Twister has closed on Second Avenue near East Seventh Street. Which may not be too much of a surprise given that we never ever ever saw one person inside the place other than employees. (Somewhere we have a photo of an employee sitting by the front window playing a game on his smartphone ... next to a Help Wanted banner.)
The family owned and operated self-serve frozen yogurt shop opened back in August.
On this subject matter, several readers have noted that Twist on Avenue A appears to be dead. (What is the difference between Twist and Twister? Please don't answer.)
Still! Despite closures like this, the froyo craze doesn't show signs of ever slowing down... Red Mango opened earlier this year on Second Avenue... and then there's Funkiberry coming to Third Avenue. Per their website: "Funkiberry is the land of endless yogurt possibilities, where you rule the portions, the choices and the scene."