Showing posts with label Christo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christo. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

Concern grows for Christo, Tompkins Square Park’s iconic red-tailed hawk, missing for 2 weeks

Photo of Christo from the EVG archives

Concern is growing over the whereabouts of Christo, the male resident red-tailed hawk of Tompkins Square Park. 

According to Goggla, the photographer who has documented the hawks and other wildlife for the past 11-plus years, he has been MIA for the past two weeks. Her last photo of Christo came on Feb. 14, and he has not been spotted since. 

We posted a photo of a hawk in Tompkins on Feb. 21, mistaking it for Christo. In fact, it was a new male red-tailed hawk who had taken up residence here. 

Here's more via a post from Goggla:
I wasn't around the park very much the week of the 17th, but what ever happened took place some time between February 14 and 21. By the 22nd, Amelia was documented mating with another hawk, who was also working on the nest. As this is expected behavior for this time of year, I didn't notice right away that something was wrong. It was only after I checked some of my photos that I saw the hawk mating with Amelia was not Christo. 
I consulted with another hawk watcher and photographer who also had photos of the new hawk. Christo has dark eyes, brown stripes on his legs, and a particular belly band pattern. This other hawks has bright yellowish eyes (young), no markings on the legs, and a different belly band pattern. I tried to tell myself that maybe the sun made the eyes look different, but the legs of these two hawks are very different. 
There is a possibility that Christo is out there somewhere, but the fact that another hawk is mating with Amelia and working on their nest makes this unlikely.
In February 2020, Christo got caught in an airshaft on Seventh Street after chasing a pigeon. Thanks to some residents and Ranger Rob, he was rescued. 

We’re hoping for Christo's return, but with each passing day, it seems less likely.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Weekend parting shot

Steven spotted Christo, one of the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, taking off from St. Brigid's on Avenue B and Eighth Street early on Friday evening... 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Saturday's parting shots

Photos by Steven 

Christo, one of the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, surveys the downed tree on the corner of Seventh Street and Avenue A ... before catching dinner...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Christo, on the lawn with lunch to-go

From a little earlier today... right after Christo, the male red-tailed hawk of Tompkins Square Park, snatched something in a mid-air strike (pigeon?)... Steven spotted him right after on the lawn... as he looks to be pondering his next move...

Christo has more hunting to do with the extra mouths to feed now in the nest.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


A moment with Christo, the male red-tailed hawk of Tompkins Square Park, late this afternoon. Thanks to Steven for the photo...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ranger Rob comes to the rescue after Christo gets stuck between buildings on 7th Street

[Photo by Drew Heffron]

Last night, residents on Seventh Street between Avenue B and Avenue C noticed that a hawk was trapped in the airshaft between buildings on the block.

[Photo by Drew Heffron]

After a few emails that included Goggla, it was determined that this was Christo, the male resident red-tailed hawk of Tompkins Square Park. Christo was likely chasing a pigeon when he found himself unable to get back out. (His wingspan made it impossible to navigate the tight quarters.)

[Photo via @younglr]

After a few rescue attempts, one of the building's vigilant residents was able to track down Ranger Rob (aka Rob Mastrianni, a Manhattan Ranger supervisor). Turns out that Ranger Rob, who is also a musician, was performing at Caravan of Dreams on Sixth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

Ranger Rob arrived and had to figure out the best way to get to Christo (he also shared the photos below) ...

"It was a bit scary climbing into that space between the buildings," he told me. "Luckily someone let me in the basement and I climbed through a window."

And soon, Ranger Rob emerged with Christo...

"Christo was fierce, strong and had no signs of injury or sickness," said Ranger Rob, who brought Christo back to Tompkins Square Park. (Before releasing Christo, he spoke by phone with Bobby Horvath of the Long Island-based WINORR, the Wildlife In Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation, who helped him determine if the hawk was OK.)

Meanwhile, this morning, Steven saw Christo and Amelia — they are both doing well as mating season continues... these three photos are by Steven...

Friday, September 27, 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thursday's parting shot

In Tompkins Square Park, Christo, the male red-tailed hawk, busts a squirrel for being sneaky.

Photo by Steven.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday's parting shot

Christo on the lookout in Tompkins Square Park... photo by Steven...

Monday, June 24, 2019

Christo looks as if he wants to kill a mockingbird

From earlier today... when a mockingbird was hassling Christo, the adult male red-tailed hawk of Tompkins Square Park ...

Thanks to Steven for the photos!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday's parting shot

Christo on the hunt early this evening in Tompkins Square Park... photo by Steven

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Post notes that Christo 'has gone from sugar daddy to baby daddy'

The Post continues to keep tabs (like here and here) on that hunky red-tailed hawk Christo ... today's feature, on Page 3 in the paper, begins:

Tompkins Square Park’s biggest tail chaser has gone from sugar daddy to baby daddy.

The red-tailed Romeo named Christo — who was servicing three lady hawks at once — is now the proud father of at least two hatchlings with his second and most recent side chick, Amelia.

The eggs arrived on April 25 ... and Goggla got the first glimpse of one of the hawklets last week.

Here's a photo via Steven of one of the hawklets from early this week...

... and here's Christo dropping off some dinner...

Goggla has more photos here. And as she notes: "All seems well so far with this new hawk family."

Friday, May 25, 2018

A blue jay harasses Christo atop St. Brigid's

Multiple sources said that Christo the red-tailed hawk was taking a break from the egg-watching duties in the nest in Tompkins Square Park... when a pesky blue jay moved in for an unprovoked dive bomb atop St. Brigid's on Avenue B at Eighth Street... EVG correspondent Steven captured the attack...

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday's parting shot

Christo keeping cool in Tompkins Square Park today... photo by Bobby Williams...