Sunday, December 11, 2011

The morning after

[Outside the 13th Step]

[Vazac's Penistrated!]


Matt_les said...

Well, every year, I await with child like anticipation to see if Santa will outdo his miracle of the year before. And, every year, these annoying and charmless fucking miscreants empty their collective sack and leave even more vile gifts than last they visited by sleigh from Naussa Polepolisher or Bergenland. They need to trim the herd. Please, if you're gonna do this, at least be good looking, or funny, or maybe just be able to hold your liquour. New York needs her crime and drugs to briefly return---let's get back to Only The Brave.

Marty Wombacher said...

I was at Phebe's last night and they wouldn't let anyone from Santacon in. A great oasis from the Santa storm!

HippieChick said...

Oh, huzzah for Phoebe's! I love them for that alone...that, and the crabmeat-stuffed shrimp they used to have in the old days.