Monday, July 22, 2024

East Village mainstay Katinka is closing after 45 years on 9th Street

Katinka, one of the most unique shops in the East Village, is closing at the end of August after 45 years in business. 

Jane Williams and Billy Lyles, partners in Katinka and in life, made the announcement yesterday on Instagram:
Thanks for your love and support for 45 iconic years! We will be closing at the end of August. We loved every moment spent with you all. Please come and purchase our treasures, which will be on sale in the coming weeks. 
The shop is open Tuesday through Sunday from 5-8 p.m.

The two opened their closet-sized shop in 1979 at 303 E. Ninth St. just east of Second Avenue... offering hand-made pieces — including shirts, vests, quilts and rugs — all made and imported from India. 

For the past 15-plus years, Williams has worked with the Lasksh Foundation, an NGO in Mangar Village, Haryana, India. She travels there twice a year, volunteering her design services and supplies to educate women in the village.

Here's a 2021 video about the shop and the couple by photographer-filmmaker Josh Charow ...


Anonymous said...

Back in the early 70s I worked at a now forgotten guitar shop called Eddie Lang’s on Stuyvesant St. Billy would stop by and jam with Eddie most days. what fun that was to be a part of. Sometimes they would invite me to play rhythm with them while they explored Sweet Georgia Brown. Wonderful times.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your work. You will be missed.

Ramon said...

I remember Eddie Lang’s - they were next to Kaminstein’s, no?

OlympiasEpiriot said...

Ooooh! I'm going to miss them! But, I wish them a long and happy retirement.

Anonymous said...

I will miss Billy and the shop so much! Irreplaceable. 9th street will never be the same.

Anonymous said...

Farewell, please don't forget about all of us and send postcards!

EVQP said...

Ohhhhh... I too will miss seeing Billy and Jane, but I echo wishing them a long and happy retirement!

(9th Street has changed RADICALLY in the 40 years I've lived on it... While there are some great relative newcomers, long live Source Unltd, Cobblestones, and Veselka, the three remaining long time mainstays on that block!)

Anonymous said...

Billy and Jane :) wonderful people as good as it gets - J

Karen said...

This is a loss!

Lola Sáenz said...

Billy and Jane, I wish them a fantastic retirement!

Honoria said...

I miss Dinosaur Hill