Showing posts with label Gruber MacDougal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gruber MacDougal. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 29

Just in time for Easter... photo on Fourth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue today via Lora Ewing...

Saturday, March 10, 2018

March 10

EVG reader Erin spotted this wee tree today on Second Avenue and Third Street... doesn't look as if it takes up much room — why not keep it up year round...?

Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5

First Avenue and First Street today. The reader who shared the photo wasn't sure if the tree was discarded or just waiting for the M15.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Feb. 25

An EVG reader just spotted someone discarding this tree on Second Avenue between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place... the tree still looks plenty lively a mere two months after The Big Day.

Anyway, one of the first candidates for MulchFest 2019.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

So mulch for your tree: TreeCycling to happen Jan. 6-7

If you are one of those people who don't like to wait until October to toss your Christmas tree, then this info is for you.

The city is holding its annual MulchFest/TreeCycle on Jan. 6 and 7 (2018!) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tompkins Square Park is once again serving as a chipping location. Workers will chip your tree, and give you your very own bag of mulch for your protein pancakes.

The drop-off pen should be up in the Park for early discarding. Find more details here.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Oct. 16

EVG reader V.H. McKenzie spotted this Winter Wonderland just-needs-a-good-home (and some water) tree outside the neighborhood on Fifth Avenue and 12th Street tonight... still, it's noteworthy given how easily it would have been for someone to just keep this tree another two-plus months until Dec. 25.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

May 7

On this first Sunday in May, someone decided that it might be a good day to toss the Christmas/holiday tree ... and did so on Avenue A and Sixth Street so that we can all enjoy it for a little longer.

Thank you to EVG reader Eli for the photo.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Dec. 18

One week before Christmas is a good time to discard last year's tree (or, by the look of things, the tree from 2014)...

Bonus: The lights and stand are intact...

Avenue A and Fourth Street if you want to save your money from buying a fresh tree this season. This one is ready to go.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Nov. 12

Given that the Christmas/holiday tree stands will be arriving in about two weeks, it seems like a good idea to go ahead and toss last year's edition... which might be why EVG reader Riian Kant-McCormick spotted this fresh-looking pine beauty on Avenue A and Sixth Street today... easily setting a new tree-tossing record, for anyone keeping track of such important things.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Aug. 30

@DukeToddIsAlive spotted this lovely late last night/early this morning on Seventh Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square...

Given the possible record-setting status, a team was quickly mobilized to the area for further authentication and documentation purposes... but they weren't in time...

Until this matter is settled, we're asking the city not to accept any more deliveries to the Sims Municipal Recycling Facility in Brooklyn until November. So just don't throw anything away for awhile. Thanks!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Aug. 7

An EVG reader shared this photo from today on Seventh Street... the reader said that he woke up to "what sounds like someone struggling to pull a bag of trash down the stairs" in the apartment building. Turns out someone simply decided that it was time to discard the holiday tree...though falling short of the tree-tossing record by several weeks.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Aug. 3

Someone obviously attempted to steal the thunder away from National Watermelon Day today by discarding a pretty sweet fake holiday tree on East 12th Street near Second Avenue...

Photo via Mary on East 12th Street

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Happy holidays, and watch out for the sinkhole

Someone has combined creating a sinkhole warning with offering holiday wishes on Third Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue...

Thanks to the ever-vigilant @salim for the photo!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14

EVG reader Susan spotted this tonight on East Fifth Street... we aren't disclosing the cross Avenues because we are heading over now to claim it for ourselves — plenty of green left on it for December!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Beloved Chinook RV still transporting precious holiday tree cargo

[Back in March via Andréa Stella]

Back in March, we noted the above holiday-tree-carrying Chinook RV here along East 14th Street near Avenue A.

Fast-forward to today, when a special EVG correspondent spotted the Chinook on the road (Avenue B and Third Street) ... still with the [much deader] tree on top...

Per the EVG special correspondent: "Note that the tree is tied on firmly with red cord — as if it’s really important or something?"

Is that a question?

Monday, May 2, 2016

A wet Christmas forecast

As these photos suggest, late April is a popular time to discard the ol' Christmas/holiday tree... on city sidewalks... and in waterways...

EVG reader Carol spotted this scene yesterday at Stuyvesant Cove. As she notes, "judging by the buoyancy and needle mass, I'd guess it went in recently." Indeed.

Friday, April 29, 2016

[Updated] April 29

Spotted near the 9th Precinct on East Fifth Street this evening.

Despite the lack of a newspaper to vouch for the date, we spotted Officer Tubbs leaving the station house... and he verified the sighting...


Further proof comes via EVG reader Carol Puttre, who also spotted the tree...


All of this is moot... because we spotted this one today on East Fourth Street near Second Avenue...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

A reader spotted this today on Avenue C and East Second Street... While it seems a little cruel and careless to toss a tree like this, it also gives us a good idea for our next tree stand...

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Have tree - will travel (next stop, Christmas Town?)

EVG reader Andréa Stella spotted this strapped atop a Chinook RV here along East 14th Street near Avenue A...technically not a discarded holiday tree given that it's still atop a Chinook RV (hey, I didn't create the rules — just interpreting them)...

If this helps...

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14 (and March 13)

Yesterday morning, we noted the mound of trash that erupted on St. Mark's Place near Third Avenue.

We were so busy focusing on the two basketballs and partially thawed frozen waffles in the trash ... we somehow missed the holiday tree tossed in with everything else...

Since then, several readers have noted the tree...

By late this afternoon, the tree was alleged to be drunk...

[Photo by Derek Berg]