This was the scene on Fourth Avenue between East 12th Street and East 13th Street around 7:45 a.m. The streets along this corridor remain car-free until 1 p.m.
Then you are on your own.

If you missed today, then you can try again the next two Saturdays. Find more info here.
Mad Max: Fury Road image via
You aren't kidding about being on your own, haven't had a need to pass thru this until today and tho there are traffic agents at every intersection they aren't doing shit and even when you have the crosswalk light the bikers and runners weren't yielding... I've crossed it twice and there is a lot of douchbaggery going on... glad i'm not elderly, infirm or a kid.
First of all it just started this morning. My experience crossing 9th Street and Fourth Avenue at 8:30 was that there were police and there were a goodly number of young people in orange shirts directing traffic and yes, indeed, making bikers and runners stop. Oh grow up and accept things with an open spirit. Shut up Hook you sound like a grouch--nothing is ever going to suit you. You have no flexibility to accept any diversion from what you think is your entitlement.
My oh my another Anonymous Coward with his/her opinion... how droll. Guess I should have included that the two times I crossed were at 3rd @9:30am and Astor Plc @10:15am and there was zero orange shirted people and one cop I saw with a scooter was more engrossed with her cellphone.
Summer streets was fun until it became bloated & overcrowded with entitled douchebags [maybe you?] who think that crossing a street safely is an entitlement, heaven forbid their running or biking is interrupted for a second... its not a fucking marathon
Christ on a fucking crutch [and I rarely say that C word]
haha. I love how ShutUpHooker, who doesn't go by her real name in the comments, blasts anyone who dares offer a contrarian opinion or makes a meek dig at her. Classic troll!
What will she say about me???????? Can't wait! Let's provoke the troll!
Fuck all haters..bikers do not stop for pedestrians and it is way too dangerous for the infirmed and elderly who need more time to cross the street..Douche are united in hate and greed. Boo to you. I like Shut Up Hooker..keep rockin it.
I only pointed out a traffic issue and an ass hole felt the need to jump down my throat and I have always stood up to those bullies [the actual trolls] ... and yes you can't use your actual name here due to some crazies who will follow you through your Google+ account and act like the actual trolls they are.
At least I put some effort into it and don't remain Anonymouse.... takes seconds, try it yourself.
Anon 12:01 - Shutuphooker's legal name is "shutuphooker". Whether or not he/she/it/xenomorph is or is not a "chest-burster" is still unknown. Gonna go ask John Hurt what he thinks.
Millions of pedestrians jaywalk every work day and thousands of bikers run lights every day and rarely ever is there an accident, but go ahead and pretend this is is a problem.
LoL... Never ask John Hurt, only Ellen Ripley [Sigourney Weaver] because she doesn't take shit & kicks ASS.
The one and only time I encountered summer streets was the first or second year in happened. I literally felt like I was taking my life in my hands trying to cross 4th Ave at 12th street. There were no pedestrians to speak of. Only cyclists and they yielded to no one. It was worse than trying to cross the street in the middle of Critical Mass.
Everything Shutuphooker said sounds accurate.
Just came back from summer streets. There were plenty of cops and workers directing traffic everywhere. And there were fewer people and fewer Citibikes this year, maybe due to less
promotion while the news focuses on Pooper Union and Donald Trump. Went from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park in record time. Best summer streets ride in years.
I just woke up. This is all over, right?
Here's my suggestion for all whiny pedestrians: get a bike. Become part of the problem. That's what I did. You will save time getting to your destinations and you will feel more empowered.
This was a Bloomberg thing, to ensure that we are all entertained all the time!
While I support the idea of space for recreation, at this point I really take issue that it is Manhattan, where many people have "so much" and have recreation options. (Similar issue in the parks - so many corporate sponsored entertainment activities in Central Park, in Riverside, Battery Park etc that inevitably benefit wealthier people who live nearby or tourists)
It seems to me that Summer Streets should no longer take place in Manhattan - and instead be relocated to needier neighborhoods in Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.
I would also agree that there seem to be a growing number of bicycle "bullies" - and that impacts on the elderly and disabled who are just trying to cross the street.
Yesterday walking west towards Union SQ was not fun. The bikers tend to have this weird gleam in their eyes as they peddle their asses off right to and through you if you don't jump. Is this really a bike event or is it what a car free zone for everyone to enjoy for a few hours? If you are on the west side near the Hudson the bike lanes must be crossed by pedestrians leaving and arriving to the pard so there is no other option than crossing through bike traffic. There are signs in the bike lanes stating clearly to "yield to pedestrian" not one bike ever stops. I rented a city bike last summer in the EV and made my way around the lower part of the island and I can tell you I was the only person on a bike to ever stop for pedestrian.
Bikers don't try to fool yourself in believing that you are cool because you are not driving are car and somehow saving the world when your actions prove that others don't matter when you are trying to get your heart rate up.
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