Showing posts with label red-taild hawks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red-taild hawks. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Equal time

Photo by Jose Garcia 

After yesterday's photos of the Tompkins Square opossum... here's Christo, the resident male red-tailed hawk in the park, looking as majestic as ever today.

Goggla recently had some updates on Christo and Amelia's nestorations in Tompkins Square Park. Check out the post here.

Friday, July 21, 2023

When a young red-tailed hawk gets stuck in the airshaft outside your kitchen window

This morning, Kim, who lives on 10th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B, discovered that one of the juvenile red-tailed hawks from Tompkins Square Park was stuck in the airshaft of her building... just outside her kitchen. 

Oh hi.
The hawk appeared to be OK... just a little unsure how to get back out. 

With the assistance of her friend (and EVG correspondent) Steven, Kim contacted Ranger Rob — aka Rob Mastrianni, a Manhattan Ranger supervisor. 

Rob quickly captured (not his first airshaft rescue!) the young hawk, one of Amelia and Christo's 2023 offspring.
After examining the hawk and determining that it was not injured, Rob released the fledgling back into the park... where it likely met up with his two siblings.


And a little later... (photo by Steven)...

Sunday, June 25, 2023

It takes 2

Photos by Steven 

Here are two of red-tailed hawk siblings at rest in Tompkins Square Park... enjoying the moment seemingly hiding amid the brush with parents Amelia and Christo keeping an eye from a distance ...
Hawkarazzi, busted...
Later, testing out the wings...
... and exploring...
Goggla has new photos of the three red-tailed hawk fledglings here.