Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What's new at the Stuyvesant Polyclinic?: Well, it's better than Lenny Kravitz

The Stuyvesant Polyclinic on Second Avenue between St. Mark's and Ninth Street has a new tenant...

As Crain's reports:

British consulting firm ?What If! has signed a 10-year lease for all of 137 Second Ave., a landmarked three-story building constructed in 1884 to provide medical care to German immigrants.

?What If!, which specializes in business growth strategies, will use the 14,100-square-foot property, between St. Mark’s Place and Ninth Street, as its U.S. headquarters. It plans to move from the 5,000 square feet it rents at 62 White St. by the end of October. Terms of the deal weren’t disclosed.

The ornate facade of the red brick and terra cotta building trumpets its original function, with busts of Hippocrates and other scientific pioneers. 137 Second Ave. has been home to a series of medical facilities, the last of which closed in 2005. Redevelopment plans, including one to turn it into apartments, faltered over the years because of objections by the community and the Landmarks Preservation Commission.

Two investment firms, 135 Second and Lower East Side Equities, bought the building last year, thinking its prominent East Village location would attract retail tenants. After some deals fell through, the owners were introduced to Nina Powell, a managing partner at ?What If!

Ms. Powell, who calls the building “phenomenal,” especially liked the high ceilings, eight-foot-wide wrought-iron staircase and great natural light. During renovations, the firm discovered such details as skylights that had been blocked by dropped ceilings and stained-glass windows that were covered by walls.

The offices, Ms. Powell said, will create an environment in which employees can come up with good campaigns for ?What If! clients, which include Nike and HSBC. “Gray spaces produce gray ideas,” she adds.

As Jeremiah had reported in April: "The broker's listing hoped a rock star like Lenny Kravitz would buy the building for $13 million and install an 'indoor/outdoor saltwater swimming pool exiting to your gigantic organic garden' along with other whimsies."

[Villager file photo]


Anne Betts was sassy and confident strolling down New York's Fifth Avenue in her strappy, 5-inch platform heels. Until, that is, she stepped off a curb and fell to the ground.

"I felt it immediately," says the New York ad-sales manager, referring to the pain that shot up from her just-sprained ankle. Although her doctor admonished her to give up the skyscraper shoes and imposed a 3-inch-heel maximum, Ms. Betts admits she can't resist the allure of tall shoes. "I love to dance in them," she says. While standing still, she notes, "they improve your posture."

Not so long ago, high heels were defined as 3 or 4 inches -- a footnote to give a little height and a more appealing silhouette to the wearer. But this fall, shoes have been supersized with the proliferation of 5-, 6- and even 7-inch heels and platforms.



Over at Gawker today, intern Roger West photographed New York streets today, juxtaposing them against photos from 50 years ago.

Fucked Up to play a 12-hour show on the Bowery today

Brooklyn Vegan has all the details. The show, highlighting the release of the band's "The Chemistry of Common Life" record, starts at 2 at the Rogan store at the corner of Bowery and Bond. Anyway, hope the gang saves some gas for the Bowery Ballroom show tomorrow night.

No shots in front of George for tourists on Monday afternoon

While it doesn't have the historical significance of Carrie Bradshaw's stoop, the George Washington statue in front of Federal Hall on Wall Street is a busy tourist destination. These photos I borrowed from random strangers on Flickr show just this...(and bonus points for tourists who strike the Washington post with a hand outstretched...)

Anyway! Bad news for tourists on Monday! Why? Because several media outlets hogged up the space for aerial shots of Wall Street.

So tourists had to make do with other photo opps for the afternoon...like the dumpster alongside Federal Hall. (And why would anyone take this shot of a dumpster...?)

Mysterious wooden structure appears on Nassau Street

Near Fulton in the Financial District.

Things that EV Grieve lets bother him

Been plenty of discussion already about Bowery St and the Cemusa shelters. But would it have killed Cemusa to add the "th" after the street name or an "rd"? You know, 11th Street, 14th Street, 3rd Avenue.

Easiest movie poster in the world to deface is defaced

C'mon, someone can do better than this. On Third Avenue near 12th Street.

Monday, October 13, 2008

On this date in 1982...

The Clash opened for the Who at Shea Stadium. (The "Should I Stay Or Should I Go?" video, of course, has footage from that show and shots of NYC...)

Anyway, here's the first part of a Who documentary that chronicles the Shea show...

For the bird


From Page Six Magazine this week:

Courtney Love is searching for an East Village walk-up so she can live like writer Edith Wharton. The only problem? Friends like Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson have tried to talk the messy rock icon out of moving anywhere without a doorman — but Courtney isn't taking them seriously, telling friends, "They're just being goddesses, and I'm a normal woman."

(Also, in the same column...read about BFFs Sarah Palin and Ivana Trump. At your own peril.)

At Mary Help of Christians yesterday morning

Two things.

1) I thought that the Mary Help of Christians Church on East 12th Street closed in May 2007. As the photo below shows, it's very much open. Pay a visit while you can.

2) I expected to find a few more people in the church. You know, given these difficult economic times, people looking for comfort in their faith, etc. ... Anyway, this was the scene yesterday morning for the English-language mass at 10. Not a problem finding a seat.

East Village playground in contract for $10M (The Real Deal)

For rent and coming soon on Third Avenue

Now that's a new "store for rent" sign up at the former Grace & Hope Mission at 114-116 Third Ave. So does this mean the Mitchell Banchik (Jake's Dilemma, Down The Hatch, etc.) frat bar is off for this space?

Meanwhile, the old Tina Chinese restaurant next door gets a new sign...(And the Robin Raj corner is still on the block.)

And across the street between 13th and 12th...What was this place before? Some Japanese hipster boutique? I can't really remember. Anyway, it's now going to be a Japanese anitiques store.

Dumpster of the day (or night)

East Fifth Street near Avenue B.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

El Muchacho in Tompkins Square Park

I love the dragstrip boogie of El Muchacho, one of the many great bands who played today during the Tompkins Square Harvest Rebellion today. (Sorry that I didn't get shots of some of the other bands...However, Rhea Ball has 65 excellent shots from the afternoon on her Flickr page.)

Anyway, thanks to the Shadow for the good times. Check out their site for more upcoming events.

And here's 35 seconds of El Muchacho:

[Photos by Mrs. Grieve]

Reminder: The Harvest Rebellion today

From The Shadow:


Join us for free shows in New York City's Tompkins Square Park, featuring great music, political speakers, information and lots of surprises!!

These shows celebrate the vitality of the counter cultural scene that has survived on the Lower East Side, despite the rampant gentrification, soaring rents and lost venues that have contributed to the cultural genocide sweeping New York City.

> October 12: THE SHADOW Presents: David Peel, Rubber Room Rats, The Pigs, El Muchacho, Endangered Feces, Fisherman Vibraphonic Orchestra, Iconicide

Come aboard, we're expecting you (well, not really...)

Andy Warhol appeared on the 200th episode of The Love Boat, which aired Oct. 12, 1985.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week in Review: Bikini and underwear edition (with half-hearted apologies)

In dire times like these...

Wall Street on Monday (via Getty Images)

Jimmy Choo photo shoot on Fifth Avenue. Because no one would buy the shoes if she was wearing a dress or pants or something...? (Via Drunken Stepfather -- NSFW)

Amazin' Jane's Flickr page includes these shots...As AJ explains:
Tourists got an eyeful as they filmed the ridiculous reality show Make Me a Supermodel today at Fulton Ferry Landing. It was quite entertaining as they hoisted scantily clad models into the air by crane - inside a plexiglass cube. [Via Gothamist]

The Post does its best to cheer you up today

An abrupt change of tone from Tuesday's cover.

Nothing is forever in New York...

The Times has a piece today about people who have scattered their family members' ashes at Yankee Stadium and Shea Sadium. Given the fate of those ballparks...

When the two stadiums are being razed in the coming months, demolition crews will be working where Reggie and Mookie once played. But the ashes, apparently, will stay where they were scattered. And that means that relatives who believed they were giving their loved ones a resting place have had to accept that in New York, the quintessential tear-down-and-build-again city, nothing is forever.