Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Max Fish says farewell to 120 Orchard St.; new outpost planned

As expected, Max Fish has closed its location at 120 Orchard St. between Rivington and Delancey. 

The bar had not been open since July, and rumors circulated that this was it. In October, reps for the company that runs Grey Lady and Short Stories appeared before CB3 for a new liquor license for the space, as BoweryBoogie previously reported

Yesterday, Max Fish posted the official closing announcement on Instagram, though they vow to return again one day:
This is not the end of Max Fish by any means. In the meantime while we look for a new location we will be working on our webstore, collaborations, and participating in pop up events. We look forward to seeing you at our new location in better times! 
Thank you all for your love and support. We’d also like to shout out bar and service family and friends throughout the city, best wishes to everyone, please stay safe. These have been hard times for all of us. Hopefully we’ll see all of you sooner than later! 

From The Max Fish Family

This was the second iteration of Max Fish, the second on the Lower East Side. The bar opened here in August 2014... this after 24 years at 178 Ludlow St. 

Higher rents caused them to move out to Williamsburg after the Ludlow Street original closed in July 2013. However, those plans for a bar in Brooklyn never materialized. 

So here's to Max Fish 3.0.

Previously on EV Grieve:

A Thanksgiving without Odessa

This is the first time in nearly 13 years of EVG history where we haven't hyped up the Thanksgiving special at Odessa five or 10 times by this date in November. (Please see the link farm at the end of the post.)

As you know, the diner, dating to the mid-1960s here on Avenue A between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place, closed in July. Longtime manager Dennis Vassilatos said that Odessa was shutting down after a prolonged slump in business due to COVID-19.

Closer to the last day, however, co-owner Steve Helios told Gothamist that Odessa was only closing temporarily, that the space would be renovated. (The building's landlord is Odessa partner Mike Skulikidis.)

To date, four months later, no work has been done on the space... here's a look inside this week...
As for Thanksgiving... through the years they stuck with a winning offering — glass of wine, cup of cream of turkey soup, etc. And pricing — and signage! — for the Complete Dinner remained unchanged since 2014, when management bumped the meal from $15.95 to $18.95.
We are thankful for all the meals that we enjoyed at Odessa through the years. Perhaps we'll see another Odessa bounty next year.

Tree Riders pulling onto 2nd Avenue

The Tree Riders are prepping their holiday home outside St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery here on Second Avenue between 10th Street and 11th Street... they'll be starting their 10th season selling Christmas trees and wreaths, etc., at this spot starting on Friday. 

Updated 8:30 a.m. 

The tree stand — aka Greg's — is now up along Houston at Essex/Norfolk too...

Greenwich Marketplace coming to this 4th Avenue storefront

Signage is up on the northwest corner of Fourth Avenue and 12th Street for Greenwich Marketplace (thanks Doug for the photos!)...
Based on that banner, it looks to be a deli with sandwiches, smoothies, salads... and cheesecake. 

The previous tenant, the PokéSpot, officially closed this past summer after four years. Before that, we had a Subway (sandwich shop) here.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tuesday's parting shot

A view from Astor Place late this afternoon via Vinny & O...

A break in at B&H Dairy

There was another setback late last night in an already challenging year for B&H Dairy

Someone smashed a hole in the front door and broke into the 82-year-old lunch counter around 3 a.m. at 127 Second Ave. between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place. 

The thief (or thieves) made off with the cash drawer

Owners Ola and Fawzy Abdelwahed outlined their struggles here at the end of the summer. They're currently relying on pick ups and delivery ... as well as a few outdoor seats ... to stay in business during the pandemic. 

They had to cover paying employees, rent, utilities, and buying food for the restaurant on only 10 percent of their previous income. 

On May 30 someone smashed in their front window during a spate of vandalism along Second Avenue. 

B&H was able to open today at 11:30 after the police made a report...
Thanks to Steven for the photos!

With gas shut off, Tompkins Square Bagels owner wonders why the city isn't helping small businesses during pandemic

On Nov. 13, we told you that ConEd shut off the gas at the Avenue A location of Tompkins Square Bagels. 

At the time, a carbon monoxide sensor went off related to the storefront's hot water heater. Workers discovered a hole in the flue that brings in replacement air. Because of the hole, replacement air wasn't getting into the basement, thus the high carbon monoxide reading, owner Christopher Pugliese said. 

Regardless of the find and fix, ConEd still turned off the gas to the storefront at 165 Avenue A between 10th Street and 11th Street.

To keep the popular shop running, Pugliese, who helped feed the homeless and essential front-line workers during the pandemic's worst days in the springspent $7,000 to buy three electric grills and have three 220-volt power lines installed so his team could cook.

Pugliese provided an update. 

It has been an incredible struggle to keep the doors open at the Avenue A location. We are basically working around the clock at [the Second Avenue location] to feed Avenue A. My staff, guys who have been fighting and pushing with me since April, are absolutely shot. 

The cost of running an entire store on electricity as opposed to gas is also extremely costly.  I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up. At the same time, I have 15 full-timers and 10 part-timers who depend on their jobs to feed their families, pay rent or get through school. 

There is no end in sight and this is all extremely frustrating especially since the original issue was not gas related. Somehow, I've still had to file permits with the DOB, amendments with the DOB, and apply for gas with ConEd as if I were a brand new operation. I've heard stories of similar issues from other shop owners who waited months or even a year to have their gas restored. 

It makes no sense and seems incredibly unjust. Small businesses who have already jumped through the hoops and paid filing fees shouldn't be forced to start from scratch when a gas issue arises. Further, I believe we should be given some sort of expedited preference as our livelihood, and the livelihood of our employees depend on keeping the doors open.  

