Friday, May 22, 2009

Posts that I never got around to posting: Sign graffiti

Posts that I never got around to posting: Headshot special

On Third Avenue near 13th Street.

Posts that I never got around to posting: This truck on 12th Street

Posts that I never got around to posting: Just another night on the Bowery

Post that I never got around to posting: This photo of Lady GaGa

Via The Superficial

Posts that I never got around to posting: Con Ed working on First Avenue

Posts that I never got around to posting: This panini

Always seemingly advertised at the Marco Polo Cafe on St. Mark's Place. Not as bad as it sounds?

Posts that I never got around to posting: Eyeglasses are great for reading too!

On 10th Street and First Avenue.

Posts that I never got around to posting: Two photos taken on Orchard Street a few moments apart

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Swatching Chico on Houston and Avenue B

Back in mid-April, we mentioned the space on Houston and Avenue B that was earmarked for Chico...

Well, Chico and company (Tats Cru?) are currently putting up a new mural.... which looks like a Swatch ad...

We'll walk by later for a progress report...when it's a little less congested.

A new label for McSorley's

Drew Friedman designs the new label for McSorley's. He says he will be paid with beer. (Via BoingBoing)

Critters on the loose in Manhattan! (NOT on the menu at Serge today: Possum)

While walking to a dumb lunch appointment today up in Midtown ... I saw five police cars parked along Madison Avenue in the 30s. Several police officers and passers-by were staring at the trellis next to the door at the French eatery Serge.

A makeshift barrier was set up outside the restaurant, which was not yet open.

Uh, so why are we all standing here looking at the trellis? A building maintenance man and bicycle messenger said in unison, "Possum!" Well, sure enough, a possum was hovering in the corner....looking pretty menacing...

So we all stood around like a bunch of dopes while the police officers figured out the best method of humanely trapping the possum. That left people time to theorize. "How do you think he got here?" Well, said one man, "I've seen possum in the Bronx." Another man chimed in, "I bet he took the subway!"

Yeah, OK....the police eventually got a little cranky with so many people — now maybe 40 strong? — milling about.

Back up, people!

We did. People new to the crowd said things like, "What is it, a gas leak?" Tourists took photos.

A few minutes later, an officer approached the possum with an apple-picker-looking thing. The possum was placed inside a plastic trash can and carted off... We didn't hear where the possum was being taken. People stood around for a few more moments, seemingly disappointed to see the free entertainment come to a conclusion.

[Oops...Thanks to the's an opossum in the Western Hemisphere...Apologies...]