Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Updated: Tree down on Avenue A

We received reader reports this afternoon of a vehicle striking and knocking over a smallish tree on the west side of Avenue A near the M14 stop outside Village View between Fourth Street and Fifth Street. 

We gleaned the following info from two readers who came across the scene just after the collision around 4:30. A vehicle traveling north on A apparently made a U-turn, hitting the tree and speeding off in the southbound lane. The vehicle (we don't know what type) was likely partially struck by the falling tree as the driver left the scene. 

The tree fell across Avenue A and blocked nearly three-quarters of the roadway for about 10 minutes. The FDNY arrived and used a chainsaw to remove the remains from Avenue A and tossed the limbs over the fence along Village View. 

Thankfully, no one was injured. Let us know if you have more details about the collision.

Updated 8 p.m.

We have another reader report (and it was not such a smallish tree)...
Per an EVG reader:
A black pick-up, someone said a Honda Ridgeline, struck a parked car on the east side of Avenue A, floored it in reverse, shot across the avenue, and uprooted and snapped the tree in two. The truck bed tailgate flew open, throwing its contents against the fence at Village View. 

The driver sped off, turning left (east) on Fourth Street, thankfully sparing our beloved Key Food. Some bystanders took photos of the truck and showed the police. Don't know if anyone got the license plate number. The open back tailgate blocked it from my view.


Anonymous said...

And why were the remains tossed over the fence VV to deal with?

Anonymous said...

Terrible. The city needs to protect trees with guard rails or fencing. There are already far to few in our neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if a person had been standing there. Enough with careless, aggressive driving!

Sarah said...

Sigh. This was not a small tree and it offered a bit of shade at the bus stop there.

Anonymous said...

Is there somewhere to report this? We really don’t have that many trees left here.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. We just lost another tree from another selfish a-hole driver.

Anonymous said...

Avenue A needs to be buses, taxis and deliveries only

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a kook. Richie, cleanup on aisle 4.

Anonymous said...

Despicable! I hope there's security footage of the vehicle and the cops catch this person. They need to personally replace that tree.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Parks Dept. will install a new 6 month old sapling the size of a weed, like they always do in this part of town. That will last another week or two.

Anonymous said...

Yep! The city really think this hood is a wasteland. Don't even get me started on the filthy trash spilled on every street. Why aren't our tax dollars cleaning up our streets?

Anonymous said...

Maybe complain less and do more. You can help the Parks Department plant more trees.

Anonymous said...

Be proactive, request that a tree be palnted:

Cole 6th & B said...

Yes, that is how planting trees works. Fortunately they do grow