Pugliese is hopeful that a local elected official or community group will help advocate for small businesses like Tompkins Square Bagels and others in similar situations. (Pangea on Second Avenue is said to also be having gas issues with ConEd.) 
At the very least, in their own self-interest, the city should be wise enough to help the few small businesses left who are still creating jobs, paying sales, state and other taxes, and keeping neighborhoods vibrant and alive. It almost seems like they don't want us around and I just don't get any of it.

I'm hoping someone out there with enough power might be interested ... to help us, and make it so others don't have to go through the same ordeal. I know I'm one of the lucky ones. Many were not able to recover and lost their businesses. It has to stop.  

A good hair day: Investors pitch in to save Astor Place Hairstylists from closure

A group of wealthy investors has come together to save the Astor Place Hairstylists. The nearly 75-year-old NYC institution was set to close this week after business dropped by 90 percent during the pandemic.

However, as the Post reports, enough money has been raised to keep the subterranean barber shop "open for at least another 75 years."

Financier Jonathan Trichter and a group that includes Mike Bloomberg adviser and former Hillary Clinton aide Howard Wolfson, pollster Jefrey Pollock and gaming mogul Jeff Gural put in the money to keep the business afloat. (PIX 11 reported that the current owners are leaving; that "some of the new owners are clients, as well, keeping things in the family.")

Trichter said that he has been a customer since 1983. Gural owns the building at Astor Place and Broadway, and waived the rent for the time being. 
Gural told the Post that both Trichter and Mayor de Blasio separately reached out to him to see if he could help stop the store’s shut-down — and it was a no-brainer for him.

"Nobody wanted to see it closed," Gural said. “They’ve been a great tenant." 

Today is the last greenmarket at Astor Place this season

The Astor Place Greenmarket wraps up its inaugural year today...  the market, done in conjunction between GrowNYC and the Village Alliance, arrived back in August on the south plaza at Astor Place (Eighth Street-Lafayette).

The hours today: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

By all accounts, people seemed to like this greenmarket, especially among the residents who miss the greenmarket at St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery. That 26-year-old market did not return after the 2016 season. 

Photo from August by Steven 

It's virtual gala time for the Cooper Square Committee

Cooper Square Committee, the 60-year-old neighborhood organization advocating for tenants and a stable, healthy local community, is hosting its annual fundraiser on Dec. 4.

Like many organizations, there's a budget shortfall this year ... along with a greater demand to help tenants, seniors and small-business owners who are struggling with rents and other issues during the pandemic.

The Virtual Gala is Friday, Dec. 4 from 7-8 p.m. Tickets are $10. Find the info at this link

If you can't make the event, then you can also make a donation here.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Reader reports: Package theft season is upon us

We're hearing from several readers about a rash of package thefts of late — even with more people working from home and being there for a delivery.

For instance, someone placed the above flyers along Avenue B showing a video-surveillance pic of an alleged thief residents say is "looting delivery packages" at several EV buildings.

One reader shares the text of a flyer from a building along Seventh Street: 

I had 2 Amazon boxes opened and contents stolen yesterday. (In fact, all boxes in the lobby were opened, some with unwanted contents left on top of the boxes.)

My Amazon delivery notice stated, "Your package was delivered. It was handed directly to a resident." (Never seen that on a delivery notice.) That "resident" was not me. I never even spoke to Amazon.
So either we have a thief in the building or, more likely, some fool buzzed in someone they did not know, who stole our stuff.

Whoever stole the contents of these packages opened them in the lobby. Did no one hear?
Please watch out for your neighbors. If you are feeling particularly kind, consider dropping the package at their door on the way up to your apt.

Otherwise, only buzz in people you know. 

Groups petition city officials to protect NYC's community gardens

On Nov. 18, the New York City Community Garden Coalition, environmental law organization Earthjustice, and 52 allied groups submitted "From the Ground Up: A Petition to Protect New York City’s Community Gardens," which urges New York City government agencies to provide greater legal protections to community gardens, including the several dozen in the East Village.  

Here's more about the campaign via the EVG inbox...

To preserve and protect community gardens, Petitioners are requesting that New York City agencies designate City-owned community gardens as Critical Environmental Areas (CEAs) under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). Currently, there is only one CEA in New York City: Jamaica Bay in Queens.

CEA designation will help to ensure that projects and activities likely to affect community gardens are subject to consistent and rigorous environmental review that accounts for their exceptional characteristics and provides ample opportunities for public participation. CEA designation of community gardens represents a significant step toward recognizing and preserving community gardens as critical parts of the City's landscape.  
Equally important, by designating gardens as CEAs, the City would acknowledge community gardeners as stewards of sustainability and resilience and ensure that they have a meaningful — and necessary — voice in any future decision-making processes that could affect community gardens. 

The Petition makes the following three legal requests:
  • First, City agencies with jurisdiction over 40 community gardens identified in the Petition designate those City-owned gardens as CEAs under SEQRA within six months following the submission of the Petition, or by May 18, 2021;
  • Second, Within 12 months following the submission of the Petition, or by Nov. 18, 2021, the Department of Parks and Recreation's GreenThumb Program conduct an assessment of all remaining community gardens on City-owned land and confirm, in consultation with community gardeners, that these gardens meet the regulatory criteria for CEA designation; and
  • Third, Within 12 months following the submission of the Petition, or by Nov. 18, 2021, City agencies designate as CEAs all gardens within their respective jurisdictions that meet the regulatory criteria for CEA designation, based on GreenThumb's assessment, in consultation and coordination with community gardeners.

Last year, community gardens on city-owned land were in danger of closing or relocating due to the ongoing dispute over the licensing agreement from the department's GreenThumb program.

Photo from the Sixth Street and Avenue B Community Garden