Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Painting it black on the TF in Tompkins Square Park

Here's a look at the multi-purpose courts (aka TF) in Tompkins Square Park after Day 2 of painting...
There are barrels of Acrylic Resurfacer 4200 around the perimeter as well...
This space along Avenue A and 10th Street has been a skating hotspot for decades and will reopen on Tuesday. The surface is looking a little slick at the moment. The asphalt was just getting broken in again after renovations from Oct. 16 to Dec. 1. Aside from new asphalt, Parks added benches, fountains and three basketball backstops.

The courts reopened without any markings — save for around the basketball area. 

As you may recall, the original reconstruction diagrams included a walking track marked by blue paint and painted lines for kickball. It's still unclear if the Parks Department will add those in the days ahead.

The space hadn't been redone since the early 1990s. And speaking of 1990...



concerned citizen said...

don't forget that our local schools use this area as their playground when they are in session. That's why there is a kickball court and walking track as the kids are not allowed to walk around the outer park fence perimeter and yes kids like to play kickball. I believe that the kids in school should have priorities over the skateboarders

noble neolani said...

this black field will become a skillet in the summer time, good work Parks Dept.

Anonymous said...

Tagged the day the gates reopen

DuchessofNYC said...

Why paint it?

Anonymous said...

They're putting down a few coats of acrylic emulsion coating which is designed for color-coating in-line skating pavement surfaces

Anonymous said...

The parks are the lungs of the City. All green spaces must be preserved.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts too. Not well thought out, if at all. Unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Do you know if there will be a secondary paint layer that is not black? See 8:48

Anonymous said...

Ah, that would make a little more sense. I do see some kids at lunch but…how would they even use the kickball if there are all the skateboarding pieces out all over? And skateboarders? I guess that’s why I didn’t understand. Not why we can’t occasionally get permits for sports on this field. You can only get basketball permits as far as I know, for the ave b courts only—as far as field permits go for Tompkins Sq.

concerned citizen said...

we are talking about the Dept that makes kids playgrounds out of shiny metal in complete sun over and over again

concerned citizen said...

I would be surprised if they allow ramps and rails in there when the renovation is completed. Personally I would love to remove the above ground swimming pool and build a kick ass skate pool instead

concerned citizen said...

this is funny as we are literally talking about a huge sheet of asphalt. I am surprised no one is complaining about Carlina cutting down the rainforest that should be here

Anonymous said...

On a related note, I just read that the park will be getting an in-ground pool. This is news to me. Has anyone else heard about this? Here's a link to the PIX11 story: