

[Outside the 13th Step]

[Vazac's Penistrated!]

Today at Bar 82

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, but it just seemed longer

Photos by Bobby Williams.

One down, 24,793 to go

[Dave on 7th]

Santa down this afternoon on Avenue B between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...

And how is your Saturday afternoon?

A little bit ago on Second Avenue at Ninth Street...

Thanks to A. Sasaki for the photos...

Cleanup today at 26 St. Mark's Place

This morning, crews were on the scene at 26 St. Mark's Place, where a fire broke out yesterday...

As DNAinfo reported, the fire started on a mattress in the third-floor apartment.

And from outside the building... the apparent culprit in the fire ... via @joshappelbaum ...

We hear that some residents are blaming a longtime tenant for the blaze.

Apartment fire in Stuy Town

Crazy Eddie passes these photos of an apartment fire at a 10-12 Stuyvesant Oval address ... no word yet on the extent of the blaze...

Someone has already thrown away a Christmas tree

On St. Mark's Place. Or is this left from last year? Also, we haven't forgotten about the whole Christmas in June/July/August/September nonsense business... We have a winner, who will be revealed at the appropriate moment